Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 350: White as snow

Outside the open prison door is freedom.

Kimimaro's eyes moved away from there and turned to Ye Zi.

His thoughts were simple and direct. Ye Zi opened the cage for him, so he wanted to follow Ye Zi.

Regarding Kimima Lu's request, Ye Zi was silent for a moment and then responded: Okay.

Compared with the group of children in the stronghold, Kimimaro is still young and will probably not be able to play any role, but Ye Zi still agreed.

After agreeing to Kimimaro's request, Ye Zi walked out of the cell door and walked outside.

Kimimaro looked at Ye Zi's back silently, showed a slight smile, stepped on the ground with bare feet, and trotted to catch up with Ye Zi.

The light, no longer blocked by anything, truly blended into his eyes this time.

In the village of the Zhutori clan, Xie just happened to collect all the human puppet materials, and saw a little kid following behind Ye Zi who was walking over.

Blood soaked most of the surrounding area, and corpses were randomly scattered around, like Shura Hell.

Ye Zi stepped over the blood and corpses and came to Xie.

Behind him, Kimimaro looked calm, and the scene around him didn't seem to be enough to arouse his emotions.

Although Ye Zi didn't look at Kimimaro, he always paid attention to Kimimaro's attitude. After discovering that he didn't have any excessive reaction to the corpses of his clansmen on the ground, he stopped paying attention.

You want to take him with you? Xia glanced at Kimimaro. From some characteristics, it can be seen that Kimimaro is also a member of the Taketori clan.

Yeah. Ye Zi nodded.

Xie didn't say anything else. After finishing cleaning up, he said, I need to find a place that is secluded enough as soon as possible to make them into adult puppets.

In the Kingdom of Water? Ye Zi asked.

Xie nodded and said, Just find a place here.

Then let's go. Ye Zi walked directly towards the outside of the village, neatly.

Kimimaro silently glanced at the surrounding situation and followed him.

A group of three people left the residence of the Taketori clan.

Not long after the front feet left, the sky gradually became gloomy, and the wind that blew gradually became colder.

After noticing the obvious change in the climate, the three of them remained silent all the way.

Considering Kimimaro's physique and speed, Ye Zi and Xie simply walked on the trails between the mountains and forests.

Xie was quite anxious, but he didn't say anything about speeding up, he just cooperated with Ye Zi.

After walking a certain distance, the first snowflake fell from the gloomy clouds, slowly falling to the earth, and then more and more snowflakes fell.

Ye Zi, who was walking, stretched out his palm and caught a grain of snow, which was instantly melted into water by his body temperature.


In sight, snow kept falling.

Kimimaro seemed to be seeing Snow for the first time, and he ran to the path ahead with a little excitement, his little face raised, looking excited.

He opened his hands to catch the slowly falling snow particles, and then quietly watched the snow in his palms melt into water.

Look at this, the snow will intensify. Xie raised his head and glanced at the sky. The clouds were thick and dark.

Ye Zi nodded, agreeing with what Xie said.

Just as Xie said, the snow was increasing with changes visible to the naked eye. After a while, the ground was dyed a layer of snow-white.

Kimimaro was wearing thin clothes, but his excitement when he saw snow for the first time was suppressed by the cold. He shrank his arms and followed Ye Zi obediently.

Ye Zi tore part of the robe and threw it to Kimimaro. The latter caught the rag of the robe, smiled silently, and wrapped the rag around his body.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

If you want to find a hidden place, it's best to be in a cave or something like that. The scenery you can see so far is just mountains and forests.

Even if Kimimaro had the cloth that Ye Zi tore for him to protect him from the cold, he was barefoot and was sore from the cold as he walked along the way, but he endured it without saying anything.

On the path ahead, cheerful laughter suddenly came from a child, holding a snowflake chip that was enlarged several times and running towards here.

When Xie heard the sound, he became alert, but Ye Zi didn't have much reaction.

The child's facial features are very cute. Judging by the facial features, she looks like a little girl.

Behind the little girl, there were two adults, a man and a woman, who seemed to be a couple. The man was carrying a bamboo basket behind him.

Bai, don't run too fast, or you may fall. The woman reminded with a smile. Then, she and her husband noticed Ye Zi and the others, and they suddenly looked wary.

The man shouted: Bai, come back.

Ah? Bai turned around and glanced at his father. He accidentally stumbled and the big snowflakes in his hand flew out and landed at Kimimaro's feet, already broken into two halves.

Ye Zi and Xie stopped. Kimimaro bent down and picked up the snowflakes that were broken into two halves. He ran over and handed it to Shiro who stood up and patted his body.

Looking at the crystal snowflakes Kimimaro handed over, Shiro did not take the broken snowflakes and said with a smile: Thank you.

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, condensed a complete crystal snowflake on the top of his palm, and handed it to Kimimaro.

Is there a limit to blood inheritance? Ye Zi and Xie looked at each other with calm expressions on their faces.

Looking at the complete and beautiful snowflakes, Kimimaro hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Zi, as if seeking Ye Zi's opinion.

Ye Zi nodded slightly.

Kimimaro suddenly smiled, took the white snowflakes, and whispered: Thank you, it's very beautiful.


Bai smiled happily, turned around and ran to his parents.

Unlike Bai's innocence, his parents looked at Ye Zi and Xie with wary expressions.

Dad, Mom, that person said the snowflakes I made are very beautiful. Shiro pointed at Kimimaro and said proudly.

The man reached out and touched Bai's head, and said with a smile: Bai is so awesome.

The woman looked at this scene with a smile, and took Bai's hand to stop him from running around.

Kimimaro carefully protected the large crystal clear snowflakes and smiled at Shiro.

Let's go, Kimimaro.

Ye Zi ignored the vigilant gazes of the couple and walked forward, past the two of them.

Scorpion walked side by side with him.

Kimimaro followed, and after walking a certain distance, he turned around and waved to Shiro.


Shiro broke away from his mother's hand, ran a few steps and waved at Kimimaro.

After watching Ye Zi and the others leave, Bai's parents breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's go, Shiro.

The two of them walked home and called Shiro who was still looking at Kimimaro's back.

Know it.

Bai jumped up and down happily and caught up with his parents.

Encountering a family was just an insignificant episode, and the three of Ye Zi continued to search for the hole.

Master Ye Zi.

Kimimaro suddenly ran to Ye Zi, carefully placed the snowflakes on the snow, and then looked up at Ye Zi.

Ye Zi stopped and asked, What's wrong?

Kimimaro didn't speak, but stretched out his hands, his expression became focused.

I saw pale white bones emerging from the small hands that fit together, and they were changing shapes with difficulty.

Ye Zi and Xie looked at this scene in surprise.

The bones gradually turned into the shape of a flower, layers of cold sweat broke out on Kimimaro's forehead, and soon, a bone flower formed.

Kimimaro pinched the completed bone flower and handed it to Ye Zi with a smile on his face.

Ye Zi looked at the slightly rough bone flower and reached out to take it.

Kimimaro, this flower is very beautiful. Ye Zi smiled as he pinched the bone flower and was surprised by Kimimaro's control ability.


The smile on Kimimaro's face suddenly bloomed like a flower, and he nodded vigorously.

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