Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 412 Heading to Longdi Cave (17th update)

It was not easy for Orochimaru to return to the base with Ye Zi. He barely escaped Minato's pursuit, and then encountered an attack from Gen.

Thanks to his rich experience, if it had been anyone else, he would have been disappointed halfway through.

After returning to the stronghold, Ye Zi's miserable appearance was seen by the people in the stronghold, and he immediately exploded. However, Orochimaru forcibly suppressed him, notified Nanako, and then arranged treatment for Ye Zi.

When Nanako saw Ye Zi's miserable state, her past memories were suddenly triggered. She did not ask Orochimaru what was going on, but immediately started to treat Ye Zi.

When Ye Zi woke up, Orochimaru happened to be in the room, and no one else in the stronghold knew about it.

You want to use the power of the White Snake Sage to practice immortality? That method has certain risks. After hearing Ye Zi's words, Orochimaru understood what Ye Zi wanted to do.

I am measured. Ye Zi calmly looked at Orochimaru.

Property? Orochimaru sneered and said: With Jugo here, as long as you have enough time, you can master the magic without risk. If you know how to measure, you shouldn't go to White Snake Sage now.

There's no time, I want to take Yan Ye's body back. Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru silently.

You want to attack Konoha? Orochimaru looked surprised. Kotoha's body has excellent research value for Konoha. The guards set up are definitely not bad. It is impossible to complete this task by sneaking alone. , so if you want to recapture Yan Ye's body, you can only choose a frontal attack, so as to create an opportunity to recapture Yan Ye's body.

Ye Zi showed a cold and dangerous smile and said calmly: That's right.

He was going to Konoha to take back Yanye's body, so that he could resurrect Yanye through the reincarnation of dirty soil. This was the method he realized after waking up.

At that time, my vision was blurred and my ears were deaf. I couldn't tell what Yan Ye said at the end.

You're crazy. Orochimaru frowned.

I'm not crazy, so I want to learn the magic as soon as possible. Ye Zi's tone was serious.

Even if you master senjutsu, attacking Konoha won't be that easy.

Isn't there still you? Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru quietly.

Orochimaru couldn't help but remain silent. After a moment, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: Regardless of whether it is rational or not to attack Konoha now, why should I do this for you?

Ye Zi suddenly approached Orochimaru expressionlessly. Their faces were only a palm's width apart, and they looked at each other at close range for a while.

Orochimaru could see the cold, indifferent light in Ye Zi's eyes, and Ye Zi could also see the calm, cold pool in Orochimaru's eyes that had nothing to do with him.

Ye Zi suddenly took a step forward, crossed Orochimaru's face, leaned into his ear, and said coldly: You help me, and I will help you.

Orochimaru was unmoved and said coldly: It is unreasonable to attack Konoha now. If you want to die, I will not stop you, but I will not die with you.

I have seen Uchiha Madara, the leader of Akatsuki's Rinnegan Eye. It is actually Uchiha Madara's eye, and the Rinnegan Eye is the final form of the Sharingan Eye. However, relying only on the blood of the Uchiha clan cannot make the Sharingan Eye There is one more condition needed to evolve into the Samsara Eye.

Only with the Samsara Eye can you use the art of six paths. Are you interested in this information?

After Ye Zi finished speaking, he took a few steps back and calmly stared at Orochimaru who looked surprised after hearing these words.

Also, have you forgotten the reincarnation of filthy soil? I have collected the Kage-level experts from all the major ninja villages, and they have been transformed into filthy soil.

The surprise on Orochimaru's face became more and more intense. He just stared at Ye Zi, as if he recognized Ye Zi for the first time.

Although the forbidden technique of filthy earth reincarnation has been improved, he currently only has two or three filthy earth bodies, and they are not very stable.

Whether I need to use those or not, we have to see what kind of power the magic will have, so take me to see the White Snake Immortal first.

Ye Zi continued to speak, his face calm, which was in sharp contrast to Orochimaru's surprise.

The two just stared at each other in silence for a long time.

The surprise on Orochimaru's face gradually subsided, and he accepted what Ye Zi said.

After a moment, he looked at Ye Zi and asked, Is it worth it to get the body back?

It's worth it. Ye Zi replied without hesitation.

Orochimaru was silent again, and after a moment he said calmly: You have changed.

Don't say these useless words, take me to see the White Snake Immortal. Ye Zi repeated.

Orochimaru snorted and said: The location of White Snake Sage is in Ryūchi Cave. You have signed a psychic contract with Ryūchi Cave. You can go directly to Ryūchi Cave with the reverse channeling technique, and then channel the Ten Thousand Snakes out of the cave. He just leads the way.”

Is it that simple? Ye Zi was startled. Orochimaru only mentioned White Snake Sento and Sage Mode to him. Later, because Jugo was there, he compared the risks of each, so Ye Zi focused on studying them.

Unexpectedly, the White Snake Immortal would be related to Longdi Cave.

However, despite signing a contract with Wan She, Ye Zi has never been to Longdi Cave.

The easy thing is to find the White Snake Sage, but the difficult thing is to learn the sage mode in front of him. Orochimaru said calmly.

Ye Zi's face turned slightly dark, and without saying anything else, he directly used the reverse psychic technique and turned into white smoke and disappeared in front of Orochimaru. When the latter saw this, he also used the reverse psychic technique and disappeared in place.

Perhaps it was because the two of them were in close proximity to each other. After the reverse psychic operation, the two of them appeared in the same place.

This is Longdi Cave. Ye Zi took a look at the surrounding environment. It was a cave with a rock wall that could emit a faint white light. There was no light at all, and the ground was slightly damp.

Although Orochimaru came with Ye Zi, he had no intention of using the power of the White Snake Sage to learn the sage mode, so without saying anything, he channeled the Ten Thousand Snakes, which could save some chakra for Ye Zi.

In the white smoke produced by the psychic technique, Wan She appeared, and he was not surprised to find that he was still within the scope of Ryuji Cave. He lowered his head and looked at Orochimaru and Ye Zi, his eyes flashing slightly.

Even if he didn't die from that kind of injury, how long did it take for him to recover from the injury?

When Wan She was about to say something, Ye Zi said coldly: Take us to see the White Snake Immortal.


Wan She was robbed by Ye Zi and suddenly felt angry, but she didn't dare to express it.

Follow me. Wan She said, turning her body in the direction of the palace where Immortal White Snake was.

At this time, Ye Zi dodged and came to Wan She's head.

... Wan She fell silent.

Orochimaru was slightly startled when he saw this. When he asked Wan She to lead the way for the first time, he didn't expect to jump directly on Wan She's head, so he also used the teleportation technique to get to Wan She's head.

Lead the way. Ye Zi said calmly.

Wan She stared at the top of the cave speechlessly for a while, then headed towards the palace.

At the same time, Nanako, who came to the ward, was shocked to find that Ye Zi and Orochimaru were missing.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru did not notify them before leaving.

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