Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 349 Kimimaro

People who become crazy are very scary, and they are not afraid of death, and they come one after another.

With the help of Ye Zi's clone, Xie felt very little pressure.

His current form is that of a young woman, with a slender figure and an extremely fragile look.

However, the people of the Taketori clan don't care whether you are a woman or not, and whether you are delicate or not. When they swarm you, they will launch the most direct and fatal offensive.

The pale bone spurs bloomed like flowers, and when stained with blood, they showed a strange beauty.

The members of the Taketori clan fell down one by one. Before they died, the expressions on their faces remained excited and trembling.

Seeing that the battle was almost resolved, Ye Zi came back with blood and silently looked at the corpses on the ground.

The dark, round eyes were looking at him with a ferocious smile, as if they were mocking wantonly.

Inside the field, corpses radiated in all directions, and many bones with astonishing hardness were left on the ground.

Not every Taketori tribesman can awaken the Blood Succession Limit, and not every Taketori tribesman who awakens the Blood Succession Limit can fully utilize their abilities.

Even with blood inheritance limits, there are still strengths and weaknesses.

The clones of Xie and Ye Zi left behind the lives of the ten strongest clan members.

Originally, if the people of the Zhutori clan ran away when they saw something was wrong, Ye Zi and Xie would not be free to chase them.

However, the Zhutori tribesmen, who had a warlike element in their bodies, refused to retreat even if they realized how powerful Ye Zi and Xie were.

In the end, the result was that the Taketori clan seemed to be dead, leaving only ten powerful Taketori clan members who were used to make human puppets.

It's over. Xie looked at the ten strong men who were in a coma at his feet. With Ye Zi's help, it could be said that it was easy. It was the same as killing White Fang. This feeling of being able to rely on, sometimes It's really good.

After the battle, Ye Zi removed the wooden clone and received the memory of this battle.

Unlike watching from the sidelines, the memory poured directly into his head allowed him to truly feel the strength of the Taketori clan.

The answer is... no pressure.

The blood inheritance limit of the Zhutori clan is only this. What do you like, is the ability to freely control the shape of bones? Ye Zi raised his long knife, slashed a corpse at his feet, and cut off the corpse's arm. Cut off, this time he did not use Thunder Release to increase the sharpness, but he was able to cut off the arm of the Bamboo tribesman.

Sure enough... the degree of mastery will affect the density of the bones. In other words, the hardness of the bones can be controlled, depending on the individual's ability.

If this is the case, whether this ability is strong or not depends on the ability of the person who masters it.

However, no one in such a large ethnic group can put pressure on Ye Zi. This is the reason for the evaluation.

Xie's eyes flashed, and he injected a paralyzing poison needle on the bodies of the ten Zhutori clan members. Then he took out the scroll and said calmly: When the finished product comes out, I can let you see it.

We'll see.

Ye Zi nodded slightly and then looked in a certain direction.

That place was a small hill, located in a remote corner of the village. The hill was hollowed out, and I don't know what the space inside was used for.

He can sense that there is a person inside the hill. He doesn't have much chakra and he shouldn't be too old.

Ye Zi thought for a moment, then decided to find out and walked towards the hill.

Xie noticed Ye Zi's move and ignored it, but began to put the human puppet materials into the scroll.

This place is not suitable for crafting, you have to find a suitable place, and you need a lot of materials.

When we came to the hill and took a closer look, we saw that the mountain faced the village, its front was polished smooth, and many small square windows were cut out above it.

There was no door, just a rough hole cut out. Ye Zi paused at the entrance of the hole for a moment and then walked in.

Once inside, it is clear at a glance that there is a simple stone staircase going up at the bottom of the passage. On the left and right sides of the passage, there are cages made of wooden pillars.

A few torches hang on the walls to illuminate dim corners, while the main source of light comes from the hole cut above.

This is a prison-like place, where the Taketori clan should be used to imprison outsiders.

Looking sideways, in the prison room on the right, there is a pale skeleton. The whole skeleton is intact. The outstretched hands are stuck on the railing, showing the desperate posture before death.

To be able to act like this before death... he must have starved to death.

It's a shame that the people of the Zhutori clan can just let a corpse rot into a skeleton and ignore it.

Ye Zi shook his head slightly and walked inside. Based on his perception, there was only one breath in this hill prison.

Ding, ding…

As he got closer, a slight sound could be heard, like the sound of nails striking stone.

Ye Zi walked to the prison. After the noise lasted for a while, it became quiet.

The pillar-shaped bars isolate the two worlds inside and outside, with light on one side and darkness on the other.

Outside is Ye Zi, and inside is a child with dull eyes.

The light projected from diagonally above was blocked by Ye Zi's broad figure, making it difficult for the child to see Ye Zi's appearance clearly.

However, even if he couldn't see clearly, the child could tell that the people outside the cell were not his own clansmen, so he stopped what he was doing.

People inside can't see clearly outside, but people outside can see clearly inside.

A child of the Zhutori clan... Ye Zi looked at the child curled up inside, with a bone spur in his little hand.

The snow-white hair fell on the sides of the cheeks and fell on the shoulders. The forehead was dotted with two dots of vermilion. The eyes were large, but they looked bleak at this time, as if there was a trace of despair.

He was very thin and looked to be no more than five or six years old. He was wearing a shabby linen clothes. He should be able to feel Ye Zi's gaze, so he looked up.

It was a pair of eyes that were confused about how to walk in the future, and even exuded an obvious sense of despair.

Why do the people of the Taketori clan imprison their own clansmen here?

Judging from the amount of chakra he perceives, he is quite outstanding at this age.

Ye Zi thought doubtfully, then waved his hand and used the palm wrapped with Thunder Chakra to cut open the chain.


The chain fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Ye Zi opened the wooden door, bent down and walked in. He lowered his head and stared at the child and asked, What's your name?

The child held his hands on his knees and looked up at Ye Zi blankly. After a moment of silence, he replied: Kimimaro.

Why are you locked up here?

have no idea…

Then, I have some sad news for you. You are the only one left in the Taketori clan.

Kimimaro was silent for a while and replied coldly: Oh.

Seeing Kimimaro's cold expression, Ye Zi suddenly moved away, and bright light fell on Kimimaro's body and his gray eyes.

The sudden light seemed extremely dazzling. Kimimaro couldn't help but stretched out his arm to block the light. After adapting, he put down his arm and looked at the open cell door quietly.

You can go. Just as Kimimaro looked at the freedom outside the door quietly, Ye Zi also looked at Kimimaro quietly.


Kimimaro muttered to himself, stood up slowly, looked sideways at Ye Zi, and asked, Can I leave?

Ye Zi nodded and said calmly: You are free.

Kimimaro looked at Ye Zi quietly, his gray eyes seemed to be exaggerated by the light from outside, with little rays of light emerging.

Then...can I follow you?

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