Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 396: Strange Power (1st update)

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The art of hundreds of heroes!

Tsunade formed a seal with her hands and directly released the chakra stored in the Yin seal for many years. The diamond-shaped mark on her forehead disappeared, and a black mantra appeared on her face.

She knew very well how powerful Ye Zi was, and she had no intention of holding back as soon as she first came up. She knew that Ye Zi could still use Grandpa's Wood Escape.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, rushed towards Orochimaru and others while forming seals. After closing the distance very quickly, the seal came to an end.

Fire escape, big fire bullet!

Jiraiya's cheeks bulged suddenly, and a hot flame that was more powerful than Gou's fireball technique spurted out from his mouth and attacked Ye Zi and the others.

call out!

Ye Zi's body left a trace of lightning on the spot and dodged to the right.

Orochimaru dodged to the left, Yanye's reaction was a little slower, and he quickly retreated back, out of the range of the big flame bomb.

The scorching flames rushed to nothing, but successfully separated Ye Zi and the others.

A figure flew past Jiraiya, and the rising wind blew Jiraiya's long white hair up.

Glancing sideways at the figure, Jiraiya discovered that Tsunade had directly unlocked the Yin seal. He was slightly shocked, but he didn't have time to think too much and faced Orochimaru and Kotonoha directly.

Tsunade is determined to find Ye Zi. All he can do is deal with Orochimaru and Kotonoha and create one-on-one space for Tsunade.

After releasing the chakra stored for many years, Tsunade's physical skills and strength can be significantly improved with the blessing of chakra.

As a medical ninja who must survive to the end, avoiding enemy attacks is a skill that must be mastered, and to support this skill, speed is indispensable.

Tsunade's speed was not slow to begin with, but after unlocking the Yin Seal, her speed became several times faster. She raised her arms, turned into a black shadow, and rushed directly towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi could see Tsunade's figure clearly with his eyes, and the thunder flow on his body suddenly surged, forming a thunder dragon armor in the blink of an eye.


The fearless fist, carrying terrifying power, made bursts of harsh wind sounds and hit Ye Zi's face directly.

Are you looking for death...?

He just punched him without any precautions.

Ye Zi coldly looked at the fist that was approaching, and the long sword flashed a bright light in the air and struck directly on Tsunade's fist.

There are no shouting words, just a silent collision.


The 'blood' entwined with the thunder flow broke through the abundant chakra on Tsunade's fist, cutting the entire fist and even the arm up to the elbow in half. As the blood spattered, the long knife drove straight in without stopping, Trying to cut just above Tsunade's shoulder bone.

After being hit so hard, Tsunade remained expressionless, but did not stop her speed because of this, allowing Ye Zi's long sword to continue to invade forward.

This behavior that went against common sense made Ye Zi's heart skip a beat.

There was an icy coldness in Tsunade's eyes. With the two sides so close, at the cost of one arm, the other hand was clenched into a fist and struck at Ye Zi's abdomen.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed sharply. Only at this distance did he react. His fist ignored the thunder flow on the thunder dragon armor and directly pressed the thunder flow and hit him firmly on the abdomen. At this time, the long knife also He slashed at Tsunade's shoulder bone, cutting off the entire arm.

The terrifying force was transmitted along the fist, and there was an ear-splitting sound. Ye Zi's abdomen dented, and a lot of blood spurted out from his mouth and flew backwards.

Ye Zi, shrouded in the thunder current, bent into a 'U' shape and flew upside down at low altitude, drawing an obvious groove on the grassland. After flying for a long distance, his power weakened a bit. , the body landed on the ground and rolled dozens of meters before stopping.

The power of a punch is so terrifying.

Jiraiya, who was fighting with Orochimaru and Kotonoha, felt a little relieved after seeing this scene. As for Tsunade's tragic injury, he didn't take it to heart, because with the art of Bai Hao, this kind of Injuries can be healed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Zi was knocked away by Tsunade's punch so neatly. Orochimaru and Yan Ye's expressions suddenly changed, and Yan Ye wanted to help Ye Zi.

Just stay here honestly.

She just made a move, Jiraiya's hair turned into a burst of spikes, and the group stopped Yanye.

Damn it. Yanye frowned. After dodging the hair spikes, he responded by giving Jiraiya several poisonous Senbons, but the latter easily dodged them.

On the other side, Ye Zi, who was knocked away by a punch, stood up from the ground. There was blood on his mouth and he looked quite embarrassed, but in fact, the injuries he suffered were not as serious as imagined.

Tsunade, who was chasing Ye Zi, her eyes narrowed slightly when she saw that Ye Zi seemed to be fine. With such a strong punch, she was confident that she could cripple any enemy. She didn't expect that Ye Zi could still stand up.

Is it the defensive power of Thunder Release? Tsunade thought, her arm that was cut off by Ye Zi had grown back.

Ye Zi stood up and saw Tsunade's intact arm, his eyes were slightly cold. Also, Kushina's ninjutsu that can regenerate limbs very quickly was probably taught by Tsunade.

That punch full of terrifying power did not break through the Thunder Dragon Armor's defense, but it was able to suppress the thunder flow surging on the surface of the Thunder Dragon Armor. In this way, it hit the abdomen indirectly through a layer of defense, directly hitting the opponent. He caused internal injuries.

Because of the amazing strength, he suffered serious internal injuries.

However, with the self-healing ability of Hashirama's cells, he recovered quickly from his internal injuries.


Ye Zi turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood remaining in his mouth. He formed a seal with one hand. A burst of light appeared on his shoulders, and a spirit body emerged from the light and flew out.

This is... the spiritual transformation technique of breaking!

Tsunade looked at Ye Zi's spirit body, and the chill in her eyes became even stronger. Before she could move, Ye Zi took the initiative to attack her.

Thunder escape, chase the wolf!

In Ye Zi's free hand, thunder flow surged, splitting two thunder beams and flying out, forming two thunder wolves in the air, rushing towards Tsunade from the left and right sides, while the spirit body of the spiritual transformation technique came from Going down from the sky, it attacked Tsunade.

Left, right, up.

And Ye Zi came forward with a knife in his hand.

The power of hundreds of heroes!

Facing Ye Zi's attacks from four directions, Tsunade shouted coldly, raised her arm, and punched the ground in front of her.

The force transmitted by the fist was like a shock wave, flying forward. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, the ground shook wildly, and the ground along the way cracked into countless thick pieces of soil, flying into the air.

The two thunder wolves that rushed forward were directly blasted by the flying clods of earth into pure thunder-attribute chakra, which dissipated among the many clods of earth.

Ye Zi continued to move forward with an unmoved expression. He stepped on a clod of soil and jumped directly into the air to avoid the huge clod of soil that flew up from his feet.

Seeing Ye Zi in mid-air, Tsunade did not seize this opportunity rashly.

Although he could go up from the bottom and give Ye Zi a hard punch, the flying spirit body was a great threat. He would only expose himself to danger if he jumped into the air hastily.

Tsunade quickly dug up a thick clod of soil with a diameter of ten meters from the ground and threw it towards Ye Zi in the air.

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