Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 413: Start practicing (18th update)

With ten thousand snakes leading the way, they soon arrived at the palace where the White Snake Immortal was.

On the huge stone throne, there was a huge white snake lying across. After Ye Zi and others entered the palace, a pair of snake eyes as calm and deep as dead water looked at Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Wan Snake stepped forward and said respectfully: White Snake Immortal.

White Snake Immortal's eyes stayed on Orochimaru for a while, then turned to Ye Zi.

He is also a psychic contractor of our clan and wants to practice immortality. Wan She quickly explained. On the way here, Ye Zi told him the purpose of his trip. To be honest, he was very happy for Ye Zi to come. When practicing immortality, it is best to fail and let the White Snake Immortal swallow you up.

Compared to Orochimaru, he was very unhappy with Ye Zi.

A black pointed hat, long orange hair, a white snake body covered with scales, and a pair of bottomless and calm snake eyes.

Ye Zi looked at the White Snake Immortal and suppressed his inner surprise. He was clearly right in front of him, but he couldn't feel the White Snake Immortal's aura. However, after carefully sensing it, the White Snake Immortal's extremely weak presence gave him a very dangerous feeling. .

The indescribable feeling of danger is more intuitive than the pressure brought by the tailed beast.

This is the White Snake Immortal.

White Snake Immortal stared at Ye Zi for a moment. He could tell that Ye Zi had more chakra than Orochimaru, and had a strong sense of life. He was a person suitable for practicing immortal arts.

Are you aware of the risks of practicing immortality? White Snake Immortal asked calmly.

Ye Zi nodded and said calmly: I understand.

What White Snake Sage said to Orochimaru was repeated to Ye Zi by the latter.

There is no need to go into details, it is perfect for the White Snake Immortal. He looked at Ye Zi calmly and said: Are you ready?

Ye Zi took a deep breath and said calmly: Okay.

But White Snake Sennin did not start immediately. Instead, he looked at Orochimaru and said, What about you?

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly and said, I have no such plan for the time being.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, White Snake Immortal's mood did not fluctuate at all. He moved his eyes away from Orochimaru, then fell to Ye Zi again, and said calmly: Then let's get started.

When Ye Zi heard this, his expression and mood were very calm. Although he knew that what he was going to face next might be life-threatening, he was not afraid.

How many times have I been on the verge of death, but this time I can definitely get what I want safely.

Sage mode...!

The White Snake Immortal slowly opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth as white as snow. He suddenly arched his body, and the snake's head rushed forward, biting Ye Zi's shoulder directly.

The sharp teeth pierced into Ye Zi's shoulder unceremoniously, and the natural energy was transmitted directly into Ye Zi's body along the sharp teeth.

Ye Zi, who was pierced by the White Snake Immortal's teeth and was used to the pain, couldn't help but scream in a low voice. A pain that seemed to crush all the bones in an instant spread throughout his body.

After injecting a certain amount of natural energy, the White Snake Immortal retracted his body, sat cross-legged on the throne again, and quietly watched the scene that was about to happen next.

As bystanders, Orochimaru and Wanshe watched quietly.

Ye Zi endured the intense pain, closed his eyes, and felt the natural energy imported from his shoulders. This was different from the chakra he had condensed and could not be freely controlled by his thoughts.

Natural energy was forcibly injected into the body. It was an intrusive energy from the outside. Ye Zi could not control it and could only let it run rampant in the body like a running train.

It's normal to be unable to control it at first, but if you continue to be unable to control it, the conceivable result is that you will lose your mind first and then turn into a snake, just like the losers who have always practiced immortality.

Ye Zi didn't want to fail and turn into a snake. He could clearly feel the natural energy running around in his body. As long as he could feel it, he could find a way to control it.

The reason why he can clearly feel the natural energy is that on the one hand, Ye Zi has a sufficient amount of chakra, and on the other hand, it is the benefit of the White Snake Immortal forcibly injecting natural energy into him. However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the injected natural energy. The energy will be relatively violent.

Compared with feeling and absorbing natural energy by oneself, the forcibly injected natural energy is equivalent to pushing liquid directly into the body with a syringe, while feeling and absorbing natural energy by oneself is equivalent to injecting an intravenous drip.

One is softer and the other is rougher.

The reason why practitioners throughout the history have failed is because they fell under this brutal method.

If there were other guidance methods and gentle methods, the failure rate might not be 100%.

Ye Zi tried to control the violent natural energy with his mental thoughts, and drove the chakra in his body to distribute throughout his body, trying to merge with the natural energy.

However, when his thoughts came into contact with the natural energy, he seemed to be infected, and his mood became obviously much more violent.

Later, Ye Zi realized that he could not contact natural energy at will, so he quickly withdrew his thoughts and began to use all his strength to drive chakra to find ways to integrate natural energy.

Sending chakra to the natural energy, the latter was too violent and directly shut out the chakra. Instead of inviting him out, he kicked him out.

Ye Zi's brows suddenly furrowed. He slowly increased the amount of chakra, and then drove himself to contact the natural energy, intending to find the balance.

His whole mind was immersed in conquering the natural energy, and he completely failed to notice some changes in his body.

Under Orochimaru's gaze, Ye Zi's exposed skin began to turn pale, and white scales slowly emerged, quietly covering part of the skin.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru's expression condensed slightly, and he looked at White Snake Sage, only to find that there were other emotions in White Snake Sage's always calm snake eyes.

Is that...surprise?

Orochimaru saw the surprised emotion in White Snake Sennin's eyes, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Since he had contact with Immortal White Snake, he found that Immortal White Snake's eyes were always as calm as dead water when looking at everything, as if... In the eyes of Immortal White Snake, there is no difference between any life and the stones that can be seen everywhere.

However, now he actually saw surprise in the eyes of Immortal White Snake?

Is Ye Zi going to succeed?

Orochimaru thought silently, then denied this.

He had seen the sage mode, but it was Jiraiya and Minato's sage mode.

Jiraiya's sage mode seems to be incomplete, so not only does it need the help of two toads when using it, but there are also obvious toad-like features on the face and body.

As for Minato, he is obviously different from Jiraiya. He is also in Sage mode. Except for the changes in his eyes, Minato does not have any toad-like characteristics in other parts of his body.

In other words, whether the Sage Mode is successful or not is judged based on physical characterization.

Jiraiya didn't master it well, so he had obvious toad characteristics, but Minato could master it perfectly, so only his eyes changed.

Now Ye Zi's snake-like characteristics are obvious all over his body. So, what is the reason for the White Snake Immortal's surprise?

Not only Orochimaru was puzzled, Wan She was also extremely puzzled when he saw that White Snake Sento didn't deliberately suppress his surprise.

At this time, the snake characteristics on Ye Zi's body were so obvious...

However, it didn't take long. What was the reason for White Snake Immortal's surprise?

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