Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 381 Where to go

In a small town close to the border of the Land of Fire, in an ordinary tavern, Jiraiya and Tsunade were sitting by the window.

The communication toad carried Minato's letter and delivered it to Jiraiya all the way.

After Jiraiya read the letter, his expression became slightly serious. He had been looking for Orochimaru's whereabouts since he defected from the village.

It's a bit silly to say that Jiraiya has never given up the idea of ​​persuading and saving Orochimaru. Over the years, he has been trying to find Orochimaru, but Orochimaru seems to have disappeared, and he can't even find his tail.

Now there is finally news about Orochimaru, and it turns out to be bad news.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru are together...

Tsunade wanted to seek revenge on Ye Zi. She originally thought that if he and Tsunade worked together, they would be very confident in confronting Ye Zi. But now that there is Orochimaru, it will be a bit difficult.

The message Minato sent? Tsunade looked at Jiraiya's solemn expression and her eyes narrowed.

Jiraiya looked up at Tsunade and said solemnly: Yes, ten days ago, Aburame Shiwei met Ye Zi and Orochimaru in the Aoki Forest of Taki Country.

Tsunade frowned and said, Are Orochimaru and Ye Zi together?

Yes. Jiraiya nodded and said solemnly: I have been looking for Orochimaru for the past few years, but found nothing. This time he suddenly appeared. I don't know what his purpose is.

Ye Zi was able to use Wood Release, and the first time he showed his Wood Release ability was before the third war, when Orochimaru had not yet defected.

Although there are still doubts about the timing, Jiraiya still believes that the fact that Ye Zi and his followers can use wood escape must be related to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru has not been found in the past few years. Maybe he is hiding in a certain place and conducting some unknown research.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's heart became heavy and he also blamed himself a little.

I don't care what Orochimaru's purpose is, what I want is to find Ye Zi. There was a coldness in Tsunade's eyes.

If she found Ye Zi, she would not take action immediately, but would want to know the reason why Ye Zi killed him, and then twist off Ye Zi's head.

Listening to the killing intent in Tsunade's tone, Jiraiya sighed inwardly. After a moment of silence, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

He understood that there was no point in trying to dissuade him, otherwise he wouldn't be by Tsunade's side at this moment.

If he had to end things, he would stand on Tsunade's side and not let her life be threatened.

Whenever he thought of Toad Sage's prophecy, Jiraiya felt a little uneasy. No matter what, he had to protect Tsunade.

Tsunade put her thumb in her mouth and bit it gently, frowning and staring at the table not knowing what she was thinking.

In ten days, where will they be now?

Jiraiya said: I'm not sure if they are still in the country of Taki. Let's look around for now.

Tsunade nodded heavily upon hearing this.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru didn't know that Tsunade and Jiraiya were looking for them.

Ten days ago, after the two of them left the Country of Taki, they went to the Country of Fire. They were in the opposite direction to Tsunade and Jiraiya, and the distance between them was relatively far.

There is a place in the Country of Fire called Red Maple Forest, located in the northwest of the Country of Fire, close to the Country of Rain.

No matter how the seasons change, the maple trees there maintain their red color all year round.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi stayed in the red maple forest for a while, where they found an ancient ruins sunk into the ground. They entered and found information about the Five-Tails, including some murals depicting the Five-Tails.

In addition, there is a very abstract mural, and part of it was damaged.

Originally, the content of the mural was relatively simple, but half of the figures on the wall were obliquely destroyed, and only half of the body could be seen.

From the single reincarnation eye and a staff on the face, it can be judged that this should be a mural of the Sage of Six Paths.

After searching for so long, I finally found some useful information.

Afterwards, Orochimaru and Ye Zi left the red maple forest and headed to the Kingdom of Water.

Compared with land routes, water routes are even more difficult to travel.

The land area of ​​the Kingdom of Water is not large, and there are many islands dotted here and there.

Riding on the boat Ye Zi built out of wood, the two of them walked through islands with even more different customs and cultures, and their final destination was the main island of the Kingdom of Water.

They found two places.

One is a giant lake located on a small island. There is a huge rock mountain in the center of the lake, and the lake is surrounded by woods and mountains.

Mountains cover half of the area, and forests also cover half of the area.

There was no useful information on the rocky mountain in the center of the lake, but Ye Zi felt energy fluctuations in the rocky mountain.

Afterwards, after leaving the lake, he went to a bell cave on the main island of the Kingdom of Water, where he also felt energy fluctuations.

Although there is no clear information that can prove that these two places are the places where the tailed beasts were once sealed, Orochimaru and Ye Zi have vaguely determined it.

These two places were the former residences of Sanwei and Vulpix respectively.

Without information support, it was naturally impossible for Orochimaru and Ye Zi to guess.

After silently memorizing the location, Ye Zi and Orochimaru did not intend to stay longer, but were preparing to leave the bell cave.

When approaching the exit of the bell cave, Ye Zi stopped.

There are a lot of people ambushing outside, probably more than fifty. Ye Zi said calmly.

Hearing this, Orochimaru said calmly: They must be from the Mist Ninja Village.

During this period of time, I have visited every island in the Kingdom of Water, so it is normal for my whereabouts to be exposed.

It will only be them. Ye Zi said: Do you want to break through head-on? There is only one entrance here. Even if I don't go here, I can leave elsewhere with Wood Escape.

A frontal breakthrough is meaningless. Orochimaru said calmly.

Before entering the Bell Cave, he and Ye Zi memorized the surrounding terrain in their heads.

Ye Zi can use wood to escape, and he can use earth to escape.

There are more than fifty enemies ambushed outside, and Orochimaru and Ye Zi are sure to deal with each other, but if there is no need, there is no need to rush in even though they know there is an ambush outside.

Then let's go.

Ye Zi said, then turned around and walked towards the depths of the Bell Cave.

Orochimaru followed him.

Outside the Bell Cave, the person ambushing was indeed a ninja from the Mist Ninja Village.

There was also a perceptive ninja in their team. After noticing that Orochimaru and Ye Zi stopped in one place for a moment, they turned around and returned to the bell cave. The perceptive ninja suddenly frowned.

The other party must have discovered us and is turning back. The perceptive ninja expressed his judgment to the team leader.

The captain of the Mist Ninja looked slightly cold. He chose to trust the judgment of the perceptive ninja and decisively issued the order to bombard the mountain with ninjutsu.

I originally thought about directly destroying the mountain with ninjutsu, but this would require a lot of chakra from the team members, and it might not be able to cause harm to Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Therefore, Captain Mist Ninja did not take this action immediately, but chose to ambush at the only exit, trying to deal a heavy blow to Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Unfortunately, they were noticed, the ambush failed, and the other party chose to return to the depths of the Bell Cave. The Mist Ninja Captain did not want to go in easily, as that would be quite risky.

If you don't want to go in, you can only use ninjutsu to collapse the mountain, hoping to seriously injure Ye Zi and Orochimaru, and even be lucky enough to kill each other.

This expectation will obviously only lead to disappointment.

As the order was issued, various powerful ninjutsu were blasted on the mountain. For a moment, the mountain shook and the rumbling sound was endless.

Suffering numerous ninjutsu attacks, dust and gravel flew everywhere on the mountain.

Orochimaru and Ye Zi, who returned to the depths of the bell cave, were out of the range of perception ninjas. Then one used wood escape and the other used earth escape to leave the bell cave.

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