Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 406: Three Pillars (11th update)

After a fierce battle, there was not much chakra left, and there were injuries all over his body, as well as the loss of hearing in both ears.

This battle was about to end, but I never thought that Namikaze Minato would use the Flying Thunder God Technique to make such a crucial appearance, and save Jiraiya and Tsunade without saying a word.

Looking at the two people next to Tsunade and Jiraiya, Ye Zi calmed down his expression, and even she came. From this point of view, Tsunade and Jiraiya's lives were saved by luck.

In addition to Namikaze Minato, Kushina also came.

Minato, why are you here? Jiraiya endured the pain and looked at Minato's back in front of him. He came just in time, like the dawn breaking through the dark night of despair.

It was also at this time that Jiraiya felt at ease. Even Kushina was here. Tsunade should be fine. Thinking of this, he glanced at Tsunade who barely opened her eyes and her breathing was fairly even. He breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a long story. Rather than this, let Kushina heal your injuries first. As for Ye Zi... leave it to me! Minato held a special kunai in each hand and looked at Ye Zi's expression. , like the cold wind on a winter night.

Jiraiya looked quite miserable now, but he still smiled, thinking that it would be good to leave it to his disciples so that he could be lazy.

Minato took a quick look at the situation of Jiraiya and Tsunade. It was very tragic, and the person who caused all this was Ye Zi...

At this moment, no matter which aspect it was, Minato had a reason not to forgive Ye Zi. At the same time, he was glad that he would rather believe it than miss it, so he chose to believe in the information Danzo gave him and was able to arrive in time. He was also glad that he could not forgive Ye Zi. The mark of the Flying Thunder God was left on Jiraiya.

The fact that Minato and Kushina appeared here was naturally Danzo's work. After passing on information about Ye Zi's movements to Tsunade and Jiraiya, the next day, he fabricated the idea that Tsunade and Jiraiya were chasing Ye Zi and others. , and ended up getting into a hard fight, which led to false information that led to a very dangerous situation, and then sent this false information to Minato.

Danzo is not a god, and the purpose of fabricating false information is just to let Minato and Kushina go to support Tsunade and Jiraiya. He also did not expect that the situation would develop to this point. Minato arrived in time to save Got off Tsunade and Jiraiya.

He just thought that Tsunade and Jiraiya might not be able to take down Ye Zi and Orochimaru, so in order to ensure that Ye Zi could be eliminated, he tricked Minato and Kushina, who were the direct disciples of the Sannin, to rush to support.

How could he have expected that Jiraiya and Tsunade would be defeated by Ye Zi and almost be killed? What was even more unexpected was that Minato's arrival was at a perfect time.

If he had known it earlier, he would rather have sent the information a moment later and let Jiraiya and Tsunade die in Ye Zi's hands.

Minato-chan! Fukasaku jumped over holding the unconscious Shima. He was surprised and lucky. Fortunately, Minato-chan was here, otherwise the situation would have developed in the worst direction.

Yes. Minato responded, without looking back, staring at Ye Zi motionlessly.

Tsunade's injuries were more serious than Jiraiya's. With the physical characteristics of the Senju clan, she was able to hold on without fainting. At this time, Kushina had summoned a small swarm of slugs, covering Tsunade. He treated the wounds on his hands and Jiraiya's hands.

Chakra is spent from Kushina, and this is the best and most suitable treatment method at this time, because she alone cannot heal Jiraiya and Tsunade at the same time.

Master. Kushina murmured sadly. She was half-kneeling on the ground, holding Tsunade's shoulders, her head lowered, her face covered by her long hair.

Tsunade raised her head with difficulty, looked at Kushina with her head lowered with a little pity, and said guiltily: I'm sorry, I still put you in this situation.

Kushina bit her lip and shook her head. She could not accept Tsunade's apology, but at this time she felt that her heart was filled with panic, and it was even more difficult to control her emotions, and she could not hold back the tears in her eyes.


A teardrop fell on Tsunade's exposed skin, followed by two, then three.

Sorry, Kushina. Tsunade sighed softly, slowly raised her hand and pressed it on Kushina's head.

She knew very well Kushina's feelings for Ye Zi, but in life, many things were difficult to have both ways.

Ye Zi killed Duan, who was a very important person to her, so she wanted to avenge Duan.

Because of this matter, she almost broke up with Kushina. Fortunately, both of them finally let go, and she was influenced by Jiraiya and fulfilled all the responsibilities as a master.

In the end, she still had to fight to the death with Ye Zi. This kind of scene would be the last thing Kushina wanted to see.

Therefore, she would complete this matter without Kushina knowing about it, but everything would not go as she wished, and in the end, Kushina would face such a painful situation.

Master is not wrong, there is no need to apologize to me.

Kushina gently placed Tsunade on the ground, then wiped her tears, stood up, and walked to Minato's side.

A part of the slug group separated and crawled onto Shima's body to heal her injuries, while Fukasaku was checking Shima's condition while looking at the backs of Minato and Kushina.

Not only him, but Jiraiya and Tsunade were also watching the backs of the two disciples.

Protected, right?

Minato glanced sideways at Kushina, whose face was full of tears. After a moment of silence, he asked, Are you able to make a decision?

Kushina's eyes seemed to pass through many mountains and fall on Ye Zi, and the latter also passed through various obstacles and intertwined with her eyes in the air at this time.

In the wordless intersection, there are emotions that are difficult to understand.

As if suddenly, a thick fog rose out of thin air, isolating the two sides and blocking their sight.

I won't kill him. Kushina said firmly: But I want to stop him!

After hearing Kushina's answer, Minato lowered his eyelids slightly and showed a shallow helpless smile. After a moment, he apologized to Kushina in a very serious tone.

Sorry, Kushina...

After apologizing, his tone became darker and he said: He is the only one I will not hold back on, because there are too many reasons why I cannot forgive him.

Kushina's heart skipped a beat. After a moment of silence, she said in despair, I understand.

Standing on the opposite side of Minato and Kushina, the sense of crisis that he had not experienced for a long time was clearly presented in the world before his eyes.

Looking back at Kushina, Ye Zi made up his mind to retreat, because there was basically no chance of winning this battle.

Psychic art!

Ye Zi single's palm print was on the ground, white smoke burst out, and a huge giant snake appeared from the white smoke.

He channeled Wan Snake and planned to let Wan Snake restrain him.

But... Minato and Kushina also have psychic beasts.

Seeing that Ye Zi channeled thousands of snakes, Minato and Kushina also quickly used the channeling technique.

Bang bang!

Along with two bursts of white smoke, the giant toad bunta and the giant slug appeared in front of Wan She.

The psychic beasts who were once the Sannin gathered together again after so long.

However, the people standing on the head of the psychic beast were no longer the Sannin, but three ninjas in their prime.

The wind came from afar, blowing everyone's hair and clothes, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Ye Zi stood on the head of the snakes, Minato stood on the head of Bun Tai, and Kushina stood on the head of the slug, showing a three-legged situation.

I never expected that one day I would witness such a scene as a bystander. Jiraiya sighed with emotion, and he also had many regrets out of thin air, and sighed: It would be great if we were friends and not enemies.

Tsunade couldn't help but be silent after hearing this, and memories of the past emerged in her mind. Once upon a time, the three of them supported each other and were employed in the ninja world, but now times have changed.

Not only Jiraiya and Tsunade were filled with emotion, Orochimaru raised his head and looked at this scene. Even though he was rarely sentimental nowadays, he couldn't help but feel complicated emotions at this time.

Just like Jiraiya and Tsunade, he had never thought that the new tripartite would appear in front of them in such a posture.

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