Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 417: Inorganic Reincarnation through Immortal Technique (22nd Update)

Ye Zi, who is still unaware of Konoha's actions, is still practicing in Ryūchi Cave.

In just one day, he successfully mastered the Sage Mode. It was the same perfect Sage Mode as Minato, but with a little more difference.

After that, Ye Zi didn't care about White Snake Immortal giving him a second burst of natural energy, because White Snake Immortal told Ye Zi about the benefits.

As the White Snake Immortal said, after experiencing the first practice, he was able to clearly perceive the invisible natural energy floating around. As long as he stretched out his hand, he could hold it in his hand and make use of it.

This feeling is very strange and has never happened before. Moreover, after turning on the immortal mode, I feel as if my whole body has endless power.

Although he successfully mastered the Sage Mode in just one day, his training does not end there. After that, he still has to practice how to use Senjutsu Chakra and accelerate the speed of condensing Senjutsu Chakra.

When stationary, enough natural energy can be absorbed within one minute to activate the Immortal Mode, but if in motion, it will take at least three minutes.

Both of them took too long, so Ye Zi had to start training, at least shortening the time to activate Immortal Mode to seconds, and the ultimate goal was to activate it instantly.

Only the instant immortal mode can exert the most extreme effect.

In addition to shortening the time limit, there are also ways to use senjutsu chakra that need to be practiced.

Since Ye Zi chose to stay and continue practicing, Orochimaru left Ryūchi Cave and returned to his base.

Even if Ye Zi successfully learned the sage mode, Orochimaru was still unwilling to take the risk to learn the sage mode. At the very least, he had to thoroughly study Jugo's experiments before he would consider starting to practice senjutsu.

In this way, Ye Zi stayed in Longdi Cave and began to practice day after day, and the use of the magical chakra became more and more skillful. As a result, Wan She was miserable.

As Ye Zi's training target, Wan She suffered all kinds of torture and was beaten to a pulp by Ye Zi.

However, even so, Wan She, who had surrendered to Ye Zi, didn't think it was a big deal. He thought it was what he should do.

The function of Senjutsu Chakra is to enhance the power of spells. Just like he is now, if he uses Wood Release with Senjutsu Chakra, the power and speed will be about five times stronger than before, and turning on Sage Mode will greatly increase his perception. force.

There is no clear concept of the specific scope, but it is very broad and can include the entire Longdi Cave.

On the sixth day in Longdi Cave, Ye Zi was basically familiar with the use of immortal chakra, so he met the White Snake Immortal.

The reason why I came to see the White Snake Immortal was for the magic.

As an old monster who has lived for who knows how long, Ye Zi doesn't think that the White Snake Immortal doesn't have some powerful spells.

After Ye Zi explained his intention, the White Snake Immortal did not reply to Ye Zi immediately, but considered whether to teach Ye Zi the magic of immortality.

Speaking of the characteristics of the Snake Immortal Mode, in addition to its amazing resilience and vitality, it is also the characteristic of being able to give life to inorganic objects.

After turning on the immortal mode, you can master this feature by yourself as long as you gradually explore it. He does not need to be taught at all. However, since Ye Zi brought it up, he simply told Ye Zi in advance.

Inorganic reincarnation through the Immortal Technique can be said to be the strongest Immortal Technique in Snake Immortal Mode. I can teach you. White Snake Immortal thought for a while and then made a decision.

Inorganic reincarnation...? Ye Zi raised his eyebrows with interest.

As the name suggests, this magic can give life to objects without biological functions and control them. It is essentially different from chakra manipulation.

The White Snake Immortal gently swung the snake's head, and his long orange hair danced a few times with the swing. He looked at the ground beside Ye Zi, but there was no movement. The stone floor suddenly seemed to be alive, like a liquid. It twisted and transformed into stone snakes, dancing with its fangs and claws.

When the ground changed, Ye Zi noticed it immediately, even if he didn't turn on the immortal mode.

Now he can feel the natural energy floating around anytime and anywhere, and he can also feel the magic chakra immediately.

Seeing the ground turn into countless stone snakes, Ye Zi's reaction was relatively dull. This was actually similar to the application of Wood Release, except that it could mostly use all non-living inorganic objects.

Perhaps because Ye Zi's reaction was too dull, the countless stone snakes controlled by the White Snake Immortal turned into stone thorns and shot towards the ceiling of the palace.

It's so fast...! Ye Zi couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. He was surprised that the speed of the stone thorn transformed by the stone snake could catch up with the speed of the wind blade.

After many stone thorns pierced the ceiling, they were controlled by the White Snake Immortal and turned into stone snakes, blending into the bumpy ground. After a while, the entire ground returned to a flat stone floor.

Is this the strongest magic in Snake Immortal mode? Although he had seen it for a while, Ye Zi was still skeptical.

Immortal White Snake had no time to argue on this point, and said calmly: Whether it is the strongest immortal technique or not, we will talk about it after you master it.

Ye Zi nodded.

Regardless of whether it is the most powerful magical technique or not, any useful magical technique is welcome.

Later, the White Snake Immortal taught this technique to Ye Zi, and the latter went to a special training venue non-stop to train the inorganic reincarnation technique he had just learned from the White Snake Immortal.

As long as the sage mode is turned on, the amount of chakra will increase dramatically, which can lengthen Ye Zi's usual training time.

Standing in the empty field, Ye Zi began training in the art of inorganic reincarnation.

This technique has something in common with Wood Release. It shouldn't be difficult to master, but the difficulty lies in mastering it.

Using celestial chakra as a bridge and a medium to communicate with inanimate objects, it then controls Wu to undergo various form changes according to his thoughts. This is the same as Wood Release.

If used in conjunction with Wood Release, Ye Zi can basically take advantage of most places.

As long as you are proficient, the combination of the two may actually be a good killing move.

The country of stone.

The expedition team sent by Konoha finally arrived at the Kingdom of Stone and joined the Suna Ninja team.

Regarding Konoha's proposal, Suna Ninja agreed without any objection and sent a team of forty-five people, including twenty Jonin and twenty-five Chuunin.

The two teams from different ninja villages combined to form a powerful force, and the target of this powerful force was Ye Zi's stronghold.

After reuniting, the two teams walked into the desolate valley of the Kingdom of Stone.

With accurate location information, you can reach your destination directly without taking too many detours.

Everyone in the stronghold is still unaware of the danger coming...

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