Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 352 Time passes

Time passes and the seasons begin to change.

Weak people are getting stronger, and strong people are getting stronger.

During his trip to the Kingdom of Water, Xie gained ten excellent human puppets. Perhaps because of aesthetic issues, he did not choose anyone from the Taketori clan as his body.

Because the core is his heart, even if a member of the Taketori clan is used as a host, the blood inheritance limit of the Taketori clan cannot be used. However, the advantage is that the body strength of the Taketori clan is very good, so they are good as a host. choose.

Perhaps it was because the pursuit of art affected aesthetics. In short, Scorpion did not choose ten strong bamboo men, but used superb technology to make them all into human puppets.

Afterwards, Xie Zi chased Ye Zi, always wanting to have a fight to test the power of the human puppet, but Ye Zi wanted to take Kimimaro back to the base as soon as possible and rejected Xie Zi's request.

After the two parties separated, Xie began to look for a new suitable host body, while Ye Zi took Kimimaro back to the stronghold of the Earth Kingdom.

During this time…

Juuzou's injuries are recovering well, Kakuzu has also found a strong heart, and his regrown limbs are adapting well and are quickly catching up to their original level.

After Kimimaro was brought back to the stronghold, he quickly integrated into the group of children because he had the same goal.

Yanye has been teaching the children, and outside of training time, he uses the children as test subjects to continuously improve his cooking skills.

Nanako stayed in the laboratory all day, recording experimental data that could fill a room. She was so busy that sometimes she didn't even bother to eat, but she always insisted on taking good care of her personal hygiene, especially her long, smooth and bright hair. .

Ye Zi began to prepare for the reincarnation of the dirty land, and asked Bai Jue to collect personal information about the body of the strongest man in the past.

The passage of time has caused slight changes in some people and things.

The spring snow melts and disappears, and the young buds emerge and grow in the spring breeze.

Minato and Jiraiya, who went to Mount Myoboku to train, returned. The first thing they did when they returned to the village was Minato, who went to Kakashi's house. At that time, Kakashi's team had just completed its mission and was idle.

Jiraiya went to find Tsunade. After fulfilling his responsibilities as a master, he would accompany Tsunade to accomplish what she wanted to accomplish.

Minato came to Kakashi's house, and coincidentally, Rin and Obito were also there.

Kakashi and the three of them were all confused about Minato's sudden visit.

After completing his training, he came directly to Kakashi to see if there had been any changes in Kakashi during this period.

You are all here.

Looking at the three people in the room, Minato had a gentle expression on his face, without the slightest hint of 'unexpected visit'.

He did pay a sudden visit. After returning to the village last time, out of concern, he left spatial coordinates at Kakashi's house. This time he came back directly using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Suddenly appeared, and Kakashi and the three of them happened to be at the scene, so this scene happened.

Kakashi, Obito, and Lin's surprised expressions lasted for a while and then returned to normal. They all knew Minato-sensei's technique, but they would still have some reactions if they appeared in front of them unprepared.

Minato-sensei, I have decided! Obito suddenly jumped up and looked at Minato with gleaming eyes.

Minato was forced to take a step back slightly by Obito's gleaming eyes and said, What to decide.

Obito stretched out his thumb, and for a moment he looked like Akai, grinning and loudly saying: I want to learn the art of flying thunder gods!

As soon as these words came out, Minato was stunned. Before he could respond, Kakashi curled his lips and said: Idiot.

Lin smiled bitterly, feeling that Obito's words were a bit whimsical. How could it be so easy to master Minato-sensei's Flying Thunder God Technique?

Looking at Obito's serious expression, it seemed that he was not joking, Minato groaned, unlike Kakashi and Rin who directly sentenced Obito to death after hearing this, he really thought about it seriously. possibility.

Seeing that Minato-sensei was really thinking, Kakashi and Lin were stunned for a moment, thinking that Minato-sensei was still as gentle as ever.

Obito looked forward to it. If he could learn Minato-sensei's handsome Flying Thunder God Technique, he would definitely be able to defeat Kakashi and Akai.

Also, Shisui, who is famous for his teleportation technique in the clan, is now the strongest among the younger generation. If he learns the flying thunder god technique, he will definitely surpass Zhisui.

Finally, it’s that stinking brat. We must make him admit his identity as a senior. Just wait, Itachi!

Minato didn't know what Obito was thinking, he was thinking about whether Obito had the conditions.

First of all... one of the conditions for the Flying Thunder God Technique is excellent reaction ability. If the reaction ability is not enough, let alone attack the enemy, you may run into the weapon.

In this regard, Obito, who has the Sharingan, should meet the conditions.

In addition, it is the sensitivity to space-time coordinates. This is one of the indispensable conditions like reaction force. Only with enough perception of space-time coordinates can we sort out and distinguish the precise location of the coordinates and reach them accurately. Correct location.

These two points are the first conditions for learning the art of Flying Thunder God. Even if the reaction ability is sufficient but the time and space coordinates are not sensitive enough, it will not be mastered because it is unstable.

If the sensitivity to space-time coordinates is sufficient, but the reaction ability is not up to standard, learning this technique will not be of much use.

There are many people with strong reflexes, but not everyone is sensitive to time and space.

I just don’t know if Obito has the qualifications and conditions...

As for whether it was appropriate to give this technique to Obito, Minato didn't think deeply about it, because he was very optimistic about Obito, and it could be said that he admired Obito.

He is the Hokage now, but one day he will be replaced by a new Hokage. Although that is a very distant thing, he feels that among the people running for the position of Hokage, there will definitely be Obito.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is not that easy to master. Of course, if you want to try to learn it, there is no problem in teaching you. Minato smiled slightly and did not refuse Obito's request.

Seeing that Mr. Minato agreed, Obito's eyes widened, and the excitement in his heart surged out like a tide. He shouted happily: Don't worry, I'm a genius. I can definitely master Mr. Minato's tricks.

Having said this, Obito looked at Kakashi and Lin with gleaming eyes, and said with a smile: Just wait, I will be the black flash of Konoha from now on!

Kakashi rolled his eyes, not expecting Minato-sensei to agree to Obito's request, and immediately complained: Can black also shine?

It seems...yes?

Obito's excited expression suddenly froze. He held his chin and thought seriously. This title seemed unreasonable.


Lin couldn't help laughing.

Minato sat down, suddenly clapped his hands, and said with a smile: Otherwise, I'll name it...Pitch Black Phantom!

... Obito.

… Kakashi.

... Lin.

How about this title! Minato looked slightly excited.

Ha... Obito smiled awkwardly and said without conscience, Sounds really good.

Kakashi covered his forehead speechlessly.

Minato immediately clapped his hands happily and came to a conclusion, saying, Then I've decided to use this title.

Ah? Obito's eyes turned into two white lanterns.

It sounds like Obito will definitely be able to learn Minato-sensei's Flying Thunder God Technique. Kakashi turned away and said.

Minato scratched his cheek and smiled, as if that was indeed the case, it was too early to think of a title.

However, he was relieved when he saw that Kakashi didn't seem to have changed due to Sakumo's death. I guess it was because of Obito and Rin...

Kakashi, you must be jealous! Obito pointed at Kakashi and snorted.

Kakashi didn't seem to want to be dwarfed because of this, so he stood up, looked at Obito sideways, and said calmly: Let's wait until you learn it first.

Hmph, just wait, I will definitely learn the Flying Thunder God Technique! Obito said angrily, thinking that he must learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, not only to defeat Kakashi, but also to impress that little guy Itachi. .

Tch. Kakashi turned his head away with a look of distrust.

You two are here again... Lin smiled bitterly.

Minato looked at this scene with a smile. Although he had just become Hokage not long ago, he now had expectations for his descendants to grow up as soon as possible.

He suddenly wanted to see that day come.

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