Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 409: Broken Leaves (14th update)

The sudden appearance of Minato and Dayama's Rasengan was a compact offensive that left no chance, forming a fatal crisis that enveloped Ye Zi.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone present. The light blue light of the Big Jade Rasengan was like the cold light bursting out from the eyes of the God of Death, forcing it towards Ye Zi at this moment.

However, how could Ye Zi sit still and wait for death? He endured the severe pain and stood up immediately. No matter how strong the impact, he would not let go of the knife in his hand. These actions of his were to resist the fatal crisis that might come in the next second. .

Therefore, his eyes, which were no worse than Minato's, clearly captured Minato's movements and responded immediately.

However, even if he barely stood up and had a chance to dodge, the injuries that had accumulated since the war broke out at this moment.

Can't move my legs...?

Light blue light covered Ye Zi's frightened face.

In the flash of lightning, he had no time to think about gains and losses. Just when he was only one second away from death, a figure blocked him in front of him at an incredible speed.

Yan...Ye...? Green hair flew in Ye Zi's eyes, and his pupils suddenly shrank sharply. Before his thoughts could even combine the name of the figure before his birth, the Big Jade Rasengan pressed on the figure's body. .

Seeing Yan Ye standing in front of Ye Zi, Minato looked shocked.

Yan Ye stood in front of Ye Zi, blocking the Big Jade Rasengan with a determined expression, and shot out two green thorns from his hands, passing over the Big Jade Rasengan, wrapping around Minato's arm, and the stings on the thorns pierced hard. In the meat.

Pain came from his arm, Minato frowned, removed the control of the Odama Rasengan, and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to escape from here.

Ye Zi, I...

The few words he had no time to spit out were suddenly drowned in the loud noise of the Rasengan exploding, and his originally clear consciousness was annihilated in the darkness.

The body that seemed extremely weak at this time crashed into Ye Zi's arms with strong force. The two of them flew out together, and when the force weakened, they landed heavily from the air.

Watching this scene, Orochimaru's face became very ugly. His lower body turned into a snake and snaked around the ground, heading towards Ye Zi and Yan Ye very quickly.

Kushina, Jiraiya, and Tsunade watched this scene speechlessly.

Switching between the identities of protecting and being protected, one person will always be harmed.

Minato moved to a location where the kunai was placed. His right arm was stabbed with many wounds by poisonous thorns. The poison quickly spread to the entire arm, flowing rapidly along the blood to the five internal organs.

He frowned slightly, and immediately came to Tsunade and Jiraiya's side.

Unexpectedly, Yan Ye would suddenly appear to block the Dayu Rasengan for Ye Zi. With her speed, she shouldn't be able to catch up at that time, and she actually released the poisonous thorns, successfully poisoning him.

Seeing Minato coming to him, Jiraiya immediately threw the antidote at him.

Minato took the antidote, took off the bottle cap and poured it directly into his mouth. As soon as the toxin was removed, he could use the Flying Thunder God's Technique to get close to Ye Zi again.

Although Yan Ye blocked most of the energy burst, Ye Zi also withstood a lot of impact.

At this time, the world in his eyes blurred into one piece, and his consciousness was in a trance, as if he would be buried in darkness in the next second. However, one fact was not covered up by this blurred vision and blurred consciousness.

Yan Ye…?

Ye Zi's eyelids that he barely raised were trembling, as if they would close weakly in the next second. In his blurred vision, he could only see a faint hint of green.

His strength gradually disappeared, and severe pain rippled through his body. Ye Zi gritted his teeth and struggled to get up. He stretched out his arms to hug Yan Ye's silent and weak body. The moment he touched Yan Ye's body, his body Suddenly he froze.

The weakening.

He could only vaguely look at Yan Ye's face with his eyes closed, feeling that life was draining from that body, and Ye Zi's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Ye Zi...

Yan Ye's lips moved weakly, making a sound like a mosquito buzzing. His tightly closed eyes slowly opened a line and looked at Ye Zi in front of him.

Fortunately... it was blocked.

Thoughts like candles in the wind are filled with joy.

There was no room left to think about other things, so her lips moved slightly.

Ye Zi...I... Yan Ye stretched out his hand, and his thin index finger barely touched Ye Zi's cheek. His chest rose and fell slowly, decreasing in frequency at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I like you…

Knowing that he was about to die, he at least wanted to convey his thoughts to Ye Zi through words.

The words that he could say with all his strength were cruelly covered by the silent world.

what did you say…?

The ears that have lost their hearing cannot hear Yan Ye's low voice.

The eyes affected by the injury could only see Yan Ye's lips moving a few times in a blur.

Can't see, can't hear...

Yan Ye... Ye Zi hurriedly tried to reach out and grab the hand with his index finger on his cheek, but failed.

The eyes that were opened to a thin line were closed silently, and the hand with the index finger on the cheek also dropped weakly.


Ye Zi was stunned.

In his arms, the corners of Yan Ye's mouth were slightly pursed, as if smiling.

Do you only realize how important it is when you lose it?

Tearing pain came from his heart, and Ye Zi was deeply stunned. His drooping eyelids were slowly opened, revealing the bloodshot eye sockets inside.


Suddenly, he raised his head and used his last strength to let out an angry and sad roar, which resounded throughout the grassland at this moment.

The deep sadness clung to the heart, like a pair of hands, holding the heart tightly and squeezing it hard.

Scenes about Yan Ye flashed through his mind quickly, but they became the power of the hands squeezing his heart, making the pain deeper.

Ye Zi's seriously injured face showed a ferocious expression, and the blood filling his eyes broke through the barrier and flowed out from the eye sockets.

The blurry world in his eyes turned blood red, and Ye Zi's right eye suddenly changed.

The dark eyes seemed to be stained by the blood that broke through the eye sockets, turning blood red. Not only that, a small black magatama appeared around the blood-colored pupils, followed by two, three...

A total of three small black magatama appeared around the blood-colored pupils, rotating slowly.

Ye Zi, who was immersed in sadness, didn't notice this at all, and the blood-colored world in his eyes was gradually swallowed by darkness.

His vague consciousness finally sank into darkness, and his whole body fell backwards to the ground. His open blood-red eyes slowly closed.

At this time, Orochimaru arrived. Before closing his eyelids, he saw the Sharingan in Ye Zi's right eye. He raised his eyebrows, but had no time to think about it.

He quickly checked the conditions of Ye Zi and Yan Ye, and the latter's vital signs were almost non-existent.


Orochimaru silently picked up Ye Zi's 'blood', cut off Ye Zi's right arm without hesitation, and then used fire to burn the wound on the severed arm to stop the bleeding.

Then a snake appeared through the channel, biting Ye Zi's broken arm, and went in the other direction.

With careful thought and insight, he made the necessary preparations, then hugged the unconscious Ye Zi and headed towards the coastline without hesitation.

As for Yan Ye...he was helpless.

On the other hand, after getting rid of the toxin, Minato directly used the flying thunder god technique to reach the mark left on Ye Zi's right arm. He saw Orochimaru's move, but this was the mark closest to them, so he still chose Move here.

Then...he was still greeted by an explosion!

Orochimaru once again set a detonating talisman in the snake's belly. This time, Minato was slightly injured and it also created precious time to escape.

The distance was far away, but Orochimaru was seen running into the woods with Ye Zi and disappearing. Minato didn't want to give up just like that, but was ready to chase him again.

At this moment, Kushina ducked and came to Kotoye. She did not say anything to ask Minato to stop chasing, but started to treat Kotoye, whose life and death were unknown.

Minato watched this scene, and after a moment of silence, he left the place and chased Orochimaru and Ye Zi.

He was Hokage, that's all.


Just to give you a shot, this book won't have a tragic ending, that's all!

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