Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 399 Confrontation (4th update)

Ninja technique, the technique of messing up the lion's hair!

The white hair that suddenly grew longer rushed towards Yan Ye and tied up the latter layer by layer.

Jiraiya immediately withdrew his gaze and used Earth Release against Orochimaru who was not far away.

Earth Escape, Huangquan Marsh.

Orochimaru was slightly startled, as the swamp appeared out of thin air under his feet, causing his feet to sink deeply into it.

After Jiraiya finished performing Earth Release, a chakra sphere condensed on the palm of his right hand, and then rushed towards Orochimaru. At the same time, he tied Kotonoha's long hair to the mummy, and suddenly contracted it, squeezing Konoye's body. It became several paragraphs.

With his long hair retracted, Jiraiya had no time to pay attention to Yanye's situation at this time. Yanye's body turned into several sections of cut wooden pillars.

With his feet running quickly on the grass, Jiraiya quickly arrived not far from Orochimaru. Because of the effect of Yellow Spring Marsh, he jumped up, holding the Rasengan in his hand, and moved it from top to bottom. The palm of his hand pressed against Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was restrained by Huang Quannuma and couldn't move. When he raised his head, his strange snake eyes reflected Jiraiya's figure. He looked calm and calm. Several pythons flew out from his left sleeve. Heading towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was calm in the face of danger, and suddenly shot a hair needle at the python from his long hair, nailing the python to death in the air.


The Rasengan, which exuded chakra fluctuations, reflected a little light in Orochimaru's eyes, and then he suddenly showed a sinister smile.


Jiraiya was startled. At this moment, four or five vines came quietly and wrapped around his body, causing him to freeze in mid-air. The Rasengan was only an arm's length away from Orochimaru, but he was no longer there. Not making any progress.

But it was Yanye who used poison ivy to control Jiraiya in time, but he only had time to control the vines to wrap around Jiraiya's lower body, but it was enough. The poisonous thorns on the vines had already penetrated Jiraiya's hands. leg.

Looking at Jiraiya who was controlled by the vines, Orochimaru smiled coldly, and stabbed Jiraiya in the forehead with the Kusanagi sword in his hand.

At this critical moment, Jiraiya directly aimed the Rasengan at Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

The tip of the sword pierced the Rasengan, causing a sudden violent explosion.

Amid the roar, Orochimaru, whose legs were trapped in the marsh, and Jiraiya, whose lower body was controlled by vines, flew backwards from the thick smoke generated by the explosion.

Orochimaru adjusted his posture in the air, landed on his feet, and drew a distance of about three or four meters on the ground. A little blood oozed from his tiger's mouth.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, adjusted his posture and landed safely, but his right arm hung unnaturally by his side and was dislocated.


Jiraiya expressionlessly put his dislocated arm back into place, and then took out the antidote that Tsunade had given him in advance, which was a sealed glass bottle as slender as an index finger.

He flicked off the top of the glass bottle with his fingers and poured the liquid inside into his mouth to restrain Yan Ye's plant poison.

After drinking the antidote for the first time, Jiraiya threw away the glass bottle and took a deep breath. He wanted to deal with Kotoha as soon as possible and then concentrate on dealing with Orochimaru, but he could use Wood Release just like Ye Zi. The little girl is not so easy to solve.

Although Tsunade's antidote has led to a certain degree of neglect of Konoha's toxins, Konoha has been unable to cause fatal damage to Konoha since the fight. Not only that, when dealing with Orochimaru, Konoha can always Seize the opportunity to attack him.

It's quite difficult.

His eyes moved rapidly in his sockets, always paying attention to Orochimaru and Kotonoha on the left and right.

Yanye is the type who is good at seizing opportunities. As long as it is not a one-on-one head-on battle, she can play her role.

Is that the antidote? Yanye looked at Jiraiya silently, the poisonous vine's toxin had no effect.

Jiraiya took the time to look at the battle on Tsunade's side, and found that Tsunade was able to suppress Ye Zi. He felt a little relieved, and then continued to focus on Orochimaru and Kotonoha.

Kotonoye and Jiraiya were also worried about the battle over there. After seeing Ye Zi being suppressed, they felt anxious and wanted to go over to support.

She waved her hands and shot ten Senbon towards Jiraiya, then headed towards the battlefield on Ye Zi's side.


Jiraiya's eyes narrowed, and he did not avoid Qianbon at all. Instead, he opened his mouth directly towards Yanye and sprayed out a stream of turbid and sticky toad oil. While blocking Qianbon, it fell on Yanye.

Yan Ye's body was hit by the toad oil, and he immediately rolled to the ground. His whole body was covered with the sticky toad oil, and it was difficult to stretch his limbs for a while.

If Tsunade is at a disadvantage, Kotonoha may be a reflection of Jiraiya at this time.

After hitting Kotono with a toad oil bomb, Jiraiya's best choice was to use Fire Release at this time, but he didn't. Instead, he shot a stream of hair needles at Kotono.

If the toad oil is ignited with fire escape, Yan Ye will be swallowed up by the flames, and since she can use wood escape, the body has the value of research.

Based on this consideration, Jiraiya did not use fire escape.

While the hair needles were being shot, Orochimaru was not idle. He summoned a large number of pythons, broke out from the ground under Jiraiya's feet, and tied up Jiraiya's whole body in one fell swoop.

At the same time, when the hair needle was approaching, Yan Ye used Wood Escape in time to create a semi-curved wooden wall to block the hair needle, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the toad oil on her body was extremely viscous, seriously affecting her limb extension, and there was no way to clean it off.

When she saw Jiraiya's attention being attracted by Orochimaru, it was a good opportunity to support Ye Zi, but the oil severely restricted her.


She gritted her teeth hard and tried using half-hearted water escape to see if she could wash away the toad oil.

At the same time, Orochimaru controlled the dozen pythons that tied Jiraiya.


Orochimaru's eyes turned cold, and the python clinging to Jiraiya suddenly contracted its limbs.

At this time, the pythons that had shrunk their limbs were suddenly cut into several pieces and flew around, but it was Jiraiya's hair that did the trick.

Seeing that the move was broken, Orochimaru calmly threw a kunai at Jiraiya, and then quickly formed a seal.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

The kunai flying in the air suddenly split into two, and the two split into four, and suddenly turned into dozens of kunai, flying towards Jiraiya.

Then, Orochimaru rushed over holding the Kusanagi sword.

Clang Clang…

Jiraiya flicked his head, using his long hair that became as hard as iron to sweep away the countless kunai, and then strode forward, holding two of the kunai that were falling to the ground with both hands, and rushed towards Orochimaru. passed.

Before the two figures met, each reflected the other's figure in their eyes.

Now, we can be evenly matched...


The kunai and the Kusanagi sword collided, sputtering out dazzling sparks.

Suddenly, the arms of Orochimaru and Jiraiya started to dance, and bursts of sparks burst out from the intersection.

Vaguely, from the light and shadow of the sword, I could see the other party's expression, which was cold, ruthless, and murderous...

It seems that if you don't turn on the sage mode, you can't defeat Orochimaru at all.

There were sparks intertwined in the intersection of cold light, and Jiraiya had already made a plan, but he was not like Minato, who could activate the sage mode without relying on Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage.

If you want to turn on the sage mode, you can use the 'Blood Judgment of Contract' to channel Fukasaku and Shima to him, so that the three of them can merge into one. However, this is different from ordinary channeling, and it takes a while to complete. Before, someone had to be able to contain Orochimaru and create opportunities for him.

But he was alone at this time, so he could only channel Toma Takeru, who was good at defense, to help him hold Orochimaru down.

Channeling Bunta requires a lot of chakra, so the best choice is Toadken, who can channel it immediately and consumes less chakra.

Jiraiya thought together, found an opening, and forced Orochimaru back. Then he took advantage of this opportunity and pressed one hand on the ground, and the black spell rippled on the ground.


In a burst of white smoke, the huge Toad Takeru appeared in front of Jiraiya.

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