Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 405 A critical moment (10th update)

Orochimaru, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, suddenly felt quite complicated when he saw this scene.

Yan Ye, who was seriously injured and whose consciousness was between blur and clarity, faintly woke up. The pain coming from her abdomen made her frown, and she stood up despite the pain.

You're awake. Orochimaru glanced at her, and then focused on Ye Zi's side again.

Yan Ye nodded, and she also noticed the situation on Ye Zi's side. It seemed that Ye Zi had the advantage and stabbed Jiraiya in the chest with a knife.

Looking away, she looked down at the injury on her lower abdomen, took out two small bottles of herbal medicine from her ninja tool bag, threw one to Orochimaru, opened the other and poured it into the palm of her hand, and then applied it to the wound.

This bottle of medicine cannot effectively restore this serious injury, but it has some effect and can relieve pain.

After applying the medicine, the pain is finally gone.

Yan Ye really wanted to go over and help Ye Zi, but in his current state, it was very likely that he would only be unhelpful, so he could only watch like this.

Orochimaru also drugged himself, which had some effect.

The facial makeup disappears and the fairy mode is released.

That's it.

Ye Zi suddenly withdrew the knife.

The sharp blade was pulled out of the body, causing secondary damage. Jiraiya couldn't help but groaned, unable to hold on. His body went limp and he knelt down on one knee. His uninjured hand was on the ground, and water flowed from his mouth. The blood fell to the ground, forming a small pool of blood.

After retracting the sword and turning his wrist, Ye Zi was about to kill Jiraiya with one strike. At this time, Tsunade's eyes trembled violently, and with an angry cry, he walked around Jiraiya and attacked him.

At the same time, Shima on Jiraiya's shoulder also gave a cold shout, raised his arm, and jumped towards Ye Zi who was in front of him.

Ye Zi's dark eyes instantly took in the movements of Tsunade and Shima, and struck Shima's body with the hilt of the knife, causing the latter to scream and fly backwards.

Fukasaku jumped into the air and wanted to hug Shima, but he was knocked away by the strong force.

After knocking Shima away, Ye Zi stepped back to avoid Tsunade's straight punch.

The straight punch failed, and Tsunade maintained the posture of punching forward, leaning forward, as if she was going to pounce on Ye Zi.

Ye Zi took another step forward at this time, approaching Tsunade, and pushed the arm holding the knife forward. With the sound of the sharp weapon penetrating, the 'bloody' blade penetrated Tsunade's back with blood. .


Tsunade's body suddenly shook. Without the Seal of the Hundred Heroes, this sword directly caused her strength to drain away quickly. The arm she swung forward fell down weakly, and her body fell forward, and then she leaned on Ye Zi's shoulder. above.

If it weren't for the blood all over his body and the blade that penetrated from his back, this would have looked like a couple embracing each other.


Jiraiya raised his head with difficulty and saw the bloody long knife that penetrated from Tsunade's back. His eyes suddenly opened wide, anger filled his face, and he was about to rush towards Ye Zi, but his body refused to obey his orders. .


He roared unwillingly in his heart.

Ye Zi slightly turned his head and glanced at Tsunade's hair, then looked at the angry Jiraiya with a cold face, without saying a word. He could see that Jiraiya's hands and even arms were trembling, and he seemed helpless for a moment. move.

At this moment, Tsunade, whose chin was resting on his shoulder, slowly raised her hand, and under his gaze, she stretched it towards his face, or it could be said to be his neck. However, the sight was blocked and the serious injury made her There is a deviation in the position where the hand falls.

Ye Zi silently looked at the hand that was slowly stretched out without any movement.

This battle will only be a matter of life and death, either they will die or you will die.

But now the result seems to be clear.

This is a cruel battle...

Jiraiya, run away.

That woman, who was very strong in character and behavior, was weak in speaking. She seemed to know that she was in doom, so she wanted Jiraiya to escape.

The hand stretched out towards Ye Zi was full of willpower to break Ye Zi's neck, but it might not be possible anymore.

Damn...I'm sorry, I can't help you get revenge. Now, I'm coming to find you.

When Jiraiya heard Tsunade's words, he couldn't escape. He roared, his body actually moved, and he stretched out his hand towards Ye Zi, trying to force Ye Zi back.

Seeing Jiraiya's actions, Ye Zi's eyes turned cold, and he clamped Tsunade's neck with one hand, pushing Tsunade's body forward, and the blade that penetrated from Tsunade's back pointed directly towards him. of Jiraiya.

Let's die together! Ye Zi thought coldly.

The blood-stained blade stabbed him, and Jiraiya felt a sense of bitterness in his heart.

Is this really the end?

Fortunately, everything had been passed down to Minato before facing this moment.

When I think of Minato, I can't help but picture his back. The golden hair dancing in the wind is so dazzling, and it is also a very reassuring figure.

Or the impression was too deep, the picture that was clearly produced in the head actually appeared in front of the eyes at this moment.

The white short-sleeved windbreaker has a blazing red flame pattern on the hem. On the back, there are five large red characters of 'Fourth Generation Hokage'. Looking up, the blue band protecting the forehead is on the golden hair. Among them, a bow was tied.


Jiraiya couldn't tell the difference between reality and reality for a while, he just thought it was the image in his head affecting his eyes.


This back view was real, not his imagination.

He just appeared without warning and inserted himself between both sides.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

In the distance, Orochimaru and Yanye's expressions changed slightly when they saw this scene. Reinforcements? And still...!

Looking at the sudden appearance of this person, Ye Zi's pupils shrank. It was really a good time to appear at this time.

This person was Namikaze Minato, who arrived in time with the Flying Thunder God Technique. He glanced at Ye Zi hastily, his eyes condensed, and then he held Tsunade down with one hand and Jiraiya with the other.

The next moment, the three people disappeared out of thin air.

This is a very strange feeling. Holding the handle of the knife with your hand, you can feel that the blade is indeed piercing Tsunade's body. But after Minato disappeared with Tsunade and Jiraiya, this feeling disappeared out of thin air. .

One second, he was obviously holding his neck with his hands, and the next second he couldn't feel it.

There was no one in front of Ye Zi, not even Tsunade who was penetrated by blood. He just took several steps forward and then stopped.

The Art of Flying Thunder God.

Ye Zi's face was cold, and he actually appeared at the most critical moment to rescue Tsunade and Jiraiya. So, where are they now?

Thinking together, Ye Zi looked around. When he looked to the right, his eyes suddenly stopped. He saw Tsunade and Jiraiya, and there were two more people beside them.

There is no chance of winning if we continue to fight. We must retreat immediately.

Looking at the two extra people, Ye Zi's face changed drastically, he gritted his teeth slightly, and immediately made the correct judgment.

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