Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 353 Reincarnation

Unknown changes are taking place in different places.


The mottled and old earth-colored coffin was stuffed into the psychic space by Ye Zi in a posture of 'drilling' into the ground.

When the entire coffin disappeared, the ground was not damaged in any way because when the coffin went underground, it actually gradually entered the psychic space.

The 31st...

Ye Zi put down his hand. The soul reincarnated from the dirt this time was the thirty-first one. It was also the material collected in the past six months. It did not contain the DNA of the strong man he asked Bai Jue to collect.

Bai Jue has left and has not come back yet. Following Ye Zi's order, he collected as much DNA as possible from the powerful people that could be collected. By the time he comes back, the number of reincarnations in the dirty earth may exceed one hundred. .

There are currently nearly fifty people who can be reincarnated in the dirty earth, and Ye Zi has only thirty-one reincarnated in the dirty earth so far.

Although it is unclear where the limit of control is, and it is also unclear whether the strength of the soul will affect the number of people controlled.

But this is not a big deal. First, reincarnate all the people who should be reincarnated in the dirty land, and then try to control how many people they can, and also eliminate the weak ones.

In the large room, there were many pale people standing in the corner, about twenty of them. They were all clones of Hashirama's cells, and they were also the material for the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Ye Zi stretched out his arm in that direction, drilled a wooden pillar out of his palm and flew towards one of the clones.

The wooden pillar wrapped around the clone like a snake and rolled him in front of him. Then Ye Zi threw him to the ground in front of him, preparing to start the next reincarnation of the soul.

He took out the next scroll, and the name recorded on it was...Hatake Sakumo.

It's his turn... Ye Zi looked at the name recorded on the scroll with a slightly complicated expression.

After a moment of silence, he directly started the steps required to reincarnate in the dirty earth.

He summoned a psychic circle with a scroll, then took out the scroll containing Sakumo's personal NDA, and channeled a blood clot.

Maybe he respected Shuomao in his heart, but this did not prevent Ye Zi from channeling his feelings.

After everything was ready, Ye Zi formed a seal. In the middle of the magic array, white light flickered, and paper-like objects floated into the air, surrounding the columnar cell clones.

More and more pieces of paper covered Hashirama's cell clone. After a while, it turned into Sakumo's appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Ye Zi did not immediately let Sakumo's soul awaken in his body, but first channeled the scroll he specially used to place weapons. There were various weapons Madara left him, as well as the weapons he had collected. .

Sakumo's sword White Fang is also stored in it.

Opening the scroll, he quickly found the location where White Fang was sealed. After summoning it, Ye Zi put away the scroll, then took out the kunai curse seal used to suppress personality and stuffed it into Sakumo's head.

Every time he was reincarnated from the dirty earth, he had to directly face the hatred of the ninja reincarnated from the dirty earth.

To be honest, Ye Zi also felt a little annoyed and wondered if there was any way to avoid this process.

After stuffing the kunai into his head for a moment, Sakumo's empty eyes changed slightly. Although they were still dim and lifeless, as long as he looked at them, he could notice the difference.

After regaining consciousness, Sakumo was slightly startled when he saw Ye Zi in front of him. He then stretched out his hands and looked at it without any sign of surprise.

This is the filthy reincarnation of the Second Hokage...

Looking at the slight cracks on his hands and the seemingly inexhaustible chakra in his body, Sakumo said calmly.

Do you know this technique? The person reincarnated by the dirt was not surprised, but Ye Zi, who performed the technique, was a little surprised.

Shuomao raised his head, looked at Ye Zi calmly, and said: I know, this is one of the spells included in the forbidden spell scroll. Although it is against humanity, it will have miraculous effects if used in war, but because of the flaws It’s obvious, so after I knew about the existence of this technique, the village never used it in the war.”

It have perfected this technique.

Sakumo is also one of the people who can come into contact with the existence of this technique. In his opinion, although this technique is against humanity, if used in war, it can be said to be extremely effective.

It is a pity that because the technique is not perfect and the flaws are very obvious, the village cannot put this technique into use. Otherwise, in the past wars, so many people in the village would not have died.

Now, as the target of being reincarnated by the dirty soil, he was still a little surprised, not that he was reincarnated by the dirty soil, but that Ye Zi was not only exposed to this forbidden technique, but also able to perfect it.

He didn't know that this forbidden technique was improved and perfected by Orochimaru.

You are very calm. Ye Zi said calmly without explaining.

Keep calm at all times. This is one of the basic qualities of a ninja. Sakumo kept staring at Ye Zi, including Bai Ya who was held in Ye Zi's hand, and said, From the moment I woke up, I realized Seeing my own situation, I tried to break free from the control, but it seemed that there was no way.

He tried to break free from the control without changing his expression. When he failed, he spoke out without changing his expression.

The control of this technique is absolute. There is no need for wishful thinking. Ye Zi said casually and threw White Fang over. The sword will be put into the coffin with Sakumo later.

Sakumo stretched out his hand to catch White Fang with an expressionless expression, and then pulled out the white blade in a flash of lightning. This move came without any warning.

The distance between Ye Zi and Shuo Mao was only about three bodies. Facing Shuo Mao's actions, he looked unfazed and just stood there quietly.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work. Although my will to attack you is very strong, my body is unresponsive. After drawing out the knife, Sakumo did not make any next move. He just maintained the action of drawing out the knife, with a calm look on his face.

Ye Zi sneered and said lightly: Although it gives you a certain degree of freedom, if you can successfully attack me, then this technique will really fail.

Indeed... but if I can kill you, it will be a blessing for the village. Sakumo sheathed White Fang.

But unfortunately, you couldn't do it when you were alive, and it's even less possible for you after death. Ye Zi said coldly.

Sakumo was silent for a while after hearing this, and then sighed softly: My decision at that time was a complete failure. I should have tried my best to kill you.

Hearing Shuomao's words, Ye Zi was not angry and said calmly: I'll tell you a regrettable fact. The last stab before your death did not work.

That's it. Sakumo smiled bitterly and said, What a failure.

Although the scorpion was not killed, the final blow did save the remaining Konoha ninjas.

Naturally, Ye Zi would not specifically tell Shuomao this sentence.

Enough chatting, I won't let you be so relaxed when we meet next time. Ye Zi said coldly, about to suppress Shuomao's consciousness, put it into the coffin and stuff it into the psychic space.

It was precisely because the person he respected was Sakumo that he wasted so much time and talked so much to Sakumo.

Wait. Shuomao's eyes were dull and it was difficult to discern his emotions, but at this time, the look he cast towards Ye Zi could easily make people feel serious.

Ye Zi stopped moving and looked at Shuomao coldly.

If one day you want to launch an attack on Konoha, let me fight against Kakashi. Sakumo said seriously. He made the worst prediction, that is, Ye Zi's filthy reincarnation will one day be used against him. village.

You want to kill your son with your own hands? Ye Zi looked slightly surprised.

No, it's because he can stop me. Sakumo said.

Ye Zi fell silent when he heard this. He also knew about Kakashi's brat, and his strength was just like that. Compared with Sakumo, he was far behind.

After a moment, he said coldly: As an enemy, do you think I will agree to you?

You will. Sakumo smiled resolutely.

This is a kind of blind belief, believing that Kakashi can one day surpass himself. At that time, if he wants to stop Kakashi from getting stronger, he has to let him deal with it.

Unlike most souls reincarnated from filthy soil, Sakumo was not angry. On the contrary, he was looking forward to seeing the grown-up Kakashi.

By then, it would be nice to be able to say a few words.

After having this idea, Sakumo did not expect that he would personally bury Kakashi's life. Instead, he thought that Kakashi would successfully stop him.

Ye Zi ignored Shuomao's firm tone and made a magic seal with one hand. The coffin appeared, sealed Shuomao inside, and then 'drilled' into the psychic space.

Thirty-two... there are almost twenty more to come. Let's complete them as soon as possible. Ye Zi looked at the magic formation slowly disappearing on the ground and said to himself.

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