Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 367 Departure

Konoha, root.

The cross bridge stretched across the sky, and there was pitch black darkness below.

Danzo stood at the center point of the cross bridge, always like this.

In front of him, three ninjas wearing ANBU masks were half-kneeling. Their low-down bodies could not tell the difference between men and women.

The last message delivered by Hyuga Ryo was the white paper Danzo was holding in his hand.

The area of ​​the paper is not large, only about the size of a palm, but the amount of information written on it is quite large.

Five-tailed Jinchuuriki... What is the purpose of collecting tailed beasts in the Rain Ninja Village? To seal the tailed beasts into the human body to form a jinchuriki requires a lot of knowledge and mature technology. The Rain Ninja Village should not have this ability yet.

So, will the collection of tailed beasts be related to the owner of the Samsara Eye? There must be a connection between the tailed beasts and the Samsara Eye, but the information is still not enough...

Can't wait any longer.

Danzo looked at the empty darkness with his slightly squinted single eye, and it seemed that he could see a glimmer of cold light through the gap.

The method of mastering Wood Release may exist within that stronghold, and this has something to do with Orochimaru.

Let the first team, the fourth team, and the fifth team prepare. The task is to find out the exact location of the stronghold and then capture it. Make sure that Ye Zi is not at the stronghold before attacking. Be sure to get all the information. Danzo looked at it. To the subordinates in front of you.

Yes. The three Root members accepted the order and disappeared from the spot.

Watching his subordinates leave, Danzo's narrowed eyes flashed with danger.

Regardless of what the purpose of the Rain Ninja Village is, he must first obtain the method of mastering the Wood Release.

From the beginning to the end, Danzo never regretted the loss of Hyuga Liang, a rare subordinate, even though it was a subordinate that he spent a lot of effort to conquer.

Ninjas live in a world where death is more important than life. How one dies determines the value of a ninja, and Hyuga Ryo proved his worth to Danzo.

How could Danzo regret it, because Hinata showed his value as a subordinate and deserved his death.

He sent out his team to look for an opportunity to capture the stronghold, but he didn't know that Ye Zi had been prepared and left him a gift.


Ye Zi set up a large number of traps in the stronghold. Most of the traps may not be effective in front of the root members, but the last trap is the key.

As long as the enemy goes deep into the stronghold and triggers the trap that Ye Zi has manipulated, all the main supporting points in the stronghold will break and fall, causing the entire stronghold to collapse and bury all the enemies inside alive.

Ye Zi was not sure whether it would work or not. After making some moves, he left the Kingdom of Earth and returned to his new stronghold in the Kingdom of Stone.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the new stronghold was quickly completed, with complete training rooms and rooms, and Nanako's laboratory was also completed.

After all the equipment was transferred and the data was sorted and sorted, Nanako began to prepare for the experiment of transplanting the 'Byakugan'.

There are a lot of clones, but there are only three 'White Eyes'. The experiment must be carried out without damaging the 'White Eyes'.

After handing the matter over to Nanako, Ye Zi learned about Orochimaru's movements through Bai Zetsu and wondered whether to go find him immediately.

After the stronghold was completed, he had nothing to do, and there was no point in staying. Thinking of this, he decided to set off to find Orochimaru the next day.

Before that, he wanted Yanye Hejin to sign a contract with the Longdi clan to facilitate future contact.

Ye Zi approached Yan Ye and Jin and channeled the contract scroll of the Longdi clan.

Looking at the ancient scroll in Ye Zi's hand, Yan Yehejin's eyes lit up.

Ye Zi unfolded the scroll and told the two of them the steps to sign the contract. After the latter listened, he bit his finger and stained the five fingertips with blood, then printed it on the blank space of the scroll and wrote their names.

The psychic contract was signed successfully.

I will leave tomorrow, and you two will stay in the stronghold and be responsible for training the children. Ye Zi put away the scroll and said suddenly.

Ah? Yan Ye was stunned and said quickly: Can I follow you?

No. Ye Zi shook his head and refused.

Yan Ye suddenly looked disappointed.

Ye Zi said calmly: You should take advantage of this period to improve the children's practical experience as much as possible.

Rather than letting Yanye and Jin go with them, it would be better to stay in the stronghold and train the children. Besides, with the psychic beast around, they can keep in touch at any time.

Although Yan Ye wanted to follow Ye Zi, he could only obey obediently.

It doesn't matter if he goes in, he stays in the stronghold. On the one hand, he can teach the children, and on the other hand, he can strengthen his training to make himself stronger.

After all the explanations were given, Ye Zi left the stronghold and went to find Orochimaru.

According to White Zetsu's information, Orochimaru is currently wandering the Land of Thunder, but he doesn't know what he is looking for.

at the same time.

Jiraiya and Tsunade walked together, wandering aimlessly among the countries.

Under Jiraiya's guidance, Minato excelled in his skills. During his training at Mt. Myoki, he completely mastered the celestial arts. He didn't need the help of two immortals like Jiraiya to activate the sage mode.

In this regard, Jiraiya could only lament Minato's talent once again. As the saying goes, you have to throw away goods when comparing goods. Comparing people with others will make you angry to death.

It took him a lot of time to roughly master the senjutsu, but it didn't take too long for Minato to master the senjutsu perfectly, which surprised even Fukasaku.

Nothing that should be entrusted to Minato was left behind, and nothing that Tsunade should be entrusted to Kushina was left behind.

So, Jiraiya accompanied Tsunade to leave Konoha Village, with the purpose of finding Ye Zi and revenge for Kato Dan.

The two of them have been out there for a while.

With Jiraiya accompanying her, Tsunade didn't take Shizune with her, and left her in the village to learn from Kushina.

The two lacked intelligence support and had no clear direction. They stopped for a while wherever they went.

While searching for Ye Zi's traces, Jiraiya still did not give up his plan to find Orochimaru.

Night falls.

A bonfire rose in the forest.

Tsunade and Jiraiya sat on a rotten tree, silently staring at the bonfire.

Nothing was gained during this period. Not only was there no information about Orochimaru's whereabouts, there was also no information about Ye Zi's traces.


In the silent forest, a frog's cry suddenly came.

Following the sound, I saw it was not a frog, but a small yellow toad holding a small scroll in its mouth.

Huh? It could be Minato's letter.

Jiraiya stretched out his hand towards the little toad, and the little toad jumped over, threw the scroll to Jiraiya, and jumped away.

Tsunade looked away from the bonfire and looked at the scroll in Jiraiya's hand.

Jiraiya opened the scroll and read the contents recorded inside.

After a while, Jiraiya, who had read all the contents, put away the scroll with a smile on his face.

What did Minato's letter say? Tsunade asked.

There are no important things, just some daily trivial matters. Jiraiya smiled.

The content recorded in the scroll was a letter from Minato. In addition to stating that everything was fine in the village, he and Kushina had officially accepted a few disciples.

Tsunade was a little disappointed when she heard this. She thought it was Konoha's intelligence network that found Ye Zi's movements.

Minato and Kushina accepted disciples. Jiraiya said suddenly.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows and asked, Who did Kushina accept?

It's that little girl named Lin. Jiraiya smiled.

Um... Tsunade still has some impression of Lin. She was Kushina's student before.

Minato accepted Kakashi and Obito, and they began to become masters. I always feel that I am getting old. Jiraiya said.

There is a difference between a disciple and a student. A disciple is a personal disciple, while a student is a teacher.

Tsunade smiled lightly and looked at the bonfire in silence.

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