Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 410: On his deathbed (15th update)

Minato chased after Orochimaru.

Kushina didn't even have time to check Yan Ye's injuries before she started treating her.

Even if her palms did not touch Konoye's body, Kushina could clearly feel that Konoye's life was draining away, and her treatment was only slowing down the process.

The injury is too serious, all the internal organs...

Kushina bit her lip, knowing that continuing would be useless, she didn't want to just give up.

Wan She was fighting with Bunta and Slug when he saw Orochimaru running away with Ye Zi. He simply disappeared and went back to Ryūchi Cave.

Under the treatment of slugs, Tsunade and Jiraiya gradually recovered from their injuries. They could not recover in a short time, but their movements were basically fine, and the slugs clung to their bodies.

With a group of slugs, Jiraiya and Tsunade came to Kushina. They did not stop Kushina's actions, but watched quietly.

From Tsunade's point of view, even without touching Kotonoye, she could tell with just one glance that Kotoye was on his deathbed, and Kushina's treatment could only last for a short period of time, and it was meaningless to continue. A waste of chakra.

Kushina, give up. Tsunade tried to dissuade her softly.

Kushina shook her head silently. She didn't know why she wanted to save Yanye. Even if she knew she couldn't be saved, she didn't want to give up just like that.

I don't want to see Yan Ye die like this, maybe because of this reason, or maybe I don't want to see Yan Ye, who protected Ye Zi, die like this.

Seeing Kushina's meaningless stubbornness, Tsunade sighed and was about to continue to dissuade her. At this time, Jiraiya put his hand on Tsunade's shoulder.

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Jiraiya, who silently shook his head at her and told her not to continue to dissuade her.

Tsunade frowned slightly and was silent for a moment, but did not speak, but looked towards the direction Minato left. She hoped that Minato could successfully catch Ye Zi.

Time is measured in seconds, passing bit by bit.

Kushina's treatment forcibly saved Yan Ye's last vitality. When he was dying, the consciousness that had gradually sunk into darkness revived with the slowly raised eyelids.

Seeing Yan Ye's eyelids move and slowly open, Kushina's expression was shocked, and she felt joyful in her heart.

Great, great... Kushina murmured to herself, thinking that she had a chance to save Yanye, but she was just deceiving herself.

Even if he is rescued, Yanye can use wood escape and has Hashirama cells transplanted into his body. If he is captured and brought back to Konoha, the situation he will face may be more painful than death.

But Kushina, who was focused on saving people, didn't think of this.

After regaining consciousness, Kotonoha's first reaction was that he had arrived in the Pure Land, but what he saw in his eyes was Kushina's expression full of joy, and he couldn't help but fell silent.

Facing Kotonoha's gaze, Kushina quickly encouraged: Hold on, don't give up, I can cure you.

Yan Ye was silent for a moment and said weakly: It's useless, you know it very well, don't you?

Kushina was startled, silent and stubborn, even if Yanye gave up, she would not give up.

Why do you want to save me? Yan Ye looked at Kushina quietly. In the last moments of his life, he did not expect this to be the case.

In the past, she was hostile to Kushina, the kind of hostility between women, but since she passed by Kushina that night, all the hostility has disappeared.

At that time, she chose to follow Ye Zi, while Kushina chose to stop.

I don't know. Kushina looked away from Yanye's face and turned to Yanye's injuries, I just... don't want you to die.

Yan Ye's lips twitched a few times and said: You are so strange...I used to envy you because the person Ye Zi liked was you...but now those are not important.

After she finished speaking, she shook her head hard and looked around. When she found that Orochimaru and Ye Zi were not here, she breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of joy on her face.

Fortunately...Ye Zi escaped, fortunately...

Why do you have to do this for him? Seeing that Ye Zi was still concerned about Ye Zi's escape in the end, Kushina's bite of her lip suddenly increased, with a little sadness in her tone.


Yan Ye showed a faint smile, his eyes were full of persistence and nostalgia, but the light dimmed quietly.

Because he is Ye Zi and I am Yan Ye.

The last syllable, like glass falling to the ground, made a crisp sound in a hurry, and then fell into deathly silence.

The opened eyelids slowly drooped, and the world in his eyes gradually became narrower. In a trance, Ye Zi's figure appeared in the narrow world.

I really wanted to reach out and catch that figure, but I didn't have the strength to lift my arms, and my consciousness was gradually eroded by darkness.

I really want to be by your side all the time, but now...I don’t want you to be around anymore.

Because what she was about to go to was the world of death, she didn't want Ye Zi to come to the same world as her, so she thought like this when she was dying.

The eyes finally closed, and this time, the life disappeared.

Kushina slowly stopped the output of chakra, turned her head and looked at Yanye silently with a smile on her face.

Why am I so sad? What am I sad about?

Tears fell from her eyes again, her hands fell weakly to her sides, and Kushina slowly closed her eyes.

Jiraiya and Tsunade watched this scene in silence.

After a long time, Minato's figure suddenly appeared.

He chased Orochimaru, but lost his trace. In desperation, he could only use the Flying Thunder God Technique to return here.

Seeing Minato appear alone, although Tsunade had a judgment in her heart, she still asked: Where are Ye Zi and the others?

Minato shook his head and said, I couldn't catch up.

Did he escape... Tsunade thought unwillingly.

After answering Tsunade, Minato looked at Kushina, who stayed quietly beside Kotonoha. After a moment, he looked away, looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade, and asked: How is the recovery from the injury? , can you set off back to Konoha?

Jiraiya nodded and said, No problem.

As he said that, he looked at Yan Ye's body and said, We have to bring her back to the village as soon as possible. With the secret skills of the mountain clan, we may be able to get a lot of important information about Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Tsunade glanced at Kushina, and then said calmly: She can use wood escape, and she may be able to get useful information from the corpse.


Minato nodded and said, If there's no problem, go back as soon as possible.

After saying that, he walked a few steps, came to Kushina's side, took out the scroll used to store the body, and said: Kushina...

Kushina stood up silently, then turned around, silently looking at the mountains in front of her. Beyond that, was the ruins of Uzushio Village, her former country.

I have experienced war and family destruction, so I want a stable place, and Konoha is where I belong.

In her mind, Ye Zi's retreating figure suddenly appeared. However, despite all the experiences, she still didn't understand what Ye Zi, who had also experienced war, wanted?

After looking at Kushina's back, Minato sighed softly, then opened the scroll and sealed Kotonoha's body in the scroll.

Then let's go back too. At this time, Wentai said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he and the slug turned into white smoke and disappeared.

After watching Bunta and Slug disappear, Kushina helped Jiraiya and Tsunade take care of their injuries before the four of them set foot on the road back to Konoha.

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