Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 366: A gift for Danzo

The information was obtained by Danzo, turning it into a lingering haze in his heart.

Ye Zi asked Bai Jue to always pay attention to whether there were other little mice, and then he and Yan Ye met up and went to the underground cave where the heretic demon was.

Keep moving forward in peace and harmony.

The four of them arrived at the underground cave, and then notified Nagato. After a while, the latter appeared in the underground cave using the magic lantern body technique and summoned other members.

Twisted black shadows appeared in the underground cave. When they saw Han lying on the ground, they couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

They all knew the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, but Nagato did not inform them about the capture. Looking at the situation, it seemed that Ye Zi had captured the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki without saying a word.

Start sealing.

Nagato didn't waste any time and got down to business.

Everyone's figure flashed, and each of them came to the fingers of the heretic demon.

In the gleaming green light, the abbreviations of each code name were displayed under the fingers. The heretic demon removed the scroll in its mouth, opened its mouth, flew out the chakra dragon from inside, rolled Han's body into the air, and began Absorb tailed beast chakra.

The three-day seal begins.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the seal was completed.

The tailed beast was completely pulled away, and Han fell to the ground, turning into a corpse.

After that, the plan to capture the tailed beasts was temporarily shelved. Nagato ordered everyone to go to various countries to find suitable talents. If they were good enough, they would be recruited into the organization.

After the explanation, Nagato removed the Phantom Body Jutsu.

Now that five tailed beasts have been captured, the amount of chakra contained in the body of the heretic golem has reached a terrifying level. If you make good use of this chakra, you can do many things.

After the black shadow disappeared, four people, Ye Zi, Bai Jue, Yan Ye, and Uchiha Shin, were left in the underground cave, as well as a corpse.

Ye Zi took a certain amount of DNA tissue from Han's body and then destroyed Han's body.

Instead of setting off immediately to return to the stronghold, he rested in the underground cave for half a day before setting off for the Earth Kingdom stronghold.

On the way, Ye Zi told Yanye and Jin that the location of the stronghold was likely to have been exposed, and told them to start preparing for the transfer immediately after returning to the stronghold, and the two of them needed to handle the relevant matters.

Yanye and Jin were surprised when they heard this, and nodded to indicate that they understood.

The transfer of the stronghold is not that easy, but Ye Zi can use wood escape to easily recreate the framework of a stronghold elsewhere, but the transfer of internal equipment and data will be relatively troublesome.

The transfer of personnel is also a problem. If the movement is too large, it will easily be noticed by the ninjas of other ninja villages.

In short, no matter what, the base needs to be moved as soon as possible.

After trekking all the way, Ye Zi and others returned to the Kingdom of Earth stronghold. The first thing they did was to tell everyone in the stronghold about the transfer.

When they heard that they were about to be transferred, everyone didn't have much of a reaction. At most, they were a little reluctant to leave.

Let Yanye and Jin be responsible for preparing the things that should be brought, and Ye Zi came to Nanako's laboratory.

The fish that often goes out is also in the laboratory at this time. If she is here, having one more person to guide it will reduce the pressure.

Seeing Ye Zi, Nanako showed a smile on her face, and then asked: Why do you want to move the base suddenly? Is the location exposed?

Ye Zi nodded and said: It can be said that for safety reasons, we must move the base as soon as possible.

There are so many things, and I want to transfer the scores several times. Has the location of the new stronghold been determined? Yu looked at Ye Zi. She had put a lot of effort into the completion of the stronghold, especially the purchase of materials and gathering of equipment. The war left me alone.

Just transfer the important things, and the rest can be kept. The new stronghold will be located in the Kingdom of Stone. Ye Zi looked at her. The insignificant things can be kept. There is no need to spend extra energy moving them.

Originally, Ye Zi wanted to move the stronghold to the Kingdom of Wind, where the desolate environment and year-round wind and sand could provide good hiding conditions for the stronghold. However, considering supply factors, he finally decided to build it in the Kingdom of Stone.

The Kingdom of Stone? Fish Eyes looked thoughtful. Her position is considered as a field staff, and she is responsible for the supplies in the stronghold. The Kingdom of Stone is a very desolate place, and the country is relatively poor and backward. But if you have money, , supplies shouldn’t be a problem.

Yes, it is the Kingdom of Stone. If you are okay now, go and help Yan Ye and the others immediately. Ye Zi said.

Okay. Fish nodded and took the order to leave the laboratory.

After the fish left the laboratory, Nanako looked around the room and said helplessly: It is not an easy task to move so many things.

Don't worry, the number of storage scrolls should be enough to transfer these equipment and data. Ye Zi also took a look at the equipment and data in the large laboratory.

These things are very important and cannot be left behind.

Yeah. Nanako smiled slightly.

Ye Zi took out a scroll, opened it and summoned three small glass bottles containing 'White Eyes'.

Looking at the 'Byakugan' in the small glass bottle, Nanako was surprised: Is this the Byakugan?

That's right. Ye Zi pushed the small glass bottle in front of Nanako and said, I'm going to let you see if you can transplant the 'Byakugan' into the clone and whether you can exert the ability of the 'Byakugan'.

Hmm... Nanako groaned after hearing the words, and said: The body structure of clones is obviously different from that of humans. I can't judge whether it is feasible before practicing it.

It's okay. You put the 'White Eyes' away first. After the transfer of the base is over, you can test it. Ye Zi looked at Nanako.

Okay. Nanako carefully picked up the small glass bottles and put them together with the important materials.

If possible, I will find a way to get a pair of sharingan eyes for you. Ye Zi said after seeing Nanako put away the small glass bottle.

Compared to Byakugan's ability, Ye Zi prefers Sharingan's ability. If the method is feasible, then as long as there are enough Sharingan, an elite team of clones can be formed.

Nanako looked at him and smiled: Even if it doesn't work, I will find a way to make it feasible.

Seeing the confidence in Nanako's smile, Ye Zi smiled and said, I'm going to see how they are preparing. You can put it last.

Yeah. Nanako nodded.

After Ye Zi left the laboratory, Nanako was not idle and began to sort out the information.

There is no need to dismantle the training equipment in the stronghold, but all ninja tools need to be taken away.

With Bai Jue here, let him ensure that this operation will not be noticed by the enemy, so the personnel can be transferred at once.

After that, there are some food and daily necessities needed in the early stage, and the rest of the things are left here and don't need to be taken care of. Finally, there are Nanako's research materials and equipment.

As for those clones, leave them to Bai Jue.

After everything was ready, Ye Zi and Yu returned to the laboratory, used storage scrolls, and under Nanako's command, stuffed the equipment and data in batches, and put them all away in a short time.

Take away whatever you need to take away, and leave whatever you don’t need to take away.

Ye Zi led everyone in the stronghold and marched as fast as possible towards the Kingdom of Stone.

One day later, everyone came to the Kingdom of Stone.

Ye Zi chose a location surrounded by mountains. Under the shocked and adoring gazes of the teenagers, he used wood escape to pry open the hard rock formations and build a huge new stronghold underground.

After one experience, it seemed very easy to build a stronghold using Wood Release for the second time.

After the stronghold was built, everyone poured into the stronghold and began to distribute work.

Ye Zi's Wood Release only built a framework, and many details needed to be further improved.

Ye Zi handed over these tasks to Yu Lai, and he had to return to the stronghold of the Kingdom of Earth.

Devouring Hyuga Liang's soul to obtain memories allows Ye Zi to know what information Danzo has. This can be used a little bit, such as the old stronghold...

Now that the location of the old stronghold has been exposed, Danzo will definitely send someone, so Ye Zi can leave Danzo a big gift in the old stronghold.

Danzo would not know that Ye Zi already knew what information he had, nor would he have thought that Ye Zi would move the base as quickly as possible and plan to set a trap in the old base to welcome him.

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