Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 342 Rumors that are no longer the same

A blue baby beast is mixed into the sad painting style. It is full of vitality and invincible sadness. The fusion is quite weird. It shouts words that are meaningless at this time, but it really does something. Effect.

There is a kind of person that you cannot dislike no matter what, and you are even willing to stay around or get close to them.

The sadness that welled up in my heart at the news of the death was indeed weakened by the companions beside me...

Therefore, of course, at this moment, no matter where you look left or right, forward or back, wherever your eyes fall, it will not be empty. There will always be a familiar and important person standing there.

Kai's performance and words on the stage left the four people present in a state of silence.

Kai, have the muscles in your head grown again? The first person to get out of the cold situation was Obito's merciless slander.

Hearing this, Akai looked away from Kakashi's red eyes, showed his white teeth to Obito, and extended a thumb.

I almost thought it was a middle finger, but it was indeed a thumb. What I said just now didn't mean any praise, right?

Obito looked at Kai in confusion and said, Do you know that I am scolding you?

This time, Akai blinked one eye, and his teeth seemed to suddenly become brighter.

... Obito was stunned by this wave of attacks.

Idiot. Kakashi raised his arm and wiped his eyes vigorously, then took Lin's hand and put it down. The latter's face was slightly red.

gone back.

Kakashi turned around quickly, passed Obito and Rin, and walked quickly towards home.

From an angle that they couldn't see, Kakashi's red eyes were flowing with light as sharp as a knife. At this moment, this look was aimed at Ye Zi, and it was also the capital to fight against Ye Zi in the future.

When you are defenseless and face a lion, it doesn't matter whether you are weak or strong. First of all, you must have such a look in your eyes.

The father who was extremely powerful in his mind fell to Ye Zizhi's sword. In other words...if you want to take revenge, you must have power beyond your father.

Ye Zi!

Kakashi suddenly quickened his pace.

Watching Kakashi leave, Obito and Rin looked at each other, said goodbye to Kai and Kushina, and then caught up with Kakashi.

No matter what Kakashi wants to do now, the two of them just want to be by Kakashi's side.

After Class 7 left, Akai silently wiped away the traces of tears streaming down his face. His expression looked calm, which was quite different from his usual passionate appearance. He slowly clenched his bandaged fists hard.

Teacher Kushina, why did Teacher Ye Zi become like this?

Kushina raised her head slightly, looked at the sky, and said in despair: I also want to know the answer to this question, but I know very well that this will be a question that will never be answered.

How can we know everything about Ye Zi?

Akai bit his lip hard and said in a deep voice: If I have to face Teacher Ye Zi one day, I don't know...if I can swing my fist without hesitation.

Even now, you are still willing to call him Teacher Ye Zi. Kushina said

Well, because I am lucky to meet Teacher Ye Zi.

Akai nodded vigorously and subconsciously reached for the khaki wallet he had been carrying casually. His tone suddenly became a little low and he said, There is something I want to accomplish, and I will never have another chance.

Akai, avoid him. Kushina looked at Akai with a serious tone. Although she didn't know what Akai wanted to accomplish, as long as she had this thought in her heart, it would become an obstacle in the future. .

She could understand that this kind of indecision would be very uncomfortable.

Akai was silent for a moment. If he wanted to be Teacher Ye Zi's enemy one day, even if he imagined it, he didn't know whether he could swing his fist. He shook his head, showed his usual smile, and danced his fist vigorously. He said loudly: Youth is about having the courage to face any difficulties.

He doesn't want to waste time thinking about things he doesn't know clearly and doesn't know. He will know this kind of thing when it's time to face it. No matter what choice he will make then, he will not regret it.

Because...that's the choice you made.

Kushina-sensei, I'm going to train! Following Kushina's greeting, Akai somersaulted forward, put his hands on the ground, and flew towards the training ground, leaving behind The next piece of flying dust and smoke.

Seeing Akai's back disappear from sight, Kushina smiled slightly.

Kai, it is a blessing for Ye Zi to meet you.

If it were you, you might be able to make the right choice, but if it were me...


Toad, who was in charge of liaison, arrived at Myoboku Mountain and informed Minato and Jiraiya. He gave a brief description, which made Minato and Jiraiya's expressions change.

The matter of practicing immortality can only be put on hold temporarily.

Fukasaku didn't have any objections to this, so he asked the two of them to return to Konoha directly using reverse psychic techniques.

The strike mission failed, resulting in heavy casualties, including the powerful Sakumo.

If someone told Minato and Jiraiya that it was just a joke, they would be willing to believe it.

After returning to Konoha, the two returned to the Hokage's office building, where the Sandai and Tsunade were both in the office.

Regarding Ye Zi, regarding the follow-up... there will eventually be a conclusion.

A few days later, Ye Cang came to Konoha in a dusty state, accompanied by several Suna ninjas.

They failed to pursue Ye Zi, so they returned to Konoha, several days behind Konoha's team.

During this time, the failure of this large-scale mission gradually spread throughout the Konoha Village.

Among those who cannot come back, many are quite famous, especially Konoha White Fang Sakumo, who is even higher than the Konoha Sannin. However, White Fang, whose strength is linked to fame, leads the team to perform tasks Failed and sacrificed.

How did you die? The rumors that spread were aimed at Ye Zi, who had disappeared for a long time.

The malicious rumors of cannibalism have long been annihilated in the quiet time, and now, after this failed mission, Ye Zi, who can no longer be reduced to a talking point, is once again a talking point, coming from the mouths of Konoha residents.

The hero of Konoha died and was killed by Ye Zi. What arose from this was the hostility towards Ye Zi.

The person who most people once wanted to disappear from Konoha as soon as possible has now become an existence that harms Konoha's interests, so even if there are previous achievements that cannot be ignored, they should be erased.

This kind of idea based on a purely personal perspective is very easy and not difficult. For example, right now, they feel that Ye Zi has not made a big contribution to Konoha at all. Even if he has, it is just that, compared to Sakumo's contribution, One sky and one earth.

Hatake Sakumo, who made great contributions to Konoha, and the Jonin who died in this mission, all made great contributions to Konoha, so they should have a grand funeral.

At this funeral, except for the ANBU who stayed at their posts, basically every ninja was present. There were even many residents holding flowers standing outside the cemetery.

The achievements that cannot be denied will be crowned with the most solemn blessings after death.

Sakumo who was the White Fang of Konoha was, so was every jounin who died, and so was Ye Zi, who was listed as a traitor.

However, Ye Zi's burial mound, where a deserted funeral was once held, has now become flat ground with weeds on it, surrounded by crowded tombstones, but it is empty.

Even if a spot becomes scarce, no one will take that spot.

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