Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 373 Poisonous Insect

Without obtaining any useful information, Ye Zi and Orochimaru left Matsutake Rock with regrets, planning to leave the Land of Earth and go to other countries.

The journey has not always been peaceful, and I have occasionally encountered ninjas from great powers. A battle is inevitable. No matter how many ninjas I encounter, how can I win over the combination of Ye Zi and Orochimaru?

In the face of a very obvious difference in strength, all the enemy ninjas they encountered were killed by the two of them.

In addition to those ninjas who were unlucky enough to encounter Ye Zi and Orochimaru, there were also ambitious enemy ninjas who attempted a sneak attack after discovering Ye Zi. However, in the face of Ye Zi's perception, they were just seeking death.

Ye Zi's information is recorded in the killing manuals of ANBU ninjas from various countries, so the ANBU will attack Ye Zi when they encounter him. Unfortunately, although Ye Zi's reputation is not as shining as Minato, his strength is far superior reputation.

Along the way, enemy ninjas would fall down from time to time, which was a senseless death.

Ye Zi is not only famous in the killing manuals in the hands of the ANBU of various countries, but the bounty orders that were once revoked on the black market are now at the top of the list, with a bounty of up to 500 million taels crushing all the bounties.

Most of the black market bounties are for the bodies of ninjas, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Ye Zi's body is a treasure trove. This is the reason why the bounty amount is so high.

However, even if the reward amount is so exaggerated, no bounty hunter active in the black market dares to accept this reward order.

In the past, when Ye Zi's reward amount was 100 million, no one could complete it. Now, although it is as high as 500 million, it is even more difficult to complete it.

As for forming a group? It's just to give Ye Zi experience, and Ye Zi doesn't even bother to take this experience.

Bounty orders that no one can complete have become an eye-catching sight in the black market, often causing bounty hunters to have red eyes.

Money can make a difference, but sometimes it doesn't apply, at least it doesn't apply to Ye Zi. Maybe even if the reward amount is as high as one billion, no one will be willing to accept the reward order.

A bounty of 500 million taels cannot motivate bounty hunters who love money as much as their lives. However, ninjas from all over the world do not have the temptation of 500 million taels, but they still have to follow orders and carry out tasks against Ye Zi.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru seem to want to travel throughout the entire ninja world, and their behavior and traces are as low-key as possible. However, it is only a matter of time before they are noticed when they enter other people's territory.


The long knife entwined with thunder pierced the heart of a rock ninja, and then slowly pulled it out to prevent blood from splashing.

The rough-looking Iwa Nin stared at the expressionless Ye Zi, his eyes gradually turned gray, and he fell to the ground helplessly.

Thank you for chasing me here. Ye Zi looked at the corpse at his feet and moved his arm to shake off the blood on the knife.

He was holding the 'blood', and the blade was hanging low at his side. Around the place where he stood, there were about a dozen rock ninjas lying.

About two hundred meters away from him, Orochimaru was strangling an Iwa Ninja with his latent shadow snake hand. Around him, there were seven or eight Iwa Ninjas lying.

Their current location is in the Country of Taki, and this Iwa Ninja team seems to be pursuing them from the Country of Earth. It seems that they left traces in the Country of Earth and were chased here.

Killing the rock ninja did not bring pleasure to Ye Zi, because fighting had become a routine thing.

Many years ago, Ye Zi almost lost his life in the Kingdom of Earth. During the chase led by Tsuchikage, he was even more embarrassed. Even if his arms and legs were broken, he still had to try his best to escape. He will always remain in his heart. Lingering.

Regarding the Iwa Ninja Village and the Tsuchikage, Ye Zi's statement that he has no hatred is false, but when he becomes stronger, he will not go out of his way to trouble the Iwa Ninja Village, because it is meaningless.

Even though the stronghold was built in the Kingdom of Earth and there were frequent visits, Ye Zi did not have enough time to hunt Iwa Ninja as prey.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zi did not go to the Yan Ninja Village to cause trouble, but the Yan Ninja Village started to trouble him.

Ye Zi wouldn't mind if Iwa Ninja came a little more, it would be better if Onoki took action himself.

As long as he doesn't have to face the power of the entire Iwa Ninja Village, he doesn't mind having a fight with Onoki elsewhere. If Onoki can be eliminated, Iwa Ninja Village will lose a shadow-level powerhouse.

The weakening of the five major ninja villages is a good thing for Ye Zi, because as more and more tailed beasts are collected, the major ninja villages will never sit idly by.

The key is that Nagato wants to use the heretic demon as a weapon of war to intimidate the ninja world and then conquer the world. This purpose and final act will also put himself on the opposite side of all ninja villages.

Twenty people can't make any trouble at all, old guy. Ye Zi returned the knife to its sheath and muttered to himself to the corpses on the ground.

The old guy in his words was of course the Tsuchikage Onoki of Iwa Ninja Village, but Onoki could not hear these words.

Soon, Orochimaru's side was also dealt with, leaving corpses on the ground.

After glancing at the corpse on the ground, Orochimaru walked over expressionlessly.

Dispose of the body. Ye Zi suggested.

Orochimaru nodded upon hearing this, and used low-level fire escape to ignite the corpses on the ground.

Ye Zi also threw the Fire Release on the corpse. After a while, the corpses on the ground were ignited with blazing fire. For a while, the pungent burning smell filled the air.

After the two set a fire, they left the place.

I also encountered an ANBU team in the Land of Earth before, and they undoubtedly died in the hands of Ye Zi. I didn't expect that another team of Iwa Ninja would chase them to the Land of Taki.

To put it bluntly, with the combination of Ye Zi and Orochimaru, there is nothing that can be done to them without hundreds of ninjas.

Taki no Kuni is famous for its many waterfalls, but not all of them are waterfalls. There are also plains, forests and mountains.

Coming after the ruins, the only place worth setting foot on is the forest, and there is only one forest in Taki Country, called Aoki Forest, which occupies one-sixth of the area of ​​Taki Country.

There are only two or three species of trees in the Aoki Forest. What they have in common is that they are green enough. The trunks, branches and leaves are a seamless dark green.

Rocks, dead wood, and other visible things on the ground will be covered with a thick layer of green moss. After entering the forest, the only color you can see is green. The difference lies in the depth of green.

There are a lot of poisonous insects here, so be careful. Orochimaru reminded Ye Zi immediately as he led Ye Zi into the Aoki Forest.

The Taki Ninja Village in Taki Country is rarely attacked by ninjas from other countries due to geographical factors. However, as a small country in the middle, Taki Country has also been used as a battlefield many times.

Ninjas will avoid fighting in the Aoki Forest because there are a lot of poisonous insects here, and the number of species is unusually large.

Maybe while jumping in the forest, he accidentally ran into a small green bug head-on. So sorry, there are no medical ninjas with strong detoxification capabilities. The slightest pain means death.

Usually, after a defeated ninja has no way to escape, they will choose to take risks and escape into the Aoki Forest to seek a chance of survival. If the pursuit is not heavy enough, the enemy will generally not choose to pursue them into the forest.

When a ninja who is injured or in poor condition enters the Aoki Forest, he or she will inevitably die, again because of poisonous insects.

In such a huge forest, except for a kind of green snake that is not afraid of poisonous insects, no other creatures can survive. For example, many years ago, Nanao Shigeaki lived in the green wood forest.

Green snakes feed on poisonous insects, and a wide variety of poisonous insects feed on their own kind.

This place will be a paradise for the Aburame clan.

In fact, members of the Aburame clan who specialize in poisonous insects often come to the Aoki Forest.

Poisonous insects are small in size and difficult to guard against. If you want to avoid being bitten by poisonous insects, just cover the body surface with fine chakra. However, the duration is a flaw.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru naturally would not choose this stupid method and waste chakra.

Orochimaru is very knowledgeable in poisons, but he specializes in snake venom. He doesn't know how to repel insects, and he doesn't have the insect repellent prepared by the Aunon clan.

The two of them were walking in the forest. After a while, the soles of their feet were covered with green moss.

Eyes see in six directions, ears listen in all directions.

Always pay attention to the poisonous insects, and unfortunately, Ye Zi won the bid.

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