Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 416 Intelligence and Attack (21st update)

Konoha Intelligence Room.

This is a room specially set up for the Yamanaka clan. It is located in one of the best defensive locations in Konoha. It is not only surrounded by secret sentries throughout the day, but also has a special perception barrier. Once an external enemy invades, the barrier will be triggered directly, and then Send the information back to Konoha's barrier class.

At present, the newly developed equipment has been officially put into use for some time. It can cooperate with the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan to invade the heads of the dead to obtain relevant information. This is Konoha's unique information acquisition technology, and it is also something that other ninja villages cannot master. technology.

Without the equipment developed by the Scientific Research Department, no matter how powerful the secret skills of the mountain clan are, they will not be able to directly read the memories of the dead.

In the empty room, there is a wall covered with pipes, and in front of this wall are placed the equipment needed to capture the memory of the deceased.

Under the semi-arc countertop, there are also unknown pipes. In front of the countertop, there is a semicircular device, a bit like a low half igloo. Starting from the edge of the semicircular device, toward Three circles of complicated black incantations extend from the semi-arc countertop.

Not only are there black spells on the semi-circular device, there are also three black spells on the semi-curved table.

The middle point of the black spell is the transfer point for the mountain clan to invade the brain of the deceased.

This device is a combination of magic array and technology, and the effect it produces is to give the mountain clan a qualitative leap in their ability to read memories.

Intelligence is very important to the Ninja Village and involves many aspects. During battles, ninjas often choose to commit suicide in order to keep the information. After all, if it falls into the hands of enemies who want to obtain useful information, they will use cruel criminal investigation methods.

When you are about to be captured alive, instead of being forced to extract information through all kinds of torture methods, it is easier to kill yourself.

This kind of suicide in order to keep information is very common, and after the advent of this device that can cooperate with the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan to obtain information about the dead, for Konoha alone, suicide cannot stop Konoha from obtaining information.

Therefore, this is a rare and rare technology, and it is only available in Konoha.

At this time, Yan Ye, as a person close to Ye Zi, will be sent to the intelligence room before being sent to the autopsy room, in order to read Yan Ye's memory to obtain relevant information.

Yanye's body was placed in the semicircular device, with only her pale face with eyes closed exposed, right in the center circle of the spell.

There are four people performing this task, all of whom are members of the Yamanaka clan. The main position is taken by Yamanaka Haiichi, which is the semicircular operating table. The semi-arc shaped table requires three people each. People from the mountain clan.

In the information room, in addition to the four members of the Yamanaka clan, Jiraiya and Minato were also there.

Let's get started, Minato said.


The four members of the mountain clan responded and came to their respective positions.

Except for Yamanaka Haiichi, the other three people came to the semi-arc table. They all stretched out their hands and pressed them into the black spell formation.

On the other side, Yamanaka Haiichi came to the semicircular operating table, stretched out his hand and put it on Yanye's head.

Minato and Jiraiya watched this scene quietly. As long as they could read Kotonoha's memory, they could basically find the location of Ye Zi and Orochimaru's stronghold, and master the secret of Wood Release.

This information is very important, especially the secret of mastering Mu Dun. After reading the memory and obtaining the secret of mastering Mu Dun, Yanye's body can be sent to the autopsy room and handed over to Tsunade for processing.

After being in place, the memory reading technique was officially launched.

Yamanaka Hai closed his eyes, and the hand pressing on Yanye's head emitted a faint blue chakra light.

Suddenly, the four members of the Yamazaka clan came into a closed space. There were walls with pipes everywhere, and in the center was the inside of a huge head, with four pillars extending from the inside of the head.

The four members of the mountain clan are floating in the air.

Yamanaka Haichi nodded to his three companions, and each of them placed their hands on the plane of the cylinder and began to read the memory.

Minato and Jiraiya couldn't see this scene. The picture in their eyes was that all four members of the Yamazaka clan closed their eyes, and their thoughts invaded Kotonoha's voiceless head.

Half an hour passed, and the memory-reading spell was lifted. Yamanaka Haiichi, who was standing in the main position, slowly opened his eyes.

How was it? Minato asked.

Yamanaka Haiichi showed a look of joy and said: I have read a lot of useful information.

The other three companions played a supporting role, helping Yamanaka Haiichi collect intelligence and reduce the workload. After collecting useful information, they passed it directly to Yamanaka Haiichi.

Later, Yamanaka Kaiichi told Minato and Jiraiya one by one about the information obtained.

This includes the location of the stronghold in the Kingdom of Stone, as well as the use of transplanted Hashirama cells to obtain information on the ability to master wood escape... Basically, the information Konoha knows has been obtained by Konoha.

After receiving the information, Minato and Jiraiya went directly back to the Hokage's office, while Ryoha's body was sent to Tsunade's side.

If you want to master Wood Release, you must implant Hashirama's cells. Even if you get the information from Yanye, there is not a 100% success rate, but at least you can extract Hashirama's cells from Yanye.

Now that he had even obtained the location of the stronghold, Minato had no reason to let go of this opportunity.

In that Stone Country stronghold, there were not only nearly a hundred children being trained, but also Nanako and Orochimaru. Plus Ye Zi, this might be a potential threat to Konoha.

Although Ye Zi successfully escaped during the trip to the Kingdom of Whirlpool, he was so seriously injured that he might not have fully recovered yet. In short, this was an opportunity.

Minato discussed with Jiraiya and his staff, and finally decided to send a team to capture the point where there were many Hashirama cells.

The number of the team was determined to be seventy people, thirty jonin and forty chunin.

The mission requirement is to capture a position. If the opponent's combat power is too strong, you are allowed to abandon the mission on your own.

While gradually identifying the personnel, following Lujiu's suggestion, he sent a letter to Suna Ninja Village in the Country of Wind, sharing information about Ye Zi's stronghold and inviting Suna Ninja to perform this mission together.

The Kingdom of Stone is located next to the Kingdom of Wind. Since he and Ye Zi have a deep hatred, I think Sand Ninja would be very willing to cooperate.

In this way, the team targeting Ye Zi's stronghold was quickly determined. Coupled with the Sand Ninja team, this can be said to be a quite strong team.

The children in the stronghold are nothing to be afraid of. The key lies in the three main combat forces, namely Orochimaru, Ye Zi, and Uchiha Susumu.

I just hope that Ye Zi’s injury has not recovered yet…

After confirming the personnel, the Konoha team embarked on the road to attack Ye Zi's stronghold.

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