Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 377 Special Bugs

After killing most of the bugs with a combination of ninjutsu, Orochimaru stood there with a calm face. With Ye Zi rushing in to deal with Aburame Shimi and the other three, there was no need for him to think about overcoming these bugs and resisting them. Just stay on the offensive.

This small number of bugs cannot pose a threat to him.

At this moment, several coin-sized black bugs quietly emerged from the soil at his feet, climbed onto Orochimaru's shoes, climbed up his calves along the shoes, bit open his pants and burrowed into Orochimaru's legs. .

For just a moment, Orochimaru's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately opened his mouth. His body came out of his throat, opened his mouth to an exaggerated degree, and came out with viscous body fluids all over his body. He quickly left the place where he was. body.

As soon as he left, the body that remained in place suddenly looked like a dried stone statue. Within a few seconds, it cracked open, revealing several black bugs about the size of a washbasin inside.

Looking at the big bugs with cold eyes, Orochimaru threw a few kunai out of his hand to kill the bugs, and then jumped to the tree, watching Ye Zi running rampant in the bug stream, and pulled the three of them closer to Aburame Shiwei. distance.

The neighing sound like the cry of birds was heard endlessly, and the shining lightning tore the insect stream apart.

The insect does not know what fear is, and is driven by orders. Even though countless companions have fallen, he still faithfully executes the orders.

As more and more insects were killed, Aburame Zhiwei's expression gradually became serious. He felt the pressure from Ye Zi and recognized a fact.

There was no chance. It should be said that he couldn't defeat Ye Zi, so he had no choice but to run away.


Aburame Zhiwei calmly judged the situation, and after saying the word retreat in a deep voice, she stopped fighting, controlled the insects to hinder Ye Zi, and then turned around and ran away.

After hearing Aburame Zhiwei's words, Aburame Zhihui and Aburame Zhiyi also controlled insects to turn into solid walls in an attempt to slow down Ye Zi.

Want to escape? Ye Zi slashed away the stream of insects, and then more insects formed a huge arrow and shot towards him.

Ye Zi snorted coldly, stretched out his palm to face the insect stream, the lightning flashed, and shot out a lightning beam as thick as a baby's arm, which penetrated the insect stream.

At the same time, the three of Aburame Zhiwei used their fastest speed to escape from this place.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

A colorful figure suddenly flew out from the left side. At the front of the figure was a spike more than one meter long.

The figure arrived in front of Aburame Zhihui like lightning, and the sharp thorns flashing with cold light pierced into Aburame Zhihui's waist. The latter screamed and was pushed away by the figure for a distance, and was stabbed in the trunk of the tree. superior.

After the figure stopped, it appeared to be an insect the size of a door panel.

There is a pair of green fleshy wings behind the insect, which are covered with dense thorns. The insect is round in shape, with a mixed body of various colors. It looks colorful. There are six black limbs under the body, which are covered with sharp inverted limbs. hook.

There were six green eyes lined up on the insect's head, and below it was a mouthpart that was one meter long and as thick as an adult's arm. It penetrated Aburame Shiki's waist and stuck on the tree trunk.

Aburame Zhihui's eyes widened, and he reluctantly turned his head to look at the strange insect that was so close. He felt searing pain all over his body, causing him to scream in agony, but after a few seconds, the screams stopped.

His body softened.

Aburame Shiwei and Aburame Zhiyi stopped and looked at the strange insect and Aburame Zhihui, with anger in their eyes.

That insect was clearly the poisonous insect king they were looking for, the bone-sucking insect.

Once the sharp mouthparts penetrate into the target's body, it can immediately deliver a venom that can melt the bones into liquid within seconds, and then the bone sucker will suck the bone fluid from the target's body.

In addition to loving bone fluid, it also likes to eat poison. The poisonous snakes and insects in the entire Greenwood Forest are its food, so its whole body is filled with poison, and it's not the same kind of poison.

The poison in its stings can dissolve bones and is also highly toxic. In addition, the dense spikes on the fleshy wings on its back also contain deadly poisons, and the barbs on its jointed limbs also contain deadly poisons. It is highly poisonous and can penetrate the target's body by just scratching the skin.

After stabbing Aburame Zhihui to death, the bone-sucking insect looked at Aburame Zhiwei and Aburame Zhiwei. After a moment, it began to suck Aburame Zhihui in front of them.

It seemed that for a moment, the mocking meaning coming from the bone-sucking insect could be seen in those six green eyes.

Damn it. Aburame Shiichi gritted his teeth.

Let's go. Aburame Shiwei was also angry, but he suppressed his anger, grabbed Aburame Shiichi's arm, and turned around to leave.

In this situation, leaving as soon as possible is the right choice. The bone-sucking worm chose to attack at this time. Before it came, it was hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity. It was an insect with enlightened intelligence, and it was qualified to become a psychic. The standard of the beast.

Silently giving the order to let the bugs come back, Aburame Shimi headed forward without looking back.

Don't even think about subduing the bone-sucking worm now, just let it block Ye Zi.

The two of them ran for their lives as fast as they could.

The remaining parasites flew away from Ye Zi and flew in the direction where Aburame Zhiwei and the two left.

Ye Zi kicked his feet and chased after him. He didn't think Aburame Zhiwei and the others could escape.

After jumping over a few trees, he stopped.

Tens of meters ahead, a strange giant insect was sucking the body of Aburame Zhihui.

It had no intention of chasing Aburame Zhiwei, and greedily sucked the food in front of it. Ye Zi's arrival was seen by its compound eyes, but it paid no attention to it and concentrated on eating.

Ye Zi looked at this scene, frowned slightly, raised his hand and shot a lightning beam towards the giant insect.

The giant insect's pale green compound eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of human anger. The fleshy wings behind it shook, and it flew up, dodging Ye Zi's thunder beam, and then adjusted its direction and faced Ye Zi.

At this time, Orochimaru came to Ye Zi. After seeing the insect, his eyes lit up slightly and he said, It's in good condition.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said, I thought you would be more interested in snakes.

Orochimaru calmly replied: I'm interested in everything that moves.

... Ye Zi was speechless. After a moment, he asked, Do you know what kind of insect this is?

Orochimaru shook his head slightly, and when he was about to say something, the giant insect opposite suddenly said: Stupid human, become my food.

The tone of the voice sounded weird, like a broadcast with a bad signal.

It is not surprising that bugs can talk. Many psychic beasts have mature intelligence and can speak human language.

Kill him. Ye Zi said casually.

Orochimaru nodded and said: Try not to destroy the body. This insect has some research value.


Ye Zi agreed, but before he finished speaking, his figure reflected in the six compound eyes of the bone-sucking insect disappeared in vain.

The bone sucker was stunned for a moment, and the next second, it felt pain coming from its body.

Ye Zi appeared behind it, put down the arm holding the knife, turned around and looked at the back of the giant insect coldly.


The light in the six compound eyes of the bone sucker dimmed, and its hideous and terrifying body broke into two halves and fell towards the bottom of the tree.

A palm-sized shrunken bone-sucking insect flew out of the body that was broken in half and fled for its life in a hurry.

It's interesting. Orochimaru looked at the shrunken bone-sucking insect and showed an interested smile.

Orochimaru can see it, and Ye Zi can naturally see it too.

He raised his palm and fired a lightning beam from his fingers, accurately hitting the shrunken bone-sucking insect. The latter made a sharp hissing sound and fell from the air.

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