Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 376: Fight

Aburame Zhiwei and the others ordered the parasites to spread around. The purpose was to find the insect king, so they did not hide it.

When Chongzi discovered Ye Zi and Orochimaru, the latter also saw Chongzi directly.

The stream of insects flying in the air like a black curtain looks particularly abrupt in the green forest.

Seeing the black stream of insects, Ye Zi and Orochimaru stopped immediately.

Insects from the Aburame clan. Ye Zi and Orochimaru were born in Konoha, and they immediately recognized that the black insect stream was not a product of the Aoki Forest, but bugs from the Aburame clan.

Before receiving the order, the black insect stream just moved in the air and did not attack Ye Zi and the other two.

Bugs from the Aburame clan appear here. It’s not clear whether it’s accidental or inevitable.

But whether it is accidental or inevitable, once you encounter it, you must deal with it.

The ninjas from other countries encountered along the way are all enemies. The other party has only two choices, one is to escape, and the other is to die.


Wisps of thunder flow emerged from Ye Zi's body. He held the handle of the knife behind his waist with his backhand and quickly pulled it out. The long knife was wrapped in the flickering thunder flow.

call out!

He jumped from the ground into the air and swung his knife at the black insect stream not far away. The thunder stream on the long knife extended instantly, and the dazzling thunder beam crossed the black insect stream and swept down a large area.

After swiping the knife, he quickly swung the knife in the opposite direction.

The black insect stream seemed to be aware of the danger and took action to disperse and dodge, but Ye Zi's knife was faster and once again swept away a large area of ​​the black insect stream.

After killing many bugs with two swords in the air, Ye Zi landed on the ground and prepared for the second wave of offensive. He wanted to reduce the number of bugs as much as possible before the Aburame clan members appeared.

At this moment, the black insect stream seemed to be frightened by Ye Zi's two swords, and began to retreat away from Ye Zi.

However, the three people, Aburame Zhiwei and others who rushed over, sensed that many insects were dead and quickly called the insects back.

Orochimaru just stood aside quietly and watched. With Ye Zi here, he would not take action if he could.

After the black insect stream receded for a while, it headed this way again, this time followed by three people wearing high-collar windbreakers.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru saw the costumes of the three people and confirmed their previous guesses that they were indeed members of the Aburame clan.

The three of them, Aburame Zhiwei, came here and each stood on a tree. They applied insect repellent on their bodies, so they didn't have to worry about the little poisonous insects in the forest.

Black insects floated around them. When they saw Ye Zi and Orochimaru from a high position, most of their faces suddenly changed color.

Ye Zi, Orochimaru...

Aburame Zhiwei said the names of Ye Zi and Orochimaru in a dull tone, with unconcealable surprise in her tone.

Aburame Zhihui and Aburame Zhiyi subconsciously tensed up their bodies and stared at Ye Zi and Orochimaru with high concentration.

Every ninja in Konoha Village recognizes the names of Ye Zi and Orochimaru, as well as the strength that matches their reputation.

Especially Ye Zi... Even senior Hatake Sakumo was defeated by this person.

Aburame Shiwei. Orochimaru's cold snake eyes glanced at the three of them with a cold expression.

Shiwei Aburame is the leader of the Aburame clan and an elite among the Jounin of Konoha. She has always played a significant role in various wars.

The Aburame clan's behavior is low-key and their presence is not strong, but whether they are people from Konoha or the enemy, even if they cannot remember the Aburame clan, they will still remember the bugs with various abilities.

Orochimaru has led the Aburame clan several times, and he is familiar with Aburame Shiwei, and the latter has a close relationship with Orochimaru.

Silently, the stream of black insects floating behind Aburame Shiwei suddenly started to stir, which was a sign of preparation for an attack.

Due to his character, Aburame Shiwei would not question Orochimaru and Ye Zi about their purpose here. They were rebel ninjas from Konoha, and he was a ninja from Konoha. After encountering them, his priority was not to escape, but to escape. is to try and fight.

There is no doubt that Ye Zi and Orochimaru are very strong, but being strong will not be the reason why Aburame Shiwei shrinks.

Everything must be tried to find out.

In the brief moment after the two parties exchanged their names, Aburame Shiwei took the initiative and controlled the insects to fly in the air and explode like fireworks, covering Ye Zi and Orochimaru like a blanket.

Aburame Shihui and Aburame Shiki calmed down when they saw the clan leader launching an attack. They also controlled the insect flow and detoured from both sides, trying to attack Ye Zi and Orochimaru from behind.

Seeing the insects forming a large shadow and covering the sky, Ye Zi looked unmoved. The thin threads of thunder changed into the thickness of a tail finger, and the thunder flow covering his body produced obvious changes in shape.

The thunder flow formed a lifelike dragon head on the top of the head, and the dragon's claws fell on the shoulders, shooting the thunder beam outward. The thunder flow on the front and back of the chest seemed to be like a layer of scales.

Thunder escape, thunder dragon armor.

When a group of parasitic bugs is dispatched, they can eat away entities in an instant, such as the trees derived from Ye Zi's wood escape, and the rock formations derived from Orochimaru's earth escape. If the parasitic bugs find an opportunity to crawl on them, they will only If the number reaches the standard, it will be eaten away into dregs in a few breaths. Even if the body surface is covered with a layer of chakra, it will be useless.

However, the changed properties of chakra, such as thunder or fire, which have lethal properties, can effectively resist parasitic insects.

If the body is covered with a layer of defensive rocks, it will be eaten away by insects. If it is like the thunder dragon armor that Ye Zi is wearing at this time, it can cause fatal damage to the insects.

However, parasites can devour chakra. Even thunder-attribute chakra after its properties have changed, as long as there are enough, it can swallow and weaken thunder-attribute chakra at the premise of loss.

However, Ye Zi's Thunder Dragon Armor is incredibly powerful, and the parasites have a slim chance of weakening and devouring it.

After putting on the thunder dragon armor, Ye Zi held the blood and rushed into the insect swarm to kill them, until he was close to Aburame Zhiwei and the others.

When the insects came close, they were directly electrocuted into charcoal by the powerful lightning current on Ye Zi's body.

When Aburame Zhiwei and the others saw this, their eyelids twitched slightly and their hearts ached.

Every member of the Oil Girl tribe will always feel heartbroken when they see insects being killed in large numbers.

Ye Zi's Thunder Dragon Armor was simply the nemesis of insects, but Aburame Zhiwei and the others did not back down. Instead, they calmly distanced themselves from Ye Zi while controlling most of the insects to block Ye Zi's footsteps.

They could feel that the thunder escape chakra that enveloped Ye Zi was astonishing, and its power was so great that even a bug could not break through it. Similarly, they knew that Ye Zi's move should consume a lot of chakra. And it still outputs continuously.

Before showing a more intuitive decline, Aburame Zhiwei and the others wanted to delay a little longer to see if they could hold on until Ye Zi's chakra was insufficient, and then they could launch a counterattack.

Also, it seems that the insects that sneaked into the soil as a back-up could not deceive Ye Zi, so they could only use them against Orochimaru.

Compared to Ye Zi, most of Orochimaru's moves are actually restrained by insects.

He is good at using earth escape and snake ninjutsu. The changes in the nature of earth escape are defeated by insects, and tricks such as the latent shadow snake hand are also overcome by insects.

He also knows some other ninjutsu that can change properties, which is more than enough to deal with bugs.

The wind escapes and the vacuum ripples.

Orochimaru quickly formed seals with his hands, mobilizing the chakra in his body. His mouth bulged slightly. When he opened his mouth, he spun his body in a circle and spit out dozens of carefully rotating wind blades to fly towards the insects coming from all directions.

The sharp wind blade was not slow. It cut through the insect stream and knocked down many insects, but it failed to block all the insects.

Even though most of the bugs were manipulated to deal with Ye Zi, there were also quite a few bugs on Orochimaru's side, which shows how amazingly proficient the bugs on Ye Zi's side were.

Seeing that there was still more than half of the insect flow, Orochimaru jumped back decisively, widening the distance between him and the insect, making Aburame Shiki and Aburame Shiichi's idea of ​​surrounding Orochimaru in vain.

Then, he used a combined ninjutsu with wind and fire attributes to spit out a curtain of flames that emitted scorching heat and covered an astonishing area, covering the scattered insect flow.

For a moment, the burning smell overflowed.

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