Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 372 Plan

The mountain collapsed, dust flew everywhere, and the roar that seemed to echo in the ears after it disappeared made the root members who were guarding outside look dull.

The drastic change happened so suddenly that there was no preparation at all.

The mountain, which was about one story high, and several trees growing on and around it, all collapsed and fell to the ground, and the entire ground even sunk by more than one meter.

They couldn't imagine what the situation was like inside now. The root members who came back to their senses tried to dig out the corpses of their companions buried in the ground based on the rough map, but in vain.

Damn Thunder Fang. A Root member gritted his teeth.

This stronghold is a trap set up to welcome them. The large number of trigger traps previously were only set up to lower their vigilance.

Go back to the village.

The eight root members left here full of dissatisfaction.

The stored food, most of the rooms with no traces of movement, and the slight dust on the furniture indicated that the stronghold had been moved recently. Before they set up surveillance, the stronghold had been empty for a long time.

In order to ensure that no corner was missed, more than thirty companions were killed.

I have been wandering on the edge of life and death for many years. Although I am ready to die, this way of dying is too oppressive.

The mission failed and the root members returned to Konoha.

On the cross bridge, after listening to the detailed report, Danzo raised his slightly squinted eyelids, flashing with an icy chill, and suddenly raised his slender cane and shook it towards the ground.

The stone ground suddenly cracked with fine scratches like spider webs.

Ye Zi! A voice filled with murderous intent came out of Danzo's mouth.

Since he learned that Ye Zi was still alive, his many actions against Ye Zi all ended in failure, and he even lost many elite subordinates.

It is not easy to cultivate an elite subordinate who is dedicated. If one of them dies, it will be a loss. In Ye Zi's hands, Danzo lost a lot of his subordinates.

Knowing that it was not that easy to get rid of Ye Zi, he wanted to use Minato's side to get rid of Ye Zi, but the effect was not good, and Danzo did not want to continue to invest his men's lives in the bottomless pit of Ye Zi.

Tsunade and Jirai are also looking for Ye Zi's whereabouts...

Danzo said to himself, his expression extremely cold. Unless there was a perfect opportunity, he would not send out his subordinates again, and Tsunade and Jiraiya, who had left the village now, could just take advantage of it.

The famous Sannin... Tsunade and Jiraiya, plus those two people, can you still be safe this time?

Search for Ye Zi's whereabouts as quickly as possible. Danzo said coldly.


The root member who was half kneeling in front of him accepted the order and disappeared from the spot to carry out the order given by Danzo.

After his subordinates left, Danzo narrowed his eyes and thought about his plan against Ye Zi.

The information on the stronghold was cut off, and even an expert like Hyuga Ryo could be discovered by Ye Zi. There was no way to find out the location of the new stronghold.

In this case, let's find a way to get rid of Ye Zi first, as long as we get the body.

The newly developed equipment by the Scientific Research Department can cooperate with the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan to seize the memory of the corpse. The trouble is that I can't reach there.

That's all, let them do it, and then find a way to get the information.

Ye Zi, who was in the Kingdom of Earth, didn't want to go to the old stronghold to see the situation, and there was no need to go. Although he spent some time setting up traps, he didn't take it seriously.

It didn't matter to him whether it would be fruitful or not.

He also knew that Danzo was like a nail that could not be pulled out even if it was stuck in his body.

Although he really wanted to kill Danzo, Danzo would never leave the village, and it was impossible for him to take the risk and sneak into Konoha to assassinate Danzo.

Not knowing that Danzo wanted to make arrangements against him again, Ye Zi and Orochimaru came to a well-known place in the Land of Earth.

Matsutake Mountain is the name of this place. The terrain is undulating and red at first glance. All that can be seen are rocky mountains arranged irregularly, which look like enlarged versions of matsutake mushrooms.

The name of the rock mountain is Matsutake Rock. There are big and small rocks. The largest Matsutake Rock covers an area as big as a football field.

The destination of Orochimaru and Ye Zi is the largest matsutake rock. To be precise, it is the hole in the matsutake rock.

Compared with the regular pine mushroom rock, the large pine mushroom rock in front of me looked very bulky. After circling the mountain in front of me, I finally determined that there was only one entrance to the cave.

There is a polished stone wall above the entrance of the cave, with vague and incomplete fonts on it. I can't tell which characters are in the whole, but there is one character that I can probably guess, and that is the character 水.

Water... Let alone water, there is not even a green plant to be seen in this place. At a glance, it is all pine mushroom rocks and nothing else.

After looking at the stone wall for a while, Orochimaru and Ye Zi walked into the cave. There was no light source inside and it was dark.

Ye Zi used Wood Escape to make a weakened wooden stick, and then used Fire Escape to light it as a simple torch.

It's such a convenient ability. Orochimaru glanced at the torch in Ye Zi's hand, and he didn't know if he was sincerely complimenting him.

The first Hokage's Wood Release was used by Ye Zi to build strongholds, make tableware, furniture, and even toilets. When he was in the wild, he didn't need to go out to find firewood. He could just let Ye Zi throw a few pieces of wood out.

In a place like Matsutake Mountain where there are no plants, you can't find wood. It's impossible to get a torch, but Ye Zi's Wood Escape can do it.

If the First Hokage knew that Ye Zi had used Wood Release so extensively, he wouldn't know what he would think.

The top management of Konoha once thought only about using human factors to create a ninja who could use Wood Release. They never thought that Ye Zi, who had mastered Wood Release, could use Wood Release in this way.

The light from the torch, which was not too bright, illuminated the environment inside the cave. It seemed to be a naturally formed cave with almost no traces of artificial chiseling.

The two wandered around the cave and found no ruins. However, in the innermost place, they once again felt the subtle energy fluctuations.

This is consistent with the feeling I felt when I was in Wuzhu Forest, that is to say, it is the same energy.

This is it, but there is still no useful information left. Orochimaru looked around. There were no artificial traces, let alone ruins. Speaking of artificial traces, it was the stone wall that looked like a plaque at the entrance of the cave. One could be identified. The word 'water'.

There are remnants of buildings in Wuzhu Forest, but they have been eroded by the years and become unrecognizable. This cave also has the kind of energy fluctuations, but it is a pity that there are no ruins.

In a closed environment, if there are ruins, they should be well preserved, but it is a pity.

Orochimaru thought regretfully.

Ye Zi felt the energy fluctuations emanating from the ground and silently remembered this place.

If he didn't have a contract with Nao, he would have thought about letting Gao swallow this energy body, and he would be more than happy, but Ye Zi didn't want to take this risk.

After determining that they could not find any useful information, the two left the place.

Many people have visited this cave in the past years, including Wuzhulin.

However, no one who has been here can feel the subtle energy fluctuations. The condition for feeling it is that there must be a large amount of chakra in the body.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi have a lot of Chak in their bodies, and they can only feel energy fluctuations after reaching the standard.

In addition to this, I have found three places, but no useful information has been found.

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