Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 354 The next target

Nagato could roughly feel the actions of the Great Ninja Village as an invisible net spread over most of the area.

However, Nagato would not let this net have a chance to shrink.

Even if information will be continuously obtained, Nagato will hold on to the information about the Heretic Golem and prevent the Great Ninja Village from getting any information.

The giant net called intelligence collection was something that the Rain Ninja Village and even Akatsuki could not fight against. Unlike combat, the ninjas responsible for collecting intelligence were not excellent at combat, but their concealment and escape abilities were excellent.

If the number is added together, the ability of the Rain Ninja Village may be able to tear apart the giant net, but it cannot lift the giant net.

In other words, as long as the Great Ninja Village is unwilling to remove this net, then this net will always hang over the Rain Ninja Village.

Apart from this, the small troops that go out from the Rain Ninja Village will be cannibalized by the troops from the Great Ninja Village.

This was not the targeted force that Suna Ninja and Konoha had united before, but a dispersed team that was not targeted, but would not miss any opportunity to attack the Rain Ninja team.

In response, Nagato tried his best to gather the number of ninjas who went out to perform tasks in the rain ninja village, and instead let the rain ninja begin to focus on the growth of strength.

Compared with collecting tailed beasts, these things are not worthy of Nagato investing too much energy. He has already begun to decide on the next jinchūriki.

The target is not the Five-Tails of Iwa Ninja, nor the Six-Tails of Kiri Ninja, but the Seven-Tails of Taki Ninja Village.

Akatsuki will not take action against the six-tailed jinchuuriki of the Kiri ninja at the moment. As for the five-tailed jinchuuriki of the Iwa ninja, although they are very unpopular with the people in the Iwa ninja village, if they want to launch a capture operation, it is best to wait. When the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki leaves the village, that is the best time.

Therefore, before the five-tailed Jinchuuriki of Iwa Ninja left the village, the next target choice was the Nanao of Taki Ninja Village.

According to Bai Zetsu's information, the Nanao of Taki Ninja Village cannot find a suitable container after the death of the previous one, so it is still in a sealed state. Like Shukaku of Suna Ninja Village before, there is no suitable container. In front of the container, it can only be sealed in a specific magic weapon.

Among the limited choices, Nagato chose to attack Nanao first. This time, he planned to take action himself.

Compared to the Great Ninja Village, the scale and heritage of the Taki Ninja Village are far less than that of the Great Ninja Village, but it is home to Nanao. This shows that the strength of the Taki Ninja Village is different from the common Small Ninja Village.

The location of Taki Ninja Village is actually worse than that of Rain Country, because its geographical location is sandwiched between four countries.

However, due to its unique geographical environment, Takinin Village did not suffer the tragic experience of the Rain Country. Its location was hidden by a huge waterfall, so it has never been invaded.

Therefore, the outside world does not have much information about Taki Ninja Village. Without Bai Zetsu, it would be difficult for Nagato to grasp the information about Taki Ninja Village.

It was a village, and if Nagato went to seize Nanao, he would definitely encounter a strong counterattack from the whole village.

However, Nagato didn't take it seriously. Even if he was asked to face the entire Taki Ninja Village alone, he was confident that he could defeat them.

This time, Nagato did not inform the other Akatsuki members of the capture operation. Instead, he took Konan with him, and the two of them embarked on the road to Taki Ninja Village.

There is no need for the Six Paths of Pain to follow him at any time. Nagato can channel the Six Paths of Pain at any time after reaching his goal, and he can immediately join the battle.

This time against a village, he will not fight in his own body, but plans to control Pain's Six Paths to capture the Seven-Tails.

Since he was not informed, Ye Zi did not know that Nagato had sent out to capture Nanao, and the previous instructions to Bai Zetsu had had an effect.

Ye Zi hopes that Nagato will join the battle as much as possible, so that he can gain more information about Nagato's abilities.

When Nagato travels alone, the clone left behind by Bai Zetsu will follow him to monitor the upcoming battle without being discovered, and then bring the information back to Ye Zi.

The White Jue clone did not have time to inform Ye Zi about this matter, so when Nagato left the Rain Ninja Village and went to the Taki Ninja Village, Ye Zi was completely unaware and continued to prepare for the reincarnation of the dirty land.

In order to prevent the purpose of collecting tailed beasts from being exposed, Nagato and Konan's route to Taki Ninja Village avoided the eyes and ears of the major Ninja Villages, preferring to go slower than being noticed.

A few days later, Nagato and Konan came to Taki Country.

The land area of ​​Takino Country is twice that of Rain Country and it is an offshore country.

The topography of the country is famous for its numerous waterfalls.

Among the intertwined mountains, rivers flowed in one direction, and then discharged along the mountains, forming a huge waterfall, which was a natural barrier.

The entrance to Takinin Village is at one of the many waterfalls. After passing the waterfall, you can find the entrance. After entering, you can pass through the mountain and reach the location of Takinin Village on the other side of the mountain.

Of course, this is not the only way to enter. If you can fly, you can easily enter Taki Ninja Village.

Xiaonan has the ability to fly...

The angel-like wings formed by the paper escape stretched out behind Konan, taking Nagato with him, flying directly to the sky above many rivers and waterfalls, searching for the location of Taki Ninja Village.

The view from high in the sky was extremely vast, and the two of them easily found the location of Takinin Village, which was surrounded by numerous mountain waterfalls.

Looking down from a high altitude, the area of ​​Takinin Village is similar to that of Yunin Village. Most of the buildings are made of stone. The distance between the houses is not long, making it appear to be extremely crowded.

If the population of Takinin Village is simply calculated based on the number of buildings, then at a glance, the population is definitely quite large, but the overall level is unknown.

let's start.

Nagato didn't care about the resistance he was about to face. He pressed out the psychic formation directly in the sky. In a burst of white smoke, a Pain Rokudo who had several features similar to him emerged from the white smoke. Appear and fall towards the Taki Ninja Village below.

Konan, go over there. The beast said through the channel and asked him to invade Taki Ninja Village first. Nagato looked at a protruding rock formation on the cliff. The water pouring down was cut out by the protruding rock formation. Two halves.

Okay. Xiaonan led Nagato to the protruding rock formation, and then looked down from a high position.

The sound of rushing through the air came from above, and was easily noticed by the ninjas of Taki Ninja Village. They watched a black shadow fall in the center of the village, making an ear-splitting sound.

There is an enemy invasion!

In just a moment, Taki Ninja Village immediately launched a response method without seeing clearly who the enemy was.

The stronger ninjas among the Taki ninja rushed to the place where the sound came from as quickly as possible, while the weaker ones were responsible for evacuating those who were not capable of fighting and taking them to a safe place.

After landing on the animal path, he stood up expressionlessly, his samsara eyes rolling in his eye sockets, taking in the Taki-nin coming from all directions.

Psychic art.

Accompanied by a slightly sharp sound, Zhu Shengdao quickly formed a seal and pressed it on the ground. The black magic array unfolded and bursts of white smoke exploded.

Five blurry black shadows appeared from the white smoke.

The white smoke dissipated, and in front of Zhu Shengdao stood five people of different heights and shapes. Their appearances were obviously different, but the common point was that each of them had an expressionless face, and their faces and even their limbs were all expressionless. Insert a lot of columnar black rods.

The Taki nin who gathered at a very fast speed looked at Pain Rokudo, who was wearing the same clothes, with a wary look on his face.

Are there...six enemies?

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