Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 385 Important People

Why...this person is so excited, even happy.

Jugo's little mind couldn't understand it at all. Shouldn't he feel sad or frightened by that terrifying mixture of pale white and bright red?

Ye Zi calmly watched Kimimaro's ability display, and he has discovered several shortcomings so far. It should be due to the insufficient development of the blood successor limit.

What Kimimaro wanted to show was reflected in his next actions.

His head was slightly lowered, a lump bulged on the back of his neck, and then a section of pale bones was exposed on his head.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to hold the exposed bones behind his neck, and slowly pulled out a section of the bone. He felt pain at the same time, and frowned tightly.

Ye Zi looked at Kimimaro's expression of pain, but the action of extracting the bone did not stop at all, and a glimmer of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Yanye and Jin on the side suddenly showed surprised expressions. They were aware of the ability that Kimimaro had just displayed, but they were not clear about this.

That cut the spine, right?

It can be judged from the position of the extracted bones, but the appearance is slightly different from the known spine.

The spine that Kimimaro pulled out looked even sharper, like an alternative bone knife.

After pulling out the complete spine, Kimimaro's pained expression eased slightly. He handed the blood-stained spine knife to Ye Zi like a treasure, and said excitedly: Master Ye Zi.

Ye Zi took the blood-stained spine knife, and it was a little heavy in his hand. It was several times heavier than ordinary bones. In order to verify the sharpness, his fingertips gently brushed the spikes on the spine that were arranged like fangs. It was a wound.

Not bad. Ye Zi praised, and then returned the spine knife to Kimimaro, who took the spine knife with a happy face.

Zhonggo was completely dumbfounded. If he hadn't been used to his own horrific changes, he would have fainted at this moment.

However, it takes one second for the bones to appear, which is too slow. You must achieve 'instantaneous' speed to achieve the effect. After praising Kimimaro, Ye Zi began to talk about the shortcomings.

One second was enough for Ye Zi to chop Kimimaro several times.

He was very optimistic about Kimimaro's blood inheritance limit. The sharp bone spurs protruding from any part of the body were a nightmare for taijutsu ninjas.

If you can control the timing of the bone's appearance to be instantaneous, you can unexpectedly launch a fatal attack on the enemy during a close combat encounter with a taijutsu ninja.

Also, the bone spurs are stained with blood. Is this a sign of insufficient mastery of the ability? Your extraction speed of the spine is too slow. Will it cause pain? Ye Zi continued.

Kimimaro listened carefully, then nodded heavily and said: When I use my ability, my body will hurt, but I will overcome this and not be affected by the pain.

Ye Zi suddenly fell silent after hearing this. Is it because the bones are rubbing against each other and causing pain to the body?

If you can't eliminate this side effect, using your ability in battle can be said to be torturing yourself all the time.

Otherwise...get used to this kind of pain and numb yourself.

Otherwise... let's see if we can eliminate this side effect as we master the ability.

In other words, Kimimaro endured this pain and continued to strengthen himself.

He could clearly feel Kimimaro's efforts. Although he didn't think that there would be enough time for Kimimaro to grow up to bring any value to himself, he saw the shadow of Kotonoha and Nanako in Kimimaro. .

I believe you can overcome it. He smiled and reached out his hand to press Kimimaro's head.

Kimimaro raised his head, his eyes filled with Ye Zi's smiling face, and a sense of satisfaction emerged spontaneously.

Next time, he will improve his abilities to a more perfect level. For this goal, he will not resist the pain that always exists in the process.

Ye Zi retracted his hand, tilted his head slightly, looked at Chonggo with a dull expression, and said: Kimimaro, his name is Chonggo, you will be responsible for taking him from now on.

After speaking, Ye Zi looked at Yanye and Jin and said, Put this child in the same room as Kimimaro.

Yan Ye and Jin nodded when they heard this. They didn't know where Ye Zi brought this child back from. He must have the same special abilities as Kimimaro.

Kimimaro inserted the spine into the body. In fact, when the spine was pulled out, the spine had grown back in the body. There was no need to insert the spine back, but if not, he didn't know where to put it.

When the spine is inserted back into the body, it can fuse with other bones.

After inserting it back into the spine, Kimimaro walked up to the dull-looking Jugo and said with a smile: Hello, my name is Kimimaro.

Huh? Hearing Kimimaro's voice, Jugo came to his senses and was so frightened that he couldn't help but take a few steps back. Later, he realized that his behavior was very rude and apologized quickly: I'm sorry, I...

It's okay. Kimima Lu didn't mind, and smiled: Master Ye Zi asked me to take care of you, then you can follow me from now on!

No, it's not possible, I will hurt you. Zhongwu shook his head quickly. If he went crazy, he would hurt Kimimaro. He even thought about asking Ye Zi to imprison him.

After Kimimaro heard this, he was not unhappy, but just looked at him in confusion.

Chongwu, Kimimaro has the ability to control you. Ye Zi suddenly said.

But... Jugo said hesitantly. Although he also saw Kimimaro's ability, he still didn't think that the other party could control him.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Kimimaro, Yanye and Jin were all confused and didn't know why.

Ye Zi told the three people about Chongwu's specialness. Then, he looked at Kimimaro and said, If he gets into that state, control him and try not to hurt him.

Okay, Lord Ye Zi. Kimima Lu agreed.

Take him to get familiar with the environment. Ye Zi said.

Okay. Kimimaro heard this, pulled Jugo who looked hesitant, and walked towards the door without saying a word.

Jugo let Kimimaro hold him, staring blankly at the hand holding his palm.

Watching Kimimaro and Chonggo leave, Ye Zi looked at Yanye and Jin. He originally planned to let one of the two of them take care of Chonggo, but after seeing the limits of blood succession after Kimimaro Jinjin, he It was decided to let Kimimaro take Jugo with him.

Having not seen Ye Zi for nearly half a year, Yan Ye had many things to say in his heart, but at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

She just looked at Ye Zi like this, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Jin looked at Yan Ye, then at Ye Zi, and said, I'll supervise their training.

With that said, he simply walked to the training ground.

So, Yan Ye and Ye Zi were left here.

Are you okay? Ye Zi was silent for a moment and said.

Yan Ye's eyes were slightly curved, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, and he said softly: It's not bad, but... I miss you a little.

After saying that, she avoided looking, for fear of seeing Ye Zi's reaction.

Looking at Yan Ye's blushing and shy face, Ye Zi's heartbeat speeded up unconsciously, and his expression became slightly unnatural.

Yan Ye turned his head and looked to the other side, not noticing Ye Zi's unnaturalness.

I'm hungry, prepare some food for me. In order to cover up the unnaturalness, Ye Zi turned around and said.

Hearing this, Yan Ye turned his head and looked at Ye Zi's back, with a nice smile on his face, and said, I'll get ready right away.

At the same time, in the wide passage, Kimimaro pulled Chugo, wanting to take him to see the room he lived in first.

The stronghold is large enough, so everyone has a room, but starting from today, there will be exceptions.

With Kimimaro holding him, Jugo remained silent the whole way.

After walking for a while, Jugo looked at Kimimaro's back and asked, Is that person very important to you?

Kimimaro didn't look back when he heard this, and said, Are you talking about Lord Ye Zi?

Yeah. Zhongwu nodded.

Of course. Kimimaro replied without hesitation.

I hope to use my abilities to do something for Lord Ye Zi.

The clear voice was full of determination like a rock.

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