Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 370 Five Bamboo Forest

The sun sets and the moon rises, time passes little by little.

The journey was boring, and the little time spent accumulated into countless steps, allowing Ye Zi and Orochimaru to travel through every inch of the uninhabited land of the Land of Thunder.

Avoiding the cloud ninja, avoiding the crowds, looking for every trace, but in the end found nothing.

Presumably, even if the former ruins are left behind, the reason why they have not been found is that they either turned into sand or are under the control of Yun Ninja Village. In the entire Kingdom of Thunder, excluding the inhabited places, only Yun Lei Gorge has not been visited.

That place was guarded by many Kumo ninjas, and if the ruins were still there, there was a high chance they would be there.

However, Orochimaru didn't want to take risks just for the sake of a possibility. Since he had gained nothing in the Kingdom of Thunder, he didn't hold back at all and left the Kingdom of Thunder directly with Ye Zi.

Searching is extremely time-consuming. Fortunately, Ye Zi's current mentality is not as eager as before, otherwise he might not be able to accept it.

As night falls, the sky is covered by thunderclouds, and the sky and earth are pitch black. Occasionally, thunder flashes will bring a breath of light to the world.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru were at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder. They found a cave as a temporary resting place. They set off early tomorrow morning and could leave the Kingdom of Thunder in less than half a day and head to their next destination.

At night, the mountain wind becomes biting and swaying among the mountains, making a harsh sound like a ghost crying.

A bonfire was built in the cave, and occasionally small sparks would explode. The firelight swayed slightly, reflecting the figures of Ye Zi and Orochimaru on the cave wall.

Where's the next destination? Ye Zi's dark eyes were dyed a layer of color by the firelight.

Moon Kingdom. Orochimaru held a branch and gently fiddled with the bonfire.

Ye Zi said: The Kingdom of the Moon, if I remember correctly, it is the buffer zone of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The buffer zone is a collective term for small countries sandwiched between major powers. This collective term is based on the pain of war.

The Kingdom of the Moon is located adjacent to the Kingdom of Thunder, and is also the only way to the Kingdom of Thunder. It has always been a buffer zone to resist enemy attacks, that is, a battlefield.

It was a very small country, and as a buffer zone for a big country, it was inevitable to bear the scourge of war.

Therefore, although the Moon Country is small in area, it has good geographical conditions. Despite this, the population is still in the minority.

There is a place in the Kingdom of the Moon called the Five Bamboo Forest, and that is where we want to go. Orochimaru said calmly.

Ye Zi looked at the bonfire quietly and said calmly: Five Bamboo Forest, I have heard of that place. It is a bamboo forest with only five-leaf bamboo.

Five-leaf bamboo, as the name suggests, is a bamboo with five leaves.

Orochimaru nodded slowly and said: There are many cats in the Five Bamboo Forest. They are good at sneak attacks and are extremely ferocious. If they can master the use of chakra, they will be good psychic beasts.

If the number of a group is large enough, at this base, there will definitely be beasts that can master chakra.

In the ninja world, there are not many ninjas who can use psychic skills. It's not that they don't know how to do it, but they can't find suitable psychic beasts.

The criterion for becoming a psychic beast is to master the use of chakra, and beasts that can master the use of chakra are not easy ones, and it is not easy to successfully establish a contractual relationship with them.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru have both signed contracts with Ryūchi Cave, so they naturally look down on these psychic beasts whose combat power is at the mid-to-low end, and may be even weaker than the Snow Bears of the Iron Country.

Although he didn't like it, Ye Zi just listened and kept it in his heart.

A person can not only sign a contract with one kind of psychic beast. If Ye Zi is willing, he can also sign a contract with another kind of psychic beast.

However, he doesn't like these psychic beasts, but he may be able to find some psychic beasts with good combat power for the teenagers in the stronghold.

For example, the young men in the stronghold of the Ryujidong clan don't have to think about it. Chakra is far from enough. Even if Shin and Yanye channel the Ten Thousand Snakes, they will basically consume one-third of their chakra.

Are there any ruins in Wuzhu Forest? Ye Zi asked.

Orochimaru smiled faintly and said, I'm not sure either. I won't know until I go there.

The bonfire gradually became weaker and eventually extinguished, plunging the cave into darkness.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi closed their eyes to rest. They were both in a light sleep and would wake up immediately if there was any disturbance.

The next morning.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The morning light came from the cave entrance and fell on the dark woodpile.

Ye Zi took out the dry food, gave half of it to Orochimaru, and ate the rest in bites.

After resting his stomach for a while, he left the cave and headed to the Moon Country.

To get there, it takes about half a day's journey.

The two of them were silent all the way, and walked on in silence.

Passing through the border of the Kingdom of Thunder, entering the Kingdom of the Moon, and then heading straight to the Five Bamboo Forest without stopping.

At sunset, through the orange-red twilight, Ye Zi could see the outline of the bamboo forest in the distance.

That's right there. Ye Zi was walking quickly on the plain, and the sound of wind rushing behind him could not cover up his voice.

That's right. Orochimaru replied.

When the last trace of twilight disappeared on the horizon, the two came to the entrance of the Five Bamboo Forest.

Under the moonlight, the bamboo forest is deep and silent.

Just standing on the periphery of the bamboo forest, you can see that the gaps between bamboos are very short. It is a bit difficult for people to squeeze through this gap. It is difficult to imagine that there are ruins in such a place.

The lower part of the bamboo forest is crowded, but the upper part is more spacious.

Go in. Orochimaru jumped to the top of the bamboo, stepping on the bamboo like a wave of light steps towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

Seeing this, Ye Zi followed Orochimaru.

The bamboo forest was silent, not even the chirping of insects.

The moon hangs in the sky, and the moonlight splashes down, dyeing the tall and straight bamboos with a silvery glow.

After going deeper into the bamboo forest, the gaps between the bamboos become longer and longer, making it less crowded.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi jumped to the ground and chose to walk to avoid missing the ruins.

Just after landing, a blue cheetah the size of a calf suddenly and silently pounced out from behind, its sharp claws clawing at Ye Zi's back.

Ye Zi glanced to the right, turned around and kicked the cheetah on the head through the paw.

With a muffled bang, the cheetah's strong body flew backwards, and its head exploded into a mist of blood in the air.

The strength is not very good. Glancing at the cheetah's body whose head was kicked open, Ye Zi retracted his gaze and followed Orochimaru's footsteps.

Orochimaru said calmly: The smell of blood will attract more beasts.

Ye Zi looked at him and said, There is no threat.

Orochimaru curled his lips and stopped talking.

The two of them walked side by side, and just as Orochimaru said, one after another the cheetahs silently launched sneak attacks at the two of them, but they were easily solved by the two of them.

As the bamboo forest deepened, the cheetahs grew larger and larger, perhaps because they had not eaten humans for too long. Seeing Orochimaru and Ye Zi, the cheetahs lined up to die one after another.

After dumping a dozen cheetah carcasses, a decent guy finally came.

It is as black as ink, has a pair of cyan eyes, is ten times the size of a normal cheetah, and has a clear light of chakra on its claws.

The green eyes showed human emotions, warning and murderous intent.

Looking at this black cheetah, Ye Zi would not be surprised if it would speak in the next second.

It was rare to encounter a beast that could use chakra, so Ye Zi chose to hold back. With just one blow, the black cheetah lost its fighting ability.

Afterwards, the two crossed the black cheetah and walked a short distance before arriving at a wide place, an open space surrounded by bamboo.

Scattered stone pillars and building remains lay quietly in the open space.

This is it. Ye Zi's eyes flashed slightly.

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