Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 398: Desperate Situation (3rd update)

This is not self-mutilation, but the fighting method of Baihao's art.

If Ye Zi had not had the defense of the Thunder Dragon Armor, he would have fallen down long ago after enduring two strange attacks from Tsunade. But now, Tsunade was unscathed, and the price he had to bear was only the pain after the injury.

This terrifying regeneration ability, coupled with the power to shatter rocks with one strike, is enough to make most enemies despair.

But if Tsunade faced a monster like the Third Raikage, she would probably be the desperate one.

The enemy she faced was Ye Zi, but it was not enough to make her despair.

The wooden pillars of the tree binding technique flew towards him.

Tsunade did not choose to dodge, because she knew that the direction of the wooden pillars could be controlled by Ye Zi's will. With such a large number, if she just evaded, there was a high possibility that the wooden pillars would be attacked by the wooden pillars before they got close to Ye Zi. hit.

There is still the threat of Ye Zi's spirit body behind him. If he is controlled again, he will be doomed if he is invaded by the spirit body.

Tsunade won't take this risk, so her response to the tree binding technique is... fists!

This is the most correct way to respond!

Tsunade gave a low shout and headed straight towards the flying wooden pillar.

Are you going to fight head-on? Ye Zi's eyes changed, and driven by his thoughts, the wooden pillars at short intervals suddenly spread out when Tsunade came, intending to wrap Tsunade up.

The scattered wooden pillars formed shadows on Tsunade's face like a lantern.

Your Wood Release is much weaker than grandpa's!

Tsunade shouted angrily, and her fists turned into fist shadows, covering the 180° range in front of her.


The wooden pillars that attempted to spread were interrupted by Tsunade's fist, and the thick wooden pillars split into several pieces and flew to the left and right sides.

While breaking the wooden pillars like this, Tsunade's speed did not slow down and she rushed straight towards Ye Zi.

Weaker than the First Hokage...?

Ye Zi doesn't know how far the First Hokage's Wood Release can reach, but that's not important. Even if it is weaker than the First Hokage's Wood Release, it's enough to be able to deal with you!

Don't be too proud!

With a cold drink, Ye Zi withdrew the tree binding technique. At this time, Tsunade was already close to one meter away.

It's only one meter, very short, just one step. At such an astonishing speed, the distance of this step has passed by without even having time to take a breath.

Wood escape, giant wooden palm!

Ye Zi's hands turned into giant wooden palms, and he accurately blocked Tsunade's fists from the shadow of the fists.


The moment the wooden palm and fist touched, strong wind surged out in all directions.

Ye Zi's body suddenly shook, and a trace of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth. He was not knocked away by Tsunade's strange power, but cracks suddenly appeared on the wooden palm.

So, your Mu Dun is much weaker than grandpa's!

Tsunade roared, her arm suddenly exerted force, and the cracked wooden palm suddenly shattered, and the powerful force came towards Ye Zi. The latter withdrew the wooden palm, stepped back to relieve Tsunade's strength, and then flew upside down. Go out, do a backflip and land on the ground, grabbing the ground with both hands, making four grooves.

Looking up at Tsunade, a cold look flashed across Ye Zi's face.


A green tree root as thick as a bucket suddenly burst out of the ground in front of Tsunade, directly penetrating Tsunade's entire chest.

Tsunade groaned and spurted a large amount of blood from her mouth, her brows knitted together in pain.


Her expression was slightly distorted. While looking at Ye Zi, she grabbed the green tree roots with both hands, trying to use brute force to break the roots.

This is the weak Mu Dun in your eyes.

Ye Zi stood up and walked towards Tsunade, forming seals as he walked.


At this time, Tsunade broke off the root of the tree and pulled out the second half of the root and threw it aside. The terrible bloody hole on her chest healed in the blink of an eye.

During the many penetrating attacks, her top was almost torn, leaving her upper body exposed to the air, but it was still covered in blood, as if covered with a layer of red paint.

At this time, she was in the battle of life and death. Tsunade had no time to pay attention to the plumpness of her chest being exposed in front of Ye Zi. When she was making a move, another green tree root broke out from the ground and passed through it. Through her chest.

Although Tsunade's glory suddenly came to light, Ye Zi was not affected in any way. After Tsunade broke free, he added another tree root in time.

Even if you are weak, it is enough to deal with you.

Walking ten meters in front of Tsunade, Ye Zi looked at Tsunade coldly. Several more broken tree roots penetrated Tsunade's body one after another, and then tied Tsunade up in a blood-stained posture.

With a strong willpower, Tsunade suppressed the scream that was about to be shouted in her throat, then looked at Ye Zi with eyes full of hatred and anger, and roared suddenly, regardless of the tide that came to her. Painful, trying to break free with brute force.

It's useless. Ye Zi looked cold.

The first layer of roots directly penetrated Tsunade's body and entangled her, while the second layer of roots strengthened the bond.

Tsunade cannot break free from this level of restraint, not to mention the pain penetrating her body that will affect Tsunade to some extent.

This is the first time Tsunade has encountered such a tragic situation after creating the Hyakuha no Jutsu. No matter how hard she tried, she could not break free from Ye Zi's wooden escape. She could only bear the damage without power, and felt the pain caused by it. The pain comes.

The instant regeneration ability of Baihao's Art is indeed very practical. You can ignore the factors of damage to yourself and attack the enemy as much as you want without any worries.

However, in this state, if you are injured, you will also suffer corresponding pain.

Tsunade has suffered many terrible injuries from the battle to now, but she has not been affected by it. It is not that she cannot feel the pain, but it is suppressed by her strong will.

But even if she was an iron man, she couldn't bear the waves of pain that followed one after another.

If she can learn the sage mode, not only can she greatly reduce the pain from physical injuries, but her body's strength can also be greatly increased several times.

It's a pity that this is just a if, otherwise Ye Zi would not be able to win against Tsunade who can activate the sage mode.

The tree roots frantically absorbed Tsunade's chakra, and then more roots were derived.

Ye Zi controlled the spirit body and planned to absorb Tsunade's chakra to recover.

After almost understanding Tsunade's abilities, he was ready for a protracted war, but he didn't expect that it would go more smoothly than he imagined.

Looking at the face deliberately left outside the root of the tree, Ye Zi looked indifferent, and the spirit body gathered from behind Tsunade.

Tsunade stared at Ye Zi in front of her with hatred. Even if the severe pain spread throughout her body, and even if her chakra was rapidly decreasing, she did not give up on breaking free from the entanglement of the tree roots.

How could I die so helplessly...

I am going to kill you! Revenge for Duan!

However, it is all in vain.

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