Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 375: The Aburame Clan

Orochimaru was not joking... Ye Zi didn't seem to take it as a joke either.

He actually tried the snake venom as Orochimaru said, but it still didn't work.

Have you never noticed? Orochimaru stared at Ye Zi with a strange look, as if he wanted to cut Ye Zi open and take a closer look at the internal structure.

Being immune to poisons can be said to be the ability that ninjas dream of. After all, many ninjas like to quench poisons on hidden weapons.

Insect venom and snake venom have no effect on him. Ye Zi himself is very surprised at this. How could he have noticed this in the past, because no one would let himself be poisoned easily.

Facing Orochimaru's gaze, although Ye Zi was well-informed, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He had seen the horrifying scene in Orochimaru's laboratory.

When fighting the enemy, I always pay close attention to those who are good at using poison. I have rarely been poisoned. If I hadn't been bitten by this little bug today, I really don't know that I am immune to poison. Ye Zi He groaned.

The poisonous insects in the Aoki Forest and Orochimaru's snake venom can be said to be extremely poisonous, but Ye Zi can be immune to them, but he doesn't know where the limit is.

Tsunade of Konoha and Chiyo of Sand Ninja are both masters of poison, but they don't know whether they are immune to poison.

And Yanye's plant poison... If you haven't tried it, you won't know it at all.

Therefore, when the boundaries are unclear, even if Ye Zi knows that his body is immune to toxins, Ye Zi will always be careful not to poison himself. Who knows whether the poison used by Tsunade and Chiyo will be effective.

During a battle, once you are poisoned and cannot get rid of it, you will basically be declared dead.

At this time, Ye Zi suddenly remembered that the last time he blocked the Konoha team, there was a guy from the Aburame clan who tried his best to let the bug bite him, but failed from beginning to end.

If I were bitten at that time, I don’t know what would happen.

It would be interesting to imagine that the poisonous insect that the Aburame clan was so proud of bit him and it didn't work.

Orochimaru's eyes were fixed on Ye Zi, and he couldn't help but stretch out his long tongue to lick his lips. There were not many people with special physiques, but Ye Zi was one of them. Apart from Uchiha Shin, Ye Zi was one of them. The special one.

Don't look at me with that look. Feeling Orochimaru's gaze becoming more and more wanton, Ye Zi warned with a cold face.


Orochimaru let out a hoarse low laugh, and his eyes narrowed slightly, but the rising interest could not be suppressed.

Maybe it's because of Hashirama's cells. Looking away from Ye Zi, Orochimaru looked deep into the forest.

Maybe. Ye Zi felt that this possibility was very high.

However, poison is very strange. You can be immune to insect venom and snake venom, but you may not be immune to all poisons. Orochimaru curled his lips slightly and said coldly: If I want, I can prepare a medicine to target Hashirama cells. poison, so don’t think that just because you have a special constitution, you can underestimate the poison.”

The words sounded like threats, but they were actually reminding Ye Zi.

Are you reminding me? Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru's side face with a slightly strange look.

Orochimaru smiled coldly and denied, I'm just suddenly interested in how to prepare toxins for you.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the depths of the forest. After walking a short distance, he threw out a kunai with his hand and nailed a green snake to death.

Ye Zi is not afraid of the insect poison here, but he is not immune, so if he sees a green snake, he must dig out the snake's gall and prepare it.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi thought that even if you were deployed, it would be useless if he didn't give you a chance.

After knowing that he was not afraid of insect poison, Ye Zi seemed much more relaxed, unlike before, where he was always paying attention to his surroundings.

But even if he pays attention at all times, he will accidentally catch one, because the environmental color of the Greenwood Forest is one, and the green bugs are small in size and have protective colors, so it is difficult to detect them.

The two walked through the forest one after another, and encountered a lot of bugs along the way, which caused a lot of trouble to Orochimaru.

Without a clear purpose, he just walked aimlessly in the forest, trying to find ruins in the forest.

Time passed slowly, and after more than an hour, the surrounding scenery didn't seem to have changed much, it was all green.

Suddenly, Ye Zi called out to Orochimaru.


Orochimaru stopped, looked at him, and asked, What?

Ye Zi looked calm, looked towards the two o'clock direction, and said, There are people, about ten.

Oh? Orochimaru's eyes were slightly startled.

Want to take a look? Ye Zi asked.

Orochimaru thought for a moment, nodded and said, Go and have a look.

After deciding, the two headed towards two o'clock.

In the forest about a kilometer away from Ye Zi, there were three people standing, all around thirty years old.

The three people were dressed very similarly. They were all wearing high-collar windbreakers. The collars could even cover the tip of their noses. Moreover, all three of them were wearing sunglasses, but the styles were different.

Among the three people, the leader was carrying a small stone urn behind his back. At this time, the lid of the stone urn was opened, and dense black insects flew out from inside, scattered into several parts, and just floating in the air.

There were several piles of black bugs, and each pile of bugs emitted chakra fluctuations.

If Ye Zi and Orochimaru were here, even if they didn't look at the insects, they would be able to recognize these three people at once. They must be members of the Aburame clan. No one else except the Aburame clan can dress in that style.

Clan leader, can you find it this time? the man in sunglasses with long braided hair on the left asked.

Aburame Shiwei, a Jounin of Konoha, and the current leader of the Aburame clan, after hearing what the man in sunglasses said, he shook his head slightly and said uncertainly: I'm not sure either.

After he finished speaking, he opened his hands and controlled the black insect swarms to disperse and fly around.

There were only three people, but Ye Zi felt that there were ten people. In fact, he was misled by the black bug.

The two people who accompanied Aburame Shiwei were also elites of the Aburame clan and were also jounin.

The one with long braided hair is named Aburame Shiki, and the other with the spiky head is Aburame Shiki.

Watching Aburame Shiwei disperse the bugs, Aburame Shiichi and Aburame Shihui's bodies slowly crawled out of the insects, formed a pile and flew up, filling the areas that Aburame Shiwei couldn't care about.

This is a parasitic insect that can sense chakra. The purpose of their trip is to come to the poisonous insect king in the Aoki Forest.

It was a highly poisonous insect that had survived for hundreds of years. From the beginning to the present, it had swallowed countless poisonous insects in the past hundred years. Its toxin intensity could be said to be the highest in the Cyanwood Forest.

Aburame Zhiwei has been to the Greenwood Forest many times for the Poisonous Insect King, but has only encountered it once so far. As a result, he escaped. From then on, it was difficult to find traces of the Insect King.

Although his insect type is not prone to poison, if he can sign a contract with the Poisonous Insect King, he will be a good individual combat power.

The parasites spread out and flew around the forest, covering a large area in an attempt to sense the whereabouts of the poisonous insect king.

As the spread spread wider and wider, the whereabouts of the Poisonous Insect King were still not detected.

It seems there isn't one here either. Aburame Shi was slightly disappointed, and suddenly, he looked startled.

There is a situation.

Before he finished speaking, the other two people were also shocked.

Their parasites sensed Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

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