Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 386 Results

Yan Ye carefully prepared a large table of dishes for Ye Zi. Now her cooking skills are getting better and better, and the food she cooks is getting more and more delicious.

The color is just a little off, but the taste is very good.

He wasn't very hungry at first, but after seeing the fragrant food on the table, Ye Zi's hunger surged. He picked up the wooden bowls and chopsticks and began to sweep away the food on the table.

Yan Ye sat across from him, holding his chin, tilting his head slightly, and quietly looked at Ye Zi who was eating a big meal. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was actually a little indulged in it.

She imagined something in her head, and a faint blush suddenly appeared on her face.

It would be great if... I could go to a place far away from disputes and stay with Ye Zi until we grow old.

However, that kind of thing can only be thought about and cannot become a reality.

Even if it is just a fantasy, I will consciously remind myself that it is a dream and cannot happen at all.

She sighed deeply in her heart. As she got closer and closer to Ye Zi, she began to become greedy.

That's good now. Yan Ye stared at Ye Zi who was sweeping up the food, and the smile spread from the corner of his mouth to his face.

Ye Zi focused on the food and was very satisfied.

After sweeping away the food for about ten people, he let out a low grunt of satisfaction, and then praised Yan Ye generously.

Seeing that Ye Zi was satisfied with her meal, Yan Ye was very happy, and her efforts in cooking were well worth it.

After eating, Ye Zi thought about helping Orochimaru.

When he first built the new stronghold, he really didn't take Orochimaru's separate laboratory into consideration. However, there are enough rooms in the stronghold. You can just find a room to use. You just have to go to Nanako's laboratory to transfer the needed ones. Equipment is divided.

Yan Ye stayed to clean up, but Ye Zi said to her, left the room, and went to find Orochimaru.

As usual, Orochimaru's separate laboratory and room were adjacent.

After Ye Zi arrived at the laboratory room chosen by Orochimaru, Orochimaru was standing alone in the middle of the empty room, not knowing what he was thinking about, with a pensive look on his face.

After noticing the movement, he turned around and looked at Ye Zi, slightly surprised, and asked, Is something wrong?

Ye Zi leaned against the door, crossed his arms, and said, Come here and see if you need help.

Orochimaru smiled lightly and said: Just in time, help me make a workbench, tables and chairs.

So... Wood Release is very practical.

Following Orochimaru's wishes, he helped him make a standard workbench, tables and chairs using wooden tools, and then accompanied him to Nanako's laboratory to sort out the required equipment.

When Nanako saw Ye Zi, she had something to say, but seeing that Ye Zi and Orochimaru seemed to be busy working on the laboratory, she held back and wanted to wait until they were done.

With Nanako's help, the equipment was quickly separated and Orochimaru's laboratory was completed.

Afterwards, Nanako also shared the research information in recent years with Orochimaru, who took it and nodded towards Nanako to express his gratitude.

After Ye Zi helped Orochimaru set up the laboratory, Orochimaru asked him to make several wooden cabinets against the wall and place them near the tables and chairs.

Okay, you can go out. After everything was done, Orochimaru unceremoniously issued an expulsion order to Ye Zi.

Seeing Orochimaru being so rude, Ye Zi rubbed his forehead and left Orochimaru's laboratory without saying anything.

He hoped that Orochimaru could find out the secret of Jugo's body as soon as possible and what the connection was with the unknown energy.

After that, Ye Zi went to Nanako's laboratory. When moving the equipment, he felt that Nanako seemed to have something to ask him. As expected, it should be an experiment of transplanting the Byakugan into a clone.

After leaving this matter to Nanako, Ye Zi came back about half a year later. There were only two results of the experiment, one was success and the other was failure.

Arriving at Nanako's laboratory, the beautiful woman with long hair as soft as satin was immersed in her desk, recording things. She was so focused that she didn't notice Ye Zi walking into the laboratory.

Ye Zi walked lightly and came to the side of the desk. He quietly looked at Nanako who was looking attentive without disturbing her.

swish swish...

The pen writes smoothly on the notebook without any stagnation, and what is written is not meaningless scribbling.

The words, simple sketches, and notes on the notes in the notebook will be a treasure for every researcher involved in human experiments.

And these precious information were written out by Nanako smoothly and without pause. It can be seen that most of these information have been conceived and even formed by Nanako.

In the quiet laboratory, there was only the rustle of writing written quickly.

Nanako, who was immersed in work, didn't notice Ye Zi's existence until the beginning.

A man, quietly waiting for a woman who devotes herself to work.

Three hours later, Nanako let out a breath, finally stopped the pen in her hand, and gently rubbed the wrist holding the pen.

Ye Zi... At this time, she belatedly realized that Ye Zi was standing on the side of the table. She was startled and could not recover for a while.

Ye Zi looked at her quietly and said, Are you done?

Ah? Nanako was stunned and nodded subconsciously, wondering why she didn't notice Ye Zi and when he was here.

When did you come? she asked.

Ye Zi said casually: Not long ago.

With that said, he went straight to the topic and asked: Is the experiment of white eye transplantation completed?

When it came to business, Nanako immediately got into the mood and did not dwell on that issue.

Successful, but I only transplanted one Byakugan on the individual. Nanako's eyes flashed with excitement, which was somewhat similar to Orochimaru's eyes when he was usually involved in experiments.

Ye Zi's eyes lit up slightly and he said: As long as the effect of the white eyes can be reflected, it doesn't matter if there are one or two. Besides, there are not many white eyes.

Nanako nodded and said: Now the clones transplanted with the Byakugan can perfectly use the power of the Byakugan. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of chakra. I am trying to improve this, but I don't have any clue yet.

After all, clones are not human bodies. The possibility of transformation is far greater than that of human bodies. Moreover, the bodies of clones can be said to be even more special than ordinary ninjas.

If Nanako and Orochimaru are willing, they can even change the physical signs of the clones to enhance abilities, such as self-healing capabilities, at the expense of life energy.

Really... Ye Zi groaned. Originally, the chakra capacity of the clone was a flaw. If a lot of chakra is consumed when using the Byakugan, it will make the original shortcomings more prominent. This is a serious problem.

Amplifying potions can increase the amount of chakra several times in a short period of time, but there is a time limit. If the time limit is exceeded, the body will collapse. Generally, amplifying potions can only be used when the battle is the most intense.

Rather than letting clones transplanted with Byakugan consume the number of enemies at their own expense, it is better to put them in a reconnaissance position. After all, the number is limited, and with Byakugan, the reconnaissance ability will be even better.

The problem of insufficient chakra really needs to be solved.

As for fighting, he prefers to have the clone transplant the Sharingan...

It's a pity that I don't have the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan in my hand, so it's unrealistic to go to Konoha Village and plunder it.

If you want the Sharingan, you can only attack and kill the ninjas of the Uchiha clan who leave Konoha Village.

If the Sharingan is combined with an amplifying potion, the instantaneous burst of combat power should be pretty good.

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