Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 374 Invalid

A green bug as big as a fingernail fell silently from the tree and landed on Ye Zi's arm. Then the bug seemed to be lost and crawled to the back of Ye Zi's palm.

When Ye Zi noticed something strange, the insect felt its body temperature and took a bite without hesitation. At the same time, it was knocked away by the thunder flow that appeared on the palm of his hand and turned into a small puddle of green liquid in the air.

There are many types of poisonous insects in the Aoki Forest. The most difficult to prevent is the green insect, and the most poisonous one is also the green insect.

Everything you see here is dark green. After being here for a long time, your vision is accustomed to green, so it is difficult to notice green bugs.

After killing the bug, Ye Zi frowned slightly and raised his palm to examine it. The wound was very small and it healed automatically within a breath after being bitten.

Usually the symptoms caused by toxins are hematoma and black, purple and green discoloration. However, after the wound on the back of the palm heals, it will be fine.

Bitten? Orochimaru saw Ye Zi kill an insect with his thunder escape, and came over with a look of gloating on his pale face.

Seeing Orochimaru's expression, Ye Zi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, You seem to be very happy.

Orochimaru's snake eyes were calm, and he said calmly: I'm just curious. If word spreads that the famous Ye Zi died at the hands of a little insect, I don't know what it will be like.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi's face darkened, and she ignored him. Instead, she observed the palm bitten by the insect, and could not feel anything strange yet.

Orochimaru also looked at Ye Zi's palm quietly. He was good at using poison and knew that no matter what kind of poison it was, it would cause poisonous effects after it invaded the human body. However, there was no reaction on Ye Zi's palm, which meant that the poison had not invaded the body.

Since he was bitten, the insect's toxin will invade his body, but Ye Zi can't react now. There are two possibilities, one is that the insect is not poisonous, and the other is that the toxin is not effective on Ye Zi.

Both of these possibilities seemed unrealistic here, but Ye Zi did not show any signs of poisoning.

That bug is green? Orochimaru suddenly asked.

Ye Zi nodded. Not only was it green, but after being blasted to pieces with Thunder Release, it turned directly into green liquid, with no other colors at all.

Oh. Orochimaru responded and said: If it is green, it should be the most poisonous insect in the Aoki Forest. After an ordinary person is bitten, he will die in three seconds, but a strong ninja can survive for five minutes.

In your words... Orochimaru smiled sinisterly and said lightly: With a strong enough physique and Hashirama cells, I should be able to last for thirty minutes. It's normal that I don't have any reaction now.

Orochimaru was sure that Ye Zi was not poisoned, so he just tricked Ye Zi in a bad way.

Ye Zi remained unmoved, waiting patiently for possible reactions. However, after a few minutes, everything was still calm.

Are you sure that insect is poisonous? Ye Zi was sure that he was not poisoned, and couldn't help but look at Orochimaru with suspicion.

Not only is it poisonous, it's also extremely poisonous.

Orochimaru also confirmed his guess, took out a kunai and shot diagonally upward.

There was a thud.

The kunai stabbed a green snake, one meter long and about the thickness of an arm.

Being stabbed in the head by a kunai and nailed to the tree, the green snake struggled for a while and then died quietly.

Orochimaru walked over and dug out the green snake's gallbladder and venom sac.

Snake gallbladder can detoxify insect poison, but you probably don't need it. Orochimaru turned around and looked at Ye Zi, and said with interest: I don't understand why you weren't poisoned. Maybe you can try to be bitten by an insect again and see.

Hearing this, Ye Zi was silent for a while, and then stretched out his hand towards Orochimaru, intending to ask for the snake gallbladder.

If what Orochimaru said was true and the bug was indeed highly venomous, then he had no reaction after being bitten. Why was this happening? He was also very interested.

If you have snake gallbladder, you can be just in case.

Seeing Ye Zi extending his hand, Orochimaru understood and threw the snake gall to Ye Zi. The latter put away the snake gall and started looking for poisonous insects.

No one could stop Orochimaru when he became interested. Seeing that Ye Zi agreed with him, he also started to help Ye Zi find bugs.

One bug may not be enough. It's best to bite four or five together. Orochimaru looked around and suggested casually.

The corner of Ye Zi's mouth twitched slightly, and he was too lazy to respond to Orochimaru. He did not have masochistic tendencies. When it came to masochistic tendencies, Orochimaru was the first.

The Aoki Forest has a very vivid nickname: the Poisonous Insect Forest. There is only one kind of snake and a wide variety of poisonous insects here.

The forest is silent, and poisonous insects can lurk anywhere, and they like to bite creatures with body temperature. After humans enter the forest, they will be attacked by poisonous insects once they enter the range of poisonous insects.

Anyone who knows the Aoki Forest will not enter here easily, and today the Aoki Forest welcomes two freaks.

Others are afraid of the poisonous insects here. Even the Aburame clan will not take the initiative to find poisonous insects to bite them. Fortunately, they are interested.

The most indispensable thing in the Aoki Forest is poisonous insects. Soon, Orochimaru found a bunch of insects that were fighting and pointed them out to Ye Zi.

Looking in the direction Orochimaru pointed, Ye Zi's face turned slightly dark. There were hundreds of insects of different types fighting on that tree, and he didn't need so many.

But now that I've found it, there's no need to waste any more time.

He controlled his chakra output and sent out a lightning beam from his palm, blasting into the insect swarm, directly killing most of the poisonous insects, leaving only a dozen or so.

Then, he jumped into the air and fished out two or three green poisonous insects with his hands.

If anyone sees this scene, their scalp will definitely explode, it is a highly poisonous insect.

Catching the poisonous insect in his palm, Ye Zi fell from the air. While he was in mid-air, he felt the slight pain of being bitten several times on his palm.

Orochimaru walked over and watched Ye Zi open his palm, then waved his arm and threw out the poisonous insects in his palm.

Under the exquisite control of force, the poisonous insect collapsed and died in mid-air.

His eyes focused on Ye Zi's open palm. There were several small wounds, which were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the wound recovered, it took several minutes, but no poisonous effect was produced.

Orochimaru, would you like to let the bug bite you? After another five minutes, Ye Zi looked up at Orochimaru and suggested.

After seeing that Ye Zi was bitten by a poisonous insect but did not react with poisoning, Orochimaru's snake eyes flashed slightly. Hearing Ye Zi's suggestion, he nodded and said, Give me the snake gallbladder.

I'm afraid even a group that is good at repelling insects won't have this kind of dialogue. Is this a competition to die?

Ye Zi handed the snake gallbladder to Orochimaru, who then went to look for bugs. After a while, he found two black poisonous bugs and a green poisonous bug.

Like Ye Zi, he directly caught the poisonous insects in his hands and let them bite them arbitrarily before killing them.

Under Ye Zi's gaze, Orochimaru stretched out his palm calmly, only to see that the needle-point wound bitten by the poisonous insect suddenly swelled up, and the surrounding area of ​​the wound quickly changed color, turning black and pale green.

In just ten seconds, the wound changed color, and Orochimaru felt signs of paralysis in his arm. He confirmed that the bug was highly poisonous, and swallowed the snake gall into his belly, inhibiting the spread and effect of the toxin.

So it seems that the poisonous insect's toxin is ineffective on me? Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru's swollen palm and could see that the insect's toxin was not weak, but there was no reaction at all when it bit him.

Orochimaru glanced at him, and after a moment of silence, he said, Try the snake venom.

... Ye Zi was speechless.

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