Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 397: Fierce posture (2nd update)

A huge clod of soil came from the sky, and the spirit body flew directly through the clod of soil and flew towards Tsunade.

Ye Zi swung his knife and cut the clod of soil in half.

When it fell from the sky, the spirit body also rushed in front of Tsunade. The latter quickly moved left and right, avoiding the spirit body while closing the distance with Ye Zi.

Standing on the crumbling ground, Ye Zi turned his wrist and returned the blood into the sheath with a skillful and handsome movement.

Tsunade's technique of regenerating limbs, Ye Zi has seen Kushina use it before. Broken limbs can grow back instantly. This is beyond the scope of recovery, but regeneration.

The sharpness of the 'blood' wrapped around the thunder flow can easily break through Tsunade's defense, and it can also chop off her head or pierce her heart, but it is probably in vain.

Before Tsunade's chakra was exhausted, the damage caused by the sharp weapon could not reach a fatal level, so he simply did not intend to use the knife.

However, that terrifying regeneration speed must be supported by chakra, so as long as Tsunade's chakra is exhausted, the battle will be over.

Tsunade, who was dodging the attack of the spirit body while rushing forward, saw Ye Zi returning the sword to the sheath. Without thinking much, her body broke through the air and came straight towards him with another punch full of terrifying power.

The spirit's speed is actually not slow, but Tsunade's speed is faster, so that the spirit cannot catch up with her.

Leaving the spirit body behind, with a dull roar, Tsunade got closer and hit Ye Zi's head with her fist.

Ye Zi tilted his head and dodged the punch, but the wind pressure from the force of the fist deafened his right ear for a moment.

He had to control Tsunade first in order to increase the hit rate of Wood Release Binding.

Not caring about such a slight injury, Ye Zi dodged the fist and stepped forward with his right foot, pushing forward. The five fingers of his right hand spread out and pressed directly on the plump left side of Tsunade's chest, where the heart was.

Wood escape, the art of cutting!

When a soft touch came from his palm, Ye Zi's eyes turned cold, and chakra surged into his palm.

Just as the cutting technique was about to be completed, in just a split second, Tsunade hit Ye Zi's chest with a powerful knee in the sky, and the latter spurted out a large mouthful of blood again, flying upside down into the air like a cannonball.

The art of cutting also ended in failure.

The spirit body that originally attacked Tsunade from behind seemed to have been severely injured, and suddenly stopped and froze in the air.

Tsunade's eyes quickly moved away from the black handprint on her left chest, and then she was about to guard against the attack of the spirit body, but found that Ye Zi's spirit body was stagnant.

She was slightly startled. Did that blow just now block Ye Zi's control of the spirit body?

She had no time to think too much, but when she saw that the spirit body was motionless, she stepped forward and rushed towards the landing point where Ye Zi was about to land.

He was hit by a fierce knee to the chest. Although he was protected by the thunder dragon armor, he still withstood a lot of impact.

The ability to regenerate can probably withstand the paralysis effect caused by the thunder flow, so it can suppress the thunder flow and completely transmit the power, forming a force that is like hitting a cow from across the mountain.

With the self-healing ability of the Thunder Dragon Armor and Hashirama cells, Tsunade's two terrifying attacks did not cause fatal damage to Ye Zi. He reluctantly adjusted his posture in the air, and after landing safely, he squatted down while holding his chest. land.

At this time, Tsunade clenched her hands into fists and came quickly.

Ye Zi raised his head slightly, taking in Tsunade's figure with his dark eyes. He pressed his hands to the ground, and chakra spread from his arms to his palms, and then poured into the ground.

Wood escape, deer antlers attack!

Tsunade's expression changed slightly as she was running towards her. Just when she sensed the danger, it was already too late. Wooden thorns shaped like antlers protruded from the ground and penetrated into the soles of her feet, instantly skewering her in the air and stopping her. caught her momentum.


Tsunade groaned, her face showing pain.

The irregular antlers were like wooden thorns, piercing through the soles of her feet and piercing out from her legs, abdomen, and chest with a large amount of blood.

It has to be said that the timing of Ye Zi's technique was extremely tricky. In the form of prediction, he took into account the time required for the formation of the antlers' attack and preset it in advance of Tsunade's actions.

Seizing the fleeting opportunity, when Tsunade's feet landed on the ground, the antlers struck directly through the soles of her feet, crushing the muscles and bones, and headed towards the thighs and upper body, successfully knocking Tsunade like Like meatballs strung in the air.

This way you can be more at ease. Ye Zi said coldly to himself, using antlers to attack and control Tsunade. He didn't think this could kill Tsunade, it was just a preparation for the back-up.

The spirit body resumed action, and was about a hundred meters away from Tsunade, before rushing towards Tsunade's back.

At the same time, Ye Zi formed a seal with his hands.

Wood Escape, the art of tree binding!

After the seal fell, Ye Zi faced Tsunade with both hands, and a dozen small wooden pillars sprang out from the palms of his hands. They grew several times in an instant and rolled towards Tsunade like a python.

Whether it's a spirit body or a tree-binding technique, as long as one of these moves hits Tsunade, the battle will come to an end.

The spirit body invades the body and can directly control or kill Tsunade.

Binding Tsunade with the Tree Binding Technique can suppress and absorb Tsunade's chakra. As long as the chakra is absorbed, Tsunade will die.

Attacked from both front and back, Tsunade was skewered low in the air by antlers.

Blood flowed out along the numerous antler-like wood thorns, and soon a pool of blood formed on the ground.

The antler wood thorn not only pierced Tsunade's liver and even intestines, but also pierced her heart, but even so, she was not killed directly.

Generally speaking, normal people who suffer this kind of attack will basically die beyond death.

But Ye Zi believed that this was not enough to kill Tsunade, so he launched the second wave of attacks without any pause. This was a decisive judgment.

Tsunade did not die under such a brutal attack, but it only consumed a lot of her chakra.

However, after liberating the chakra stored in the Yin Seal for many years, Tsunade's chakra amount at this time is extremely terrifying. Unless Ye Zi uses the characteristics of wood escape to absorb chakra to speed up the consumption of Tsunade's chakra, otherwise, In this high-intensity battle, she can last for more than an hour.

As soon as Tsunade's eyes opened, chakra surged in her body. With her as the center point, a strong wind was created out of thin air and swept away.

This is one of the signs of chakra explosion.

She growled, stretched her legs to both sides, and endured the second injury, freeing herself from the wooden thorns stuck in her legs.


An inaudible sound came from the tragic wounds on Tsunade's legs. The bloody, tear-like wounds healed quickly.

Immediately, she kicked her feet on the ground, and the force generated pushed her body to jump upwards, and she escaped from Ye Zi's antlers attack with a horrible posture.

Blood splashed everywhere, and in an instant, a bloody artistic conception oil painting appeared on the ground in that area.

In order to get rid of the antlers, Tsunade had at least thirty serious lacerations on her entire body. However, these injuries that would have killed her instantly on a normal person had already healed before she landed in the air, and there were no scars. He was left with only his clothes torn in many places and covered in blood.

Seeing Tsunade escape from the control of Antler Attack in this posture, Ye Zi's eyes flashed with surprise.

This woman... is cruel enough.

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