Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 371: Opened Gift

The silver moonlight poured on the ruins of the building, exuding a hint of coldness and desolation.

Half of the collapsed stone pillars were buried in the ground, and half were exposed to the outside. They were covered with moss and mushrooms. It was unknown how long they had spent here.

Except for the clearly identifiable stone pillars, the rest are some broken tiles and ruins.

Orochimaru walked to the center of the ruins of the building without saying a word, walked to a stone pillar, squatted down, and stretched out his hands to clean off the moss and mushrooms on it, revealing the uneven and blurry surface of the stone pillar.

Judging from the traces, there should have been some patterns carved on the stone pillars, but they were destroyed by the ravages of time.

After wiping away the moss from all the stone pillars that could be seen, what was revealed were only extremely ordinary stone pillars.

Orochimaru wiped off the moss residue left on his palm, and said slightly disappointedly: It seems that there is no useful information left.

Ye Zi walked to the center of the ruins by himself, his brows suddenly raised, and he keenly felt an almost imperceptible energy fluctuation.

He closed his eyes and expanded his senses. The location where the energy wave came from was...under his feet.

Indeed, as Orochimaru said, it is different from the feeling of chakra. It is very subtle. If you don't feel it carefully, you won't even notice the existence of energy. was different from the chakra extracted from the body, which made Ye Zi feel a sense of danger, just like facing the enemy's chakra, that's what it felt like.

Is it because Orochimaru sensed danger that he didn't easily come into contact with this energy?

Ye Zi slowly opened his eyes, with surprise in his eyes.

Do you feel it? Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi, who nodded slightly.

How? Orochimaru sneered.

Ye Zi was silent for a moment, and then said: It's the same as what you said, feels a bit dangerous to me.

Wu Zhulin, this was once the place where the two tails were, but Orochimaru and Ye Zi didn't know this.

What is certain is that this place is the same as the ruins discovered by Orochimaru in the Kingdom of Wind. They both have subtle energy fluctuations hidden deep underground.

You can't touch it rashly before you understand it. Orochimaru curled his lips slightly and stared at the location where the energy came from. I'm very curious about it. It may have many uses.

Ye Zi didn't speak, and looked at the desolate ground quietly. Because of the unknown, he didn't dare to touch it rashly. If he didn't feel the danger, I'm afraid he and Orochimaru would immediately dig up the sand to find out.

Since it exists, it must be known.

What Orochimaru has to do is to find a way to know it.

Silently remembering this place, the two of them did not stay here for too long before leaving Wuzhu Forest.

The next destination is the Kingdom of Earth.

In order to visit the Kingdom of Thunder, Orochimaru and Ye Zi spent nearly a month. The Kingdom of Earth is quite large, so it is not that easy to visit it.

The two left the Moon Kingdom and embarked on the journey to the Earth Kingdom.

at the same time.

The old stronghold built by Ye Zi welcomed a group of uninvited guests, about forty people, all of them moving vigorously, leaping and crossing in the forest.

Soon, about forty ninjas were scattered around the hidden entrance of the stronghold, all standing in the trees.

Every ninja wears a standard long sword, wears the same clothes, and wears masks of different styles. The style of the clothes is the dress of Konoha Anbu.

These people are actually the team sent by Danzo.

Half a month ago, they found the location of the stronghold. After ensuring that there were no police posts around the stronghold, they carefully checked all the entrances to the stronghold. The final result was that there was only one entrance.

Naturally, they would not know that for the sake of convenience, Ye Zi sealed all the extra entrances and covered up the traces, leaving only an inconspicuous entrance.

He also removed the police posts around the stronghold in order to lower the vigilance of the root members.

After Gen's action team completed the investigation, they began to monitor the stronghold.

He did not act immediately because he was worried that Ye Zi might be in the stronghold.

After monitoring for almost twenty days, the entrance to the stronghold has been closed, and no one has entered or exited.

Until today, the captain of the action team finally made the decision to launch an attack on the stronghold, so everyone came to the surroundings of the stronghold and formed an immediate encirclement.

First test with the shadow clone. The captain wearing a green dog mask ordered.

As soon as the words fell, all ten team members separated into shadow clones.

Ten shadow clones jumped down from the tree, broke through the heavy wooden door of the stronghold, and entered the stronghold in a flying goose formation.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a wide corridor going downwards, surrounded by wooden floors, which feel very thick when you step on them.

The leading root member rushed to the front and remained vigilant, while the rest followed behind.

At this moment, the wooden floor that the leading Root member stepped on sank a small part. Suddenly, the smooth wooden walls on both sides of the corridor suddenly cracked numerous square holes, and bursts of shurikens were shot out from them.

The four shadow clones who fell behind were hit by many shurikens without realizing it, and disappeared into a burst of white smoke.

The remaining shadow clones did not stop at all and continued deeper, encountering many trigger traps along the way and losing two more shadow clones.

As we went deeper, the roads became more open in all directions, so the remaining four shadow clones began to explore and memorize the route in their heads.

The entire stronghold occupies a large area and is square in aerial view.

The four shadow clones explored similar areas and found that each room had accumulated a little dust, but there was no sign of movement, and there was even a lot of food stored.

Basically all the rooms have been explored, no one has been found, and no useful information has been found. In the end, there is only one large room left that has not been entered.

The four shadow clones drew a simple map based on the paths they had explored. The unexplored rooms were in the middle of the map. There were four gates in total, and a defensive barrier was set up on each gate.

The four shadow clones tried to break the barrier, but the defensive barrier returned to its original state in the blink of an eye. Therefore, the four shadow clones returned to the ground after eliminating all traps.

After the shadow clone was released, the memory fed back into the main body became information.

The trap was eliminated, but the captain of the action team did not take rash action. The little dust accumulated in the many rooms made him fearful.

However, there is still one room that has not been explored, and every door in that room has a barrier set up. The shadow clone tried to break the barrier but failed.

The four doors have the same enchantment, and they should be broken at the same time to unlock the enchantment.

So, what exactly is in the room with the barrier?

The leader of the action team thought for a while, considered it, and decided to break through the barrier and go into the room to find out.

They came here after receiving orders, and even if they found nothing, they could not let go of any corner.

Divide into five groups, prepare to enter, and one group will stay outside.

The leader of the operations team gestured, and the forty or so ninjas quickly divided into five teams. Then four teams entered the stronghold, and one team stayed outside.

Relying on the shadow clones to eliminate traps and obtain a rough terrain map, the four teams dispersed and soon arrived at each gate with a barrier.

Complex black tadpole incantations are spread regularly on the wooden door, exuding traces of chakra fluctuations.

Using special contact methods, four teams scattered across four wooden doors broke the barrier at the same time with a slight time difference.

The black tadpole spell disappeared from the door, and before the Root members had time to push open the wooden door, the entire stronghold suddenly shook violently.


For a moment, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Quickly retreat! The action team leader's face changed drastically, he drank and ran towards the entrance.

Just when everyone made a move, the wooden board above their heads suddenly cracked, and heavy boulders crashed down, crushing the running Root members into meat patties.

The team staying outside heard the sound and looked up with shocked expressions on their faces.

I saw that the mountain that was slightly protruding from the ground suddenly collapsed and sank within a few seconds of making a sound, setting off bursts of smoke and dust.

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