Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 365: Obtained Information

After successfully sending the information, a faint smile appeared on Hinata Liang's lips. If Ye Zi saw it, it would only look full of ridicule.

That's it.

The low self-talk was swallowed up by the passing wind.

In the field of vision, the rapidly retreating scenery on the left and right gradually slowed down and then stopped.

Hinata stopped and landed on a tree, then took out a kunai and stabbed it into the heart without hesitation.

From taking out the kunai to stabbing it into his heart, his expression remained calm.

With a muffled groan, blood flowed out of his mouth, slid down his chin and fell on his clothes. His strength gradually disappeared, and Hinata's body began to shake.


Ye Zi's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth slightly. The spirit body emerged from his shoulders. The figure came to Hinata Liang's side like lightning, and stretched out his hand to control Hinata Liang's neck.

Then, the spirit body rushed directly into Hinata Liang's head.

Ye Zi originally wanted to use spiritual transformation to seize Hinata Liang's memory, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so decisive and commit suicide immediately after sending the information.

Should I say that I am truly worthy of being a member of the Roots?

Based on this scene, Ye Zi guessed the identity of Hinata Liang, and his expression was extremely cold for a moment.

His heart was pierced by kunai, and Hinata's breath soon became weaker and weaker, almost becoming lifeless in the next second.

Ye Zi's spirit body began to swallow up Hinata Liang's soul that was about to dissipate.

You still have time!

The spirit body showed a ferocious expression and frantically devoured the almost dissipated soul.

After a moment, Ye Zi's spirit body sprang out from Hinata Liang's body and returned to its original form. A stream of images from Hinata Liang's memory flooded into his mind.

Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes, accepting this memory, and at the same time threw Hinata Liang's body to his feet.

Due to Hinata's decisive self-understanding, even if Ye Zi used the spiritual technique in time, he would not be able to obtain all the memories about Hinata. These memories do not even need to be eliminated.

Danzo...root...the Hyuga clan...gather intelligence.

The arrival of the First Hokage in the Tree Realm...the stronghold of the Earth Kingdom...

When Hinata Liang's body completely lost its temperature, Ye Zi opened his eyes, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

Shimura Danzo.

Saying the name in a tone full of cold murderous intent, Ye Zi looked coldly at the corpse at his feet.

I really didn't expect that such a mouse would hide in the dark and observe for so long. I have to admit that Hinata Liang is a rare intelligence talent.

The method of trying to avoid being discovered even if no information can be collected is the reason why Ye Zi has never noticed the existence of Hinata Liang. This method is not suitable for obtaining information, but it is different with Byakugan.

It's a pity that Hinata Ryota is decisive, otherwise if he could swallow the complete soul, he would know more.

Moreover, transmitting intelligence through the method of psychic beasts is not only incredibly effective, it can even perfectly avoid the risk of being intercepted.

It was a pity that he couldn't stop the white eagle. Now, the information about capturing the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki was sent out by Hinata Liang.

According to Hinata Liang's memory, he did not follow Ye Zi all the time, but intermittently. Only in this way could he avoid being discovered. This is why Bai Jue didn't notice Hinata Liang until some time after arriving in Tianzhiguo.

Hyuga Ryo did not see the battle between Ye Zi and others against the Iwa Ninja in the Kingdom of Iron, but he was an intelligence talent, so he knew the jinchūriki of the Iwa Ninja Village.

This can be regarded as Ye Zi's fatal oversight. The Kingdom of Tian and the Kingdom of Iron are very close, and with Bai Jue following him, he did not seal Han into the scroll.

Unexpectedly, Danzo would have an intelligence talent like Hyuga Ryo.

Not only was some information obtained by Danzo, but the location of the Earth Kingdom's stronghold was also exposed. However, Hyuga Ryo did not grasp the precise location, only the general range.

He was very cautious and did not explore further. It was this approach that prevented him from triggering the police sentries set up by Ye Zi and Orochimaru around the stronghold, otherwise he would not have been able to survive until now.

Even if it is a rough range, it is not acceptable to Ye Zi. It seems that the base must be moved as soon as possible. At least this matter must be resolved before going to Orochimaru.

As for the information about capturing the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Danzo learned about it. Although he didn't know what the consequences would be, Ye Zi didn't allow him to think about it too much.

If the situation is serious, he will have to use his trump card in advance as a last resort, although this is not what Ye Zi wants.

Showing your trump card means an all-out war.

This kind of situation will only happen when faced with the siege of many ninja villages.

There are still many tailed beasts that have not been captured, and the timing is very bad. The main reason is that they do not have enough power yet.

Is Ye Zi weak? Not weak at all.

But if you compare him with some people, the gap will appear.

For example, Nagato...such as the overall strength of one ninja village...such as the overall strength of two, or even three ninja villages.

Therefore, only after having a reference object can we realize our weakness and realize the gap.

So we need to increase our strength as soon as possible...

Only by having the Samsara Eye can one control the heretic demon, and by being able to control the heretic golem can one make some preparations using the gathered tailed beast chakra.

If you still can't get Nagato's Rinnegan at the critical moment, let Nagato stand in the way.

It's a pity that the reincarnation of the dirty soil can only control the body and erase the personality, but not manipulate the personality. Ye Zi walked up to Hinata Liang and bent down to remove the mask from Hinata Liang's face.

The reincarnation of the dirty land cannot control the target's personality, so it has no ability to extract information.

After the life was cut off, Hinata Liang's eyes did not close. The white eyes were dim and lifeless, with a calm expression that seemed to be mocking Ye Zi.

Ye Zi dug out Hinata Liang's 'white eyes' with an indifferent expression. The legions reincarnated in the dirty soil had reached saturation. With Hinata's ability, he was not qualified to be reincarnated in the dirty soil.

The only value left in his body was these eyes.

After putting the Byakugan away, White Zetsu emerged from the tree trunk.

It's such a pity that we couldn't intercept the information. Bai Jue's tone was filled with slight ridicule as soon as he came out.

Ye Zi glanced at him coldly, then kicked Hinata Liang's body down, and used fire escape to ignite the body in mid-air.

The body burning with blazing flames fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

He has been following me for a while, and you didn't notice at all? Ye Zi asked, looking away from the burning corpse.

Bai Jue shrugged upon hearing this and said calmly: If I had noticed it, I wouldn't have found him out now.

Ye Zi nodded slightly, did not continue to struggle with this matter, and went to join Yan Ye.

Bai Jue blended into the tree and followed.

Ye Zi now wants to solve Danzo's trouble, but this matter is not directly related to collecting tailed beasts, so he can only suppress this idea.

The Byakugan dug out from Hinata Ryo, plus the Byakugan previously obtained from Ao, there are now three Byakugan.

Regarding the use of the Byakugan, Ye Zi had thought about placing the Byakugan on the Hashirama cell clone, but he never implemented it. This time there is an extra pair of Byakugan. He should try it to see if it can enhance the Hashirama cell clone. strength.

If Hashirama's cell clone can be used after transplanting the Byakugan, then Uchiha's Sharingan should also work.

There is a potion that instantly increases the strength, and with the addition of Byakugan and Sharingan, the clone will not be so weak.

Compared to Byakugan, Ye Zi feels that Sharingan is more powerful.

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