Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 361 The Kingdom of Iron

The Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han left the Iwa Ninja Village, accompanied by three Iwa Ninjas, a standard team.

The White Zetsu clone bites the Iwa Ninja team. The strength of the three Iwa Ninjas in this Iwa Ninja team is unknown, and their mission is not clear. Their movements are clear, but their final destination is unknown.


Heavy and conspicuous red armor covered Han's strong body. During the leap, the collision of the armor would always make a harsh sound.

Ninjas rarely wear armor, which not only affects their body movements, but also makes sounds when they stretch their limbs.

This sound is equivalent to telling the enemy loudly: I am here.

Therefore, this alone is a big no-no for ninjas.

He does not wear a ninja vest suitable for combat, but always wears heavy bright red armor, which shows his one-sided character.

The color of the armor is a very dazzling bright red, coupled with the noise it makes from time to time, the overall appearance is very prominent among ninjas and will attract the enemy's attention immediately.

As the saying goes, the enemy usually attacks Han first, but Han, who has experienced many battles, is still intact and has killed countless enemies.

For the Iwa Ninja Village, Han's identity is a Jinchuuriki, and he is also one of the most important combat forces in the village. The number of enemies he kills is his heroic achievement.

Even so, most of the Iwa ninjas in the village dislike Han due to his status as a jinchuriki and his behavior of losing control several times and injuring many Iwa ninjas.

The three accompanying Iwa Ninja followed him, and when they looked at his back, there was a trace of disgust deep in their eyes.

These three Iwa Ninjas are all jounin, and in terms of combat prowess, they are at the bottom of the rankings among the jounin.

The three are all men, about the same age, about 25 or 26 years old. They are dressed in the unique ninja combat clothing of the Iwa Ninja. The tone is a combination of yellow and red. Each male Iwa Ninja has a pattern on his head. Wrapped in a red kerchief.

This is Iwa Ninja's regular attire, completely different from Han's.

Perhaps due to the influence of the geographical environment, the appearance of the three Iwa Ninjas is slightly similar, with big eyes and square noses, and they are all a bit rough.

Being assigned to Han's team this time, the three Iwa ninjas were reluctant from the bottom of their hearts. It was just an order. Even if they were reluctant, they could only accept their fate.

Although the two sides were running in the same direction, they were running one behind the other, with a distance of about thirty meters.

Han was not a fool for such obvious behavior, but he was used to it.

He did not become a jinchuriki voluntarily. Even if he became a jinchuriki, he chose to fight for the village. However, no matter how many things he did for the village, he could never cover up those few mistakes.

Sometimes when I think of this, I will feel full of indignation. At that time, I can clearly feel the instability of the chakra coming from the tailed beast in my body.

In order to avoid losing control again, he could only try not to have negative emotions.

This is a very tiring thing.

If it weren't for Onoki...he might have fled the village long ago, unwilling to live like this anymore.

A group of four people set out from Iwa Ninja Village and arrived at Takino Country without stopping, continuing towards the Iron Country.

The Kingdom of Iron is a staunchly neutral country without a ninja system. The ninjas agreed a long time ago not to take action against this country, and the Kingdom of Iron has never interfered in the affairs of the ninja world.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Iron has avoided several ninja wars. However, although this country does not have ninjas, its combat power is not weak. The main combat power is a group of fighting groups called Samurai.

The country has a strong culture, authority, and even a combat power system. It is a neutral country with a very firm attitude.

Generally speaking, ninjas rarely come to the Kingdom of Iron. Some ninjas will bypass the Kingdom of Iron and pass through the Kingdom of Fire even if they are on their way.

But this is not absolute. Some ninjas will also pass through the Kingdom of Iron in order to reach their destination faster.

The Iwa Ninja team's trip was not to cross the Kingdom of Iron, their purpose was the Kingdom of Iron.

The reason why I came to the Iron Kingdom was because of the small number of snow bears in the Iron Kingdom.

The climate of the Iron Country is quite cold and it is covered with heavy snow all day long. It is a complete snow country. Therefore, due to the influence of the environment, there are not many animal species in the country.

The snow bear is one of them. It is at the top of the food chain in the Iron Country, but there are not many of them.

In this country of ice and snow, the meat of every animal is very delicious and elastic. Among them, the snow bear is the leader. It is huge and every part of the meat can be eaten, and the essence is its palm.

The Iwa Ninja team came here to hunt snow bears.

The head of a wealthy family in the Land of Earth liked to eat the palms of snow bears. Sometimes on a whim, he would pay Iwa Ninja a high reward to hunt snow bears for him.

Money is a resource that every ninja village needs, and the tasks assigned by the rich man are low risk and high reward.

The Iwa Ninja would never miss such a mission, so he asked Han to lead a team to hunt snow bears in the Kingdom of Iron. The reason why Han was sent here was because of his ability.

The snow bear is huge, has amazing strength, and has chakra that can support its body on the snow. Not only that, the snow bear's body has a lot of defense, and the only thing it fears is high temperature.

Some of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village can use fire escape, but they do not meet the standards for hunting snow bears. Only Han's ability can target snow bears well.

The movements of Han and his party were always under Bai Jue's surveillance.

After learning the general movement, Ye Zi and the other three moved forward from the border of the Country of Fire at a faster speed, preparing to go around and ambush in front of the Iwa Ninja team.

So, when Han's team was about to reach the border of the Iron Kingdom, Ye Zi and the other three were already in the Iron Kingdom.

Snow covered the ground, and the snow that kept falling from the sky covered everything in sight. At a glance, the scenery that comes into view is nothing but white.

The low temperature, supported by the wind, caused a cold knife to cut on the exposed cheeks, which looked slightly cold and stinging.

The bodies of Ye Zi and the three of them were shrouded in thick white robes. Standing in the white snowfield, they seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth.

The undulations of the terrain here are not obvious to begin with. Under the cover of snow, it looks even more flat, and it looks like a vast snowfield.

On the snowfield, there are many trees standing firm in the wind and snow, covered with white snowflakes, turning into snow trees. There are also huge rocks lying on the snow, also covered with white snow.

How is it? Ye Zi suddenly asked in the wind and snow.

Sitting beside them, Bai Ze's upper body was exposed on the snow. When he heard Ye Zi's words, he said lightly: The jinchūriki are still outside the range, but...

But what? Ye Zi asked.

Here comes a big guy.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said, Speak clearly.

Confusion appeared on Yanye and Jin's faces.

It seems... it's a bear, and it's not a small one. Bai Jue chuckled and pointed in a direction, where there was a vast expanse of white.

Bear? Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction. He could only vaguely see a white figure squirming in the distance, seeming to be heading this way.

Bai Jue said calmly: That big guy seems to have taken a liking to you.

The implication is that I treat you as food.

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