Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 408 The impending crisis (13th update)

For Minato, Ye Zi, Orochimaru, and Kotono are all targets, so he doesn't have to stare at Ye Zi to attack. Once he has the opportunity, he will also use the characteristics of the Flying Thunder God Technique to instantly transfer the target of the attack, just like Just like that.

If Ye Zi hadn't come at lightning speed, he should have been able to kill Yan Ye directly.

Not a weakling after all.

Minato looked at Ye Zi calmly. He looked like he was in full condition as he rushed to support him. In fact, his chakra level was less than 50% because he used the Flying Thunder God Technique several times over a long distance.

But even in this state, it is enough to deal with the current Ye Zi.

Kushina stood on the slug's head, clenching her hands hard, her nails digging into the flesh, and a trace of blood flowing out. All she wanted to do was to stop Ye Zi, while Minato's motive was to kill Ye Zi directly.

The decisions made are thus mired in contradictions.

Go quickly and avoid those kunai.

Ye Zi raised the knife and looked at Minato coldly. If Minato hadn't reacted in time, Minato might have succeeded in suddenly shifting the target of his attack to Yan Ye.

Ye Zi... Yan Ye looked at Ye Zi's back, bit his lip slightly, and turned around decisively.

Orochimaru didn't say anything, and he and Kotonoha avoided the kunai scattered everywhere by Minato and headed towards the coastline.

How could Minato let Orochimaru and Kotono escape? He knew very well that Ye Zi stayed to break up the rear. Ye Zi would not escape when Orochimaru and Kotono did not leave, so he had to deal with Orochimaru and Kotono first.


He moved both hands together and threw two jutsu kunai, one flew towards Orochimaru and Kotonoha, and the other flew towards Ye Zi.

So, what are you going to do? Minato's blue eyes flashed with a glint.

Ye Zi moved his left hand, took out a kunai from his ninja tool bag, raised his hand and threw it, accurately hitting the kunai that flew towards Orochimaru and Kotonoha.

With a clang, the two kunai collided, tumbling violently in the air and falling.

Since the right hand holds the 'blood', he cannot use both hands like Minato to throw the kunai in two different directions that are a little distance apart, so he can only block one jutsu kunai and the other jutsu kunai. Wu flew towards Ye Zi.

Suddenly, Minato suddenly appeared in front of Ye Zi, stretched out his left hand to hold the kunai that flew in front of Ye Zi's face. He did not attack immediately, but raised the kunai in his right hand with one finger. The art kunai rolled and flew behind Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was prepared for Minato Kai's move to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to reach the Jutsu Kunai before, and drove the long knife to stab straight away.

The distance between the two sides is very close, and various actions are carried out like lightning.

Ye Zi stabbed straight with his long sword, and Minato raised another kunai with his fingers. These actions between each other were reflected in each other's eyes.

Minato's figure disappeared from Ye Zi's eyes. The next moment, he appeared above and behind Ye Zi. He held a kunai and stabbed the back of Ye Zi's head.

Ye Zi calmly and calmly retracted the long sword, turned around quickly, raised the long sword and raised it to his head, accurately holding the kunai that Minato stabbed.

At this moment, the figures of both sides once again came into each other's eyes, and both could see the awe-inspiring fighting spirit in each other's eyes.


The thunder flow is transmitted from the 'blood' blade to the art kunai.

Minato's eyes narrowed slightly, and after throwing down another kunai, he immediately disappeared from the place, making Ye Zi's plan to use the weapon to transmit thunder flow to paralyze Minato in vain.

When Minato disappeared, Ye Zi swung his long knife and knocked away the kunai dropped by Minato to prevent Minato from relying on the kunai left behind to get closer again.

After moving to a position closer to Orochimaru, Minato noticed that Ye Zi had knocked away the kunai he had left behind before moving, so he decisively gave up the next attack, and instead turned to Orochimaru and Yan. leaf.

The figure disappeared again and came not far behind Orochimaru and Kotonoha. He raised his hand and threw three kunai towards them.

He doesn't just use the Flying Thunder God Technique to shift positions during the battle. Sometimes it can also have miraculous effects when combined with the Instantaneous Body Technique, which can complement each other.

Seeing that Minato turned to attack Yan Ye and the others, Ye Zi's eyes turned cold, and he disappeared from the place with the lightning flash technique and rushed towards Yan Ye.

Hearing the sound of wind behind his head, Yanye turned around and threw out three Senbons while running, flying straight towards the trajectory of the three art kunai.

She is also an expert with hidden weapons and has the skills to use shurikens to knock down shurikens.

However, just when Senbon was about to touch the art kunai, three art kunai suddenly collided in the air and forcibly changed their trajectory.

During the collision, the two art kunai fell down, and the last remaining art kunai changed its trajectory and flew over the three senbons.

At this time, Orochimaru took action and actually threw out a snake, blocking Minato's kunai, but the distance was less than five meters.

Minato stopped when he saw the kunai stabbing the snake, but did not change his mind. He disappeared and came to the top of the snake. At this distance...

Orochimaru glanced at him coldly, turned around and continued running forward without stopping.


Minato's expression changed slightly, and within a breath, he moved away from the snake again.


The snake thrown out by Orochimaru suddenly exploded, and after the explosion, Minato appeared again.

He realized the danger at the last moment when the snake exploded, so he immediately moved away, and then came back immediately after the explosion.

Feeling the insidiousness of Orochimaru in his heart, Minato felt that Ye Zi was approaching, but ignored it. He still used the teleportation technique to come behind Yanye who was closer, and condensed the Rasengan in his hand. It was a regular size, but with the magical power It is made of concentrated chakra, so its power is several times stronger than the ordinary Rasengan.

For different enemies, he will appropriately adjust the power of the spell and the amount of chakra required.

Minato's speed was so fast that every time he got close, it was difficult to react. He held the Rasengan and stamped it on Kotonoha's back.

The explosive snake hindered Minato for a while, and also gave Ye Zi the opportunity to arrive in time.

Ye Zi came to Shuimen's side and slashed at Shuimen with his sword.

A hasty rescue will put yourself in danger.

Minato's blue eyes flashed slightly. He was well prepared. He instantly adjusted his movements to avoid Ye Zi's knife. At the same time, he lightly pressed Ye Zi's arm with his left palm, then turned around, adjusted his posture, and turned the spiral on his right hand. Wan pressed on Ye Zi's back.


The powerful energy acted on Ye Zi's whole body through his back, causing him to groan and fly out with great force.

Ye Zi!

Yan Ye's pupils shrank sharply and gave up escaping, but rushed towards Ye Zi who was knocked away by the Rasengan.

Orochimaru suddenly frowned, was he still a burden? He also stopped and ran towards Ye Zi with Yan Ye.

Seeing Ye Zi being hit by Minato's Rasengan in order to protect Yan Ye, Kushina's eyes trembled, she gritted her teeth hard, but still didn't make any move.

She was now in a situation where she wouldn't take action and wouldn't let Minato stop killing him.

After completely swallowing the Senshu Rasengan, Ye Zi rolled on the ground several times before finally stopping. Severe pain came like a tide on his back. His consciousness felt as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer, and even his vision was hit several times. of blur.

Despite the pain, he knew he could not relax. He used great willpower to forcefully stand up. When he saw Kotonoha and Orochimaru did not continue to run away, but ran towards him, he frowned.

Although it is impossible to win in this way, this is not a competition. Minato silently reluctantly stood up Ye Zi, and Koton Ye and Orochimaru who ran towards Ye Zi did not stop him.

Before the Rasengan hit Ye Zi, he had already left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on Ye Zi's right arm. In other words, no matter what Ye Zi's current situation was, he could not escape.

Minato stretched out his right hand, and a huge Rasengan condensed on his right palm. He wanted to use the mark of the Flying Thunder God left behind to make up for the damage!

With the Dayu Rasengan, Ye Zi can be eliminated without any accident.

With the thought, he disappeared from the place and came to Ye Zi in an instant, with the amazingly powerful Big Jade Rasengan!

Suddenly, the crisis is approaching!

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