Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 362 In the white snow

The living environment in the Iron Country is difficult, and there are not many types of creatures, all of which are struggling to survive.

As an animal at the top of the food chain, snow bears will not let go of anything they can eat, such as humans...

It was windy and snowy, and looking into the distance, there was only a vast expanse of white, making it difficult to distinguish the changes in the distance.

Bai Jue relied on his ability to discover the snow bear far away, and the latter also relied on his ability to discover food.

Suffering from hunger and cold, the snow bear's heart seemed to suddenly become hot. It discovered humans. Although there was not much meat, it was enough to pad its belly.

On the snowy field, a huge bear was running on all fours. Its seemingly bulky body was not slow in running on the snow, and it did not sink into the snow, as if it were walking on flat ground.

Driven by instinctive needs, it came towards Ye Zi and the others as quickly as possible.

Han came to the Kingdom of Iron for the Snow Bear, while the three of Ye Zi came to the Kingdom of Iron to capture the Jinchuuriki. In the end, it was the Snow Bear who found the Ye Zi and the others.

Seeing the snow bear getting closer and closer, what Bai Jue said became reality. Ye Zi was sure that the snow bear was targeting them, so in desperation, he drew out the 'blood'.

As the distance between the two sides approached, the snow bear's eyes showed human greed. On the bear's paw were black claws as long as a sword, and the light of chakra visible to the naked eye slowly appeared on it.

From this point of view, this snow bear has roughly mastered the methods of refining and using chakra. In time, it will have the conditions to become a psychic beast.

But unfortunately, the only result of treating Ye Zi and others as food is to die under the knife.

Ye Zi kicked his feet and shot forward, pulling out a white wave of snow behind him. At this time, his body and the long knife were already wrapped with thunder threads.

Even if he was facing only a giant bear that looked worse than an ordinary jounin, he had no intention of holding back after he decided to take action.

Will not underestimate any powerful enemy, regardless of strength...

Snow Bear actually caught Ye Zi's figure and raised his palm to hit Ye Zi accurately.


The 'blood' entangled with Lei Si cut off the sharp claws on the snow bear's paw with a swipe.

The claws were cut off, and the snow bear seemed to be frightened by the scene before him. He continued to stretch out his paws and was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Ye Zi jumped up and slashed at the snow bear's neck with a cold expression. When the long knife was embedded in the snow bear's neck, there was a slight stagnation before slashing through.

A flash of surprise flashed across Ye Zi's eyes, and he fell from the air, standing with his back to the snow bear.

The huge body of the snow bear was solidified on the snowfield like a sculpture. After a few breaths, the huge bear head slipped from the bear's body and fell to the ground. A large amount of steaming blood splashed on the snowfield, staining it with a dazzling red color. It's incompatible with the snow.

The bear's head slipped off, and its huge body fell to the snow.

Ye Zi returned the knife to its sheath and turned to look at the snow bear. When he cut across the neck, there was a slight stagnation, indicating that the snow bear had good defense. If it wasn't wrapped around Lei Dun, this knife might only be able to get stuck in the snow bear's neck.

Moreover... there was no stagnation when cutting off the sharp black and shiny bear claws. You must know that it is wrapped with chakra, which means... the hardness of this bear is better than that of the claws.

If he hadn't used Thunder Release, he might not have been able to kill the snow bear so easily.

Master Ye Zi, did this bear use chakra just now? Jin came over and looked at the body of the snow bear.

He could clearly see the chakra light wrapped around his claws.

Yan Ye also looked at the snow bear corpse on the ground curiously. He was used to seeing psychic beasts that could use chakra, but this was the first time he saw a beast that could use chakra.

This bear can use chakra, which means there is probably a psychic beast here that has the conditions to sign a psychic contract. Ye Zi nodded, took out the storage scroll, and put the snow bear's body into the scroll, showing that The true nature of a rich man.

He has the habit of collecting wild beast meat, and usually uses expensive storage scrolls as a storage method to provide the food he needs when going out.

Ye Zi has never eaten bear meat, but he has eaten bear paws, which are quite delicious. Moreover, this bear can use chakra, so the quality of the meat will not be much worse.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Yan Ye and Jin's eyes suddenly lit up. Neither of them had psychic beasts, but considering the task to be performed next, they could only suppress their thoughts.

Ye Zi saw Yan Ye and Jin's thoughts and said calmly: If you want to sign a psychic contract, you can sign a contract with the Longdidong clan like me.

He judged from this snow bear that there might be beasts in the Iron Kingdom that were qualified to sign a psychic contract. Regardless of whether there were any, he was not interested in searching for them. If Yanye and Jin wanted psychic beasts, he would It allows two people to sign a psychic contract in Longdi Cave.

However, even if the two of them sign a psychic contract, they cannot summon Ten Thousand Snakes. They can only summon some giant snakes that are weaker than Ten Thousand Snakes.

Summoning a psychic beast like Wan She will cost a lot of chakra. Normally, only when the battle is of a certain scale, one would choose to summon a psychic beast.

So even if Yanye and Jin can summon ten thousand snakes, their usefulness will be limited due to the consumption of chakra.

Even Ye Zi would usually only choose to channel Wan Shen to share some of the pressure when there were many enemies, but would not do this when there were few enemies.

Really? After hearing Ye Zi's words, Jin hadn't spoken yet, while Yan Ye looked excited.

Ye Zi nodded and said: After this matter is over, I will let you sign a psychic contract with the Longdidong clan, so that future contact will be easier.

That's great. Yan Ye laughed happily, but she didn't resist snakes very much.

Jin is also very happy. If there is a psychic beast, there will be one more way to fight.

The target has entered the range. At this moment, Bai Jue, who was always using his abilities, suddenly reminded him.

We're here, right? Ye Zi said coldly to himself. They were rushing ahead of the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and they had plans to ambush him. However, due to the terrain and his confidence in defeating the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he gave up. made this plan.

The cold weather here should have some impact on the ability of the five-tailed jinchuriki. This is why Ye Zi did not intercept the five-tailed jinchuriki in the country of Taki.

Four people. Bai Jue said calmly.

Hearing this, Ye Zi looked at Jin and Ye Zi and said, The three rock ninjas are left to you.

Yanye and Jin nodded, just three words, it didn't mean anything.

Then just do it. Ye Zi drew out his long knife and looked at the dots of black shadows on the horizon in the distance.

Yan Ye laughed playfully, holding a few poisonous thousand sticks in his hand.

Jin silently took out the 'Feng' that Ye Zi gave him.

Then I'll hide first.

Bai Jue chuckled. He was not the fighting type. If he could avoid fighting, he would not participate in the war.

Ye Zi nodded to Bai Jue, who melted into the snow and disappeared.

Come on. Ye Zi said coldly and walked towards the black spot in the distance.

There was no sprinting, because there was no need. When the distance between the two sides was still so far, sprinting was just a waste of unnecessary energy. If he didn't want to get close to the target as quickly as possible, he would wait in place until a certain distance before launching an attack.

The three of them, Ye Zi, followed the snow and headed towards Iwa Ninja's team.

At about the same distance, the other party also discovered the existence of Ye Zi's team.

Without knowing anything about Ye Zi and others, Iwa Ninja had no good-natured guesses and could only decisively regard Ye Zi and others as enemies.

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