Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 348 Arrival

Leaving the Kingdom of Waves, we took a wooden boat made of wood to head to the central island group of the Kingdom of Water.

The Taketori clan's residence is on the largest island, which is also the island where the Kiri Ninja Village is located.

The temperature in the Kingdom of Water is low, and at the end of autumn and winter approaches, the sea breeze blowing over is as sharp as a cold knife.

The puppet-body Scorpion was not afraid of pain or the chill brought by the cold sea breeze, standing idle on the bow of the boat.

Standing next to him was Ye Zi, also standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the turbulent sea in the distance.

A ship sailing towards the island of the Kingdom of Water was approaching at an unhurried speed.

A few days later, when they arrived at their destination, the wooden boat stopped at a remote rocky area. Ye Zi and Xie abandoned the boat, climbed up from the bottom of the cliff, and landed on the island.

Xie had been to the place where the Zhutori clan lived and knew the direction, so he would lead the way.

The two of them walked all the way, and after hiking for a day and night, they came to a cliff. Looking down, they saw a small group of buildings below.

This is the residence of the Taketori clan, built against the mountains.

It was noon at this time, smoke was curling up from the kitchen, and with Ye Zi's excellent eyesight, he could occasionally see a strong man walking around.

As a separate ethnic group, the Taketori clan has its own distinctive clothing and the habit of wearing two braids. When they were young, they would have two red marks on their foreheads. The bright color would darken as time goes by.

This is an extremely warlike clan. Once involved in a battle, they will fight to the death and never retreat. Their brazen fighting style is considered by many ninjas to be warriors whose heads are full of muscles.

It sounds so easy, but no one wants to fight the Taketori clan. Their fierce and fearless style often makes it a difficult battle.

Xie took the initiative to provoke him at the beginning, but suffered a frustrating loss and gave up the plan. Now with Ye Zi's help, he won't end up without success again.

let's start.

Xie pulled out the scroll, and with a bang of white smoke, he summoned the repaired Wind Shadow Puppet. This was the only human puppet he had left so far.

Ye Zi glanced at him, formed a few seals, and created a wooden clone.

I'll let the clone deal with it. According to you, this tribe is warlike, so there is no need to waste chakra to block their way out. Ye Zi put down his hand and looked at the buildings below indifferently.

With the style of the Zhutong clan, if we attack them, they will fight to the death and not retreat. Xie said coldly, not having any objections to Ye Zi's approach of using his clone to assist him.

After all, it was a wooden clone with half of Ye Zi's chakra.

At this point, Xie reminded: I want to keep the ten strongest alive, and kill the rest.

Are there any other options besides killing? Ye Zi smiled faintly.

Xie nodded slightly, and with the style of the Zhuqi clan, even if the two of them wanted to spare the remaining people, there was no point, because the other party would come up one after another to die.

Then let's get started.

Ye Zi and Mu clones jumped off the cliff.

You can see Taketori's buildings here, but they are still far away, not enough to initiate an attack. Otherwise, you can release the combined wind and fire ninjutsu towards Taketori's buildings from above.

After falling to the ground against the sound of the wind, Ye Zi's wooden clone was discovered by the Zhutori tribesmen who were in charge of guarding the building before it approached the building complex. For a time, the news of the enemy attack spread throughout the village, breaking the silence.

Ye Zi's clone threw a kunai at the two Taketori clan members who were on guard. The latter pulled out a half-arm-long bone spur from his palm and knocked the kunai down.

Is that the limit of the blood inheritance of the Zhutori clan? Ye Zi, who was standing in the distance, thought silently.

He didn't know enough about the Taketori clan, so based on the information about controlling bones, he really didn't know what role this ability could play.

After knocking the kunai away with bone spurs, the two Taketori clan members didn't even wait for their companions in the village, and faced Ye Zi's clone with evil smiles on their faces.

Xie controlled the Feng Ying puppet, walking behind with Ye Zi as if strolling in a garden.

The two Zhutori tribesmen closed the distance to Ye Zi's clone. The pale bone spurs in their hands cut through the air and stabbed Ye Zi's clone's vitals.

The speed is impressive, but that's about it.

Ye Zi's clone twisted his body expressionlessly to avoid the bone spurs that were piercing him, then spread his hands and pressed one hand on the body of a Zhutori tribesman.


Wooden thorns broke out on the bodies of the two Zhutori tribesmen, and their branches spread out in blood.

The two Taketori tribesmen screamed and fell forward. They were already lifeless before they hit the ground. They will never understand until their death why they died immediately after just being touched.

The clone of Ye Zi passed by without stopping and ran directly towards the village.

Ye Zi walked to the corpses of the two Zhutori tribesmen and picked up the bone spur that fell to the ground. After checking the hardness, he found that the hardness of the bone spur was no worse than kunai.

The hardness is good. If there is no other use, this ability is nothing more than this. Ye Zi used the sharp thorn to scratch the corpse several times, neatly removing the flesh from the corpse, revealing the pale shoulder bones of the corpse.

Under Xie's gaze, he threw away the bone spurs, pulled out the 'blood' hanging from his waist, made a beautiful sword dance, and stabbed the shoulder bone of the corpse.

There was a ding, and the tip of the knife was only as deep as a fingernail.

Ye Zi raised his brows slightly, raised the knife, and with the thread surrounding the blade, suddenly stabbed hard. This time, the tip of the knife penetrated directly through the shoulder bone and penetrated into the ground.


Ye Zi drew his knife, stepped over the corpse and walked towards the village. At this time, the clone was already fighting with the Zhutori clan.

Xie glanced at the corpse on the ground, sneered, and followed it.

At this time, bursts of excited fighting broke out in the village of the Taketori clan. On the ground around them, more than a dozen corpses were lying. However, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding clansmen were not at all sad, but filled with fanatical excitement.

Xie came here and controlled the Feng Ying puppet to join the battle group, while Ye Zi himself watched coldly.

The confrontation between bone spurs and kunai exploded into bursts of sparks. During the exchange, one of the Taketori clan members would always fall.

Suddenly, a strong man bullied Ye Zi's clone. More than twenty sharp bone spurs sprouted from all over his body. For a moment, Ye Zi's clone was forced back a certain distance.

Huh? It seems that this ability is not that superficial. Ye Zi, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, a Zhutori tribesman touched behind him and launched a sneak attack.

Ye Zi didn't even turn around. He moved sideways to the left to avoid the attack. Then he swung his knife with his backhand and chopped off the head of the Zhutori tribesman who made a sneak attack.

At the same time, ten thumb-sized bone projectiles were shot towards him, fired by a female Taketori tribesman who was not far away.

Ye Zi looked at it coldly, swung the long knife, and with a clanging sound, he knocked down all the bone projectiles, and then threw out the blood. The handle of the long knife was wrapped around the branch, and the blade cut through the air and stabbed directly into the woman. in the chest.

The woman's eyebrows were ferocious. Ye Zi pulled his arm back and pulled the blood back. He stretched out his hand to hold the blood that flew back in the air. The woman fell to the ground and died.

From his position, he would inevitably be targeted, but he didn't care. He would kill one or two.

According to Xie's request, Ye Zi's clone did not just start killing. During the battle, it was necessary to identify which person's ability met the standard. After that, he could not kill him but could only knock him out, which invisibly increased the difficulty.

At the cost of fighting for several rounds, he was the first to knock out a Taketori tribesman who had used the blood limit ability well, and then started fighting with the surrounding Taketori tribesmen.

The screams and the sounds of fighting blended together, and people fell down from time to time. Underage children also held up small bone spurs and rushed towards the Xie and Ye Zi clones fearlessly.

It's not easy to survive to this day with such a bellicose attitude. Ye Zi looked at him coldly.

Soon, more and more people from the Taketori clan fell.

With the help of Ye Zi's clone, Xie felt quite relaxed this time.

Around Ye Zi's body, there were also many corpses lying down, all of them were members of the Zhutori tribe who took the initiative to attack Ye Zi.

Just watching from the sidelines, I saw a lot of usage of blood inheritance limits by the Taketori clan, so I had a similar understanding.

In general, this blood inheritance limit is a sharp weapon when used in physical arts. It works well and the attack range is not lacking...

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