Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 382: Chance Encounter

The fog ninja outside didn't know that Orochimaru and Ye Zi had already used their methods to leave the bell cave. They were like fools, wasting chakra and setting off fireworks on the mountain.

After leaving the bell cave, the two went to the coastline. Ye Zi built a temporary boat and took the boat directly to leave the country of water by sea.

If the sailing direction is correct, the final destination will be the Country of Yu, which is a coastal country adjacent to the Country of Fire.

The sea route is always slower than the land route. After a long voyage, we finally landed on the coastline of Yuno Country.

Silently all the way, they headed towards the territory of Tang Country.

The time-consuming journey has always been boring and boring, and too little effective information has been found.

After searching for a whole day in Tang Country, he met a person in a forest near a populated area. Ye Zi knew him.

He has a shark face, a tall body, and a long sword, but he is Kisame.

Encountering Ye Zi and Orochimaru, Kisame was very surprised and drew out his long sword immediately.

This way of meeting makes no sense.

But that’s how they met.

Ye Zi. When he saw Ye Zi, Kisame immediately reported Ye Zi's name without any expression.

The ninja of Mist Ninja. Ye Zi remembered Kisame, but didn't know his name.

In the battle to capture Mizukage Yagura, this man left a deep impression on Ye Zi. His sword skills and water escape were both good, and his chakra content far exceeded that of ordinary jounin.

Kisame snorted coldly and said, I am now the rebel ninja of the Kiri ninja.

Speaking of which, he would be reduced to this situation, and he could not get rid of his relationship with Ye Zi.

That time when he returned to the village with information, he was forcibly labeled as a coward and imprisoned.

Being treated so unfairly, Kisame was not only unwilling to accept it, but also felt angry. He killed the guards in the prison and many Mist ninjas, and escaped directly from the Mist ninja village. After that, he was designated as a traitor by the Mist ninja village.

Speaking of which, Kisame doesn't hate Ye Zi. He can only blame himself for his lack of ability for ending up like this.

Really? Ye Zi held the long sword. Kisame did not wear the Mist Ninja's forehead protector, but this did not mean anything.

I have no reason to fight you. Kisame said calmly.

Kisame would never choose to fight Ye Zi or not. He had no confidence that he could defeat Ye Zi.

Ye Zi nodded. He couldn't feel the hostility from Kisame. Even if there was, he was not afraid of Kisame.

Similarly, he has no reason to fight. If Kisame really becomes a traitorous ninja, he can consider recruiting Akatsuki.

As for verifying authenticity, there are many methods afterwards.

What's your name? Ye Zi sheathed the knife.

Seeing Ye Zi put away the knife, Kisame was slightly startled, and after a moment he coldly replied: Dried persimmon Kisame.

Orochimaru just watched quietly.

You have good strength. Ye Zi said and was silent for a while. He never thought about how to use words to attract people to join his team.

He looked at Kisame and said directly: How about joining Akatsuki?

Not interested. Kisame simply refused.

Ye Zi was not angry and said calmly: Then what are you interested in?

When Kisame heard this, confusion flashed in his eyes.

Are you interested in anything...

After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't find any answer.

After becoming a ninja, in addition to tasks in life, I have always tried my best to complete the tasks assigned by the village.

During the ten-year mission, he had no close friends and lived like a real ninja.

For the sake of the mission and the village, he can even kill his companions without any trouble.

So, what are you interested in?

All of life has been dedicated to the mission.

But he was convinced that the mission was not his interest.

Kisame was silent for a while and laughed at himself: If you are interested, just kill people.

Rather than saying it was a hobby, the truth was that besides killing people, he didn't know what else to do with the rest of his life.

Are you killing people... Ye Zi stared at Kisame calmly and said calmly: Then join Akatsuki, I can meet all your needs.

Kisame sneered: Even if you don't join Akatsuki, you can still kill people.

A senseless killing? Ye Zi said calmly.

Kisame frowned and remained silent.

If you join Akatsuki, you can kill people in the name of a mission. It's targeted killing, not aimless killing. Ye Zi stared at Kisame quietly and said lightly: Maybe this is the way that suits you.

In the name of the mission... A look of ridicule appeared on Kisame's face. What is the meaning of existence in the remaining time of his life?

The so-called ninja must carry this identity until death.

What else can you do but live for the mission?

After being silent for a while, Kisame said calmly: Okay, I'm joining.

Seeing that Kisame agreed, Ye Zi smiled faintly. This was an unexpected surprise.

He recognized Kisame's chakra volume and strength, and it just so happened that Akatsuki still lacked one of its core members.

After convincing Kisame to join, Ye Zi contacted Nagato, and after a brief explanation, he asked Kisame to go directly to the Rain Ninja Village. The latter simply set off to the Rain Ninja Village directly.

In order to recapture the Mizukage, the Mist Ninja once sent a team to the Land of Rain to cause trouble in the Rain Ninja Village.

As a result, he was killed by Nagato alone, and only Kisame was left to return to the Rain Ninja Village with the information about Nagato's abilities.

At that time, Ye Zi was also watching the battle secretly, but he didn't know how Kisame would react when he saw Nagato.

During that battle, Nagato's terror left a deep impression on Kisame.

Ye Zi naturally had no idea how Kisame and Nagato would meet. He and Orochimaru continued to hang out in the Country of Yu.

I have walked through the plains, through the hot spring mountains, through the deep mountains and old forests, and also to many populated places, but nothing has been gained.

This day, the wind is clear and the sun is beautiful.

When you get close to a populated place, you can often find roads that have been trodden by people, and you can also see fields after fields growing various crops.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru were walking on a road, with green woods on the right and fertile fields on the left. At a glance, they could see many villagers farming in the fields.

In the fields closer to the trail, several middle-aged men were wielding hoes against the scorching sun.

After discovering Ye Zi and Orochimaru, they both stopped what they were doing and looked at them silently.

There was no other reason than that Ye Zi was carrying a long knife.

The villagers looked suspicious, but did not dare to speak to Orochimaru and Ye Zi. They felt that these two people were not easy to mess with, and they were afraid of causing trouble.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru felt the gazes of the villagers, ignored them and walked straight forward.

After leaving the fields, we came to an intersection, one leading to a wider area and the other turning into the woods.

The two chose to walk into the woods.

The ecological environment of the woods is good, and many animals can be seen everywhere, including the sounds of birds and insects.

Wandering aimlessly in the woods feels like an outing.

That's almost it. Orochimaru said suddenly.

During this period of time, they had traveled almost throughout the entire ninja world, but had gained little.

Ye Zi nodded and said nothing.

The two walked through the woods and came to a cave, both looking stunned.

This is...? The two looked at each other in surprise.

They felt the chakra fluctuations coming from the cave...

What surprised them was not the chakra, but the feeling this chakra gave them, which was very similar to the feeling of unknown energy at the ruins.

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