Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 369 Unknown Energy

Ye Zi knew what Orochimaru wanted, and Orochimaru also knew what Ye Zi wanted.

The journey together begins here.

In order to master the truth and gain power, this is an inevitable process.

All along, Ye Zi has been working hard to become stronger, but no matter how hard he tries, he is always limited by a framework. The sad thing is that he doesn't even realize this.

Until he met Madara in the gap between the cycle of life and death. As a result, countless cracks occurred in this restricted framework.

It was Madara who raised his understanding of power to a higher level, but it was not enough. That level only caused cracks in the framework. It was not enough. The framework had to be broken...

Therefore, above the level of power currently controlled, there is the Samsara Eye, the power of the Six Paths...

If you want to obtain that power, you can only raise the level of power to a level similar to the power of the Samsara Eye. Only in this way will you have a chance.

Ye Zi is now a snake that is about to shed its skin, and there is only one last step left. This step is extremely difficult for Ye Zi, and Orochimaru will be the key to promote this step.

He was so sure that he had no reason.

Apart from Orochimaru... there is no other choice.

Is there anything special about this lake? How does it relate to the ruins you found in the Kingdom of Wind? Ye Zi looked at the calm blue lake.

The ruins of the Kingdom of Wind…

Hearing this word, Orochimaru determined the time when he was being monitored, probably from the moment he left the stronghold.

Knowing that the movements during this period were all under Ye Zi's surveillance, Orochimaru didn't care. If it were him, he would do the same thing.

To a certain extent, he and Ye Zi have many similarities, such as using any means to achieve their goals.

They are not related to each other. We are looking for them just to verify some information. Orochimaru stretched out his arm, and a patterned python came out of his sleeve and fell into the lake. After a splash of water, it disappeared from the lake. above.

I remember... when you were in Gen, you spent most of your time outside of missions and training in the classics room looking up information and ninjutsu. Now that I think about it, it was to find out the vast ocean of information and ninjutsu. Method? Orochimaru said, looking at the lake that had returned to calm.

Ye Zi remained silent, and Orochimaru took it as his acquiescence.

In the process of checking the information, it is inevitable that you will come into contact with 'fragments' of the history of the ninja world. Aren't you curious? What would the ninja world be like going back even further? For example, the era of the legendary Sage of Six Paths?

Also...what is the predecessor of the groups with various blood inheritance boundaries scattered in the ninja world today? How were the tailed beasts born, and where were they before the ninja village was established?

Orochimaru's tone contained a hint of fanaticism as he said: The information recorded in the documents is incomplete, but it is enough to guide me in the direction. As long as I have a direction for thinking, I will know more.

This is also...the process of mastering the truth.

Ye Zi looked at the slightly excited Orochimaru, frowned slightly, and said, What's the use of knowing so much?


Orochimaru heard this and let out a deep laugh, seeming to be laughing at Ye Zi's ignorance.

He wants to learn all the arts in the world and master the truth in the world. If he wants to reach that level, he must know everything. However, human life is not eternal, and he may not be able to reach that level even if he spends his whole life.

Therefore, eternal life is necessary, but power is also indispensable.

He came to search for the words in the documents, not just tracing history, he wanted to find a way to gain power in the process.

Knowledge is one of the means to gain power.

Orochimaru looked at the calm lake, patiently waiting for something.

Hearing Orochimaru's answer, Ye Zi was speechless for a moment. It should be said that he could not refute.

Gaining power through knowledge... Orochimaru and Nanako are this type.

After a while, a python emerged from the water, swam to the rock wall, climbed up the steep rock wall, and returned to Orochimaru's sleeve.

It seems it's not here. Orochimaru said calmly.

What do you mean? Ye Zi didn't know what Orochimaru was doing.

Orochimaru glanced at him and explained: Before the tailed beasts were used by ninjas, they had a fixed residence. I found the former residence of a tailed beast in the Kingdom of Wind, and found ruins similar to an ancestral hall there. Therefore, the ruins are most likely used to seal Ichibi.”

What's the point of looking for these places? It turned out that Orochimaru went to the Kingdom of Wind for this reason, which made Ye Zi begin to suspect that following Orochimaru would be a waste of time doing meaningless things.

Orochimaru turned around and said, Do you think there is nothing special about the place that can be used to seal the tailed beast?

Ye Zi's eyes changed slightly, and when he thought about it carefully, it was not unreasonable.

I found something there. Orochimaru smiled.

Ye Zi became interested in what Orochimaru said and asked, What is it?

Energy is energy different from chakra. I don't know what it is. I won't come into contact with it until I fully understand it. But before that, I have to find all the ruins first. Orochi Maru said calmly.

What Orochimaru discovered is natural energy, which is the energy circulating in the world. The existence of natural energy can only be perceived when it is 'not moving'.

However, natural energy is the air and the earth. Under certain conditions and after a long period of evolution, it may be absorbed by something, whether it is a stone or a spar.

Orochimaru did not discover this unknown thing, but he sensed a trace of energy different from chakra, so he believed that the sites where the tailed beasts were sealed were likely to have this energy body.

He didn't know what this unknown energy was, but he was certain that it was dangerous to a certain extent. He would not touch it easily without a deep understanding of it.

Finding all the ruins and understanding this energy is what he wants to do now.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi's eyes lit up and his interest was immediately aroused.

If what Orochimaru said was true, then this would be one of the opportunities to become stronger and he would not miss it.

Are you a little bit interested?

Looking at Ye Zi's expression, Orochimaru smiled faintly. He looked at the thunder clouds in the distance and said calmly: But I'm interested in more than just that... There's also the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan. Of course, I can't learn from Jiu. I will get it from Shinai, so after this matter is settled, I will also go to the ruins of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

When it comes to Kushina, the red-haired girl suddenly flashed across Ye Zi's eyes. He shook his head slightly and shook the picture away. The only thing he cared about now was how to increase his strength.

After that, Orochimaru and Ye Zi left this place.

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