Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 418: Attack (23rd update)

The dry hot wind stirred up a large amount of sand and flew through the air. The figures merged into the yellow sand and headed in a certain direction.

The location of the stronghold is surrounded by several barren mountains in the center. There are four main entrances, and the surrounding five kilometers are covered with warning traps. These traps were all learned by Konoha.

The joint team directly eliminated the warning trap and moved towards the stronghold step by step.

There are four entrances. Once you reach the destination, the team will be divided into four teams to ensure that no enemy is missed.

The teams of Konoha and Suna Ninja thought they could reach the stronghold without anyone noticing, but they didn't know that when they eliminated the warning trap, Orochimaru had already known their movements.

The information she learned from Kotonoye did not mean she could know everything. She knew the existence of warning traps, but she did not know the secret whistle set by Orochimaru.

In addition to regular warning traps, Orochimaru placed many snakes around the stronghold. When the teams of Konoha and Sand Ninja entered this area, Orochimaru became aware of them.

Yanye doesn't know this, and Konoha naturally won't know either.

Inside the stronghold, Orochimaru did not panic even though he knew that a large number of enemies were approaching the stronghold.

I know the location of the stronghold so quickly. Is it possible that Kotonoha is not dead? Impossible. Even with Tsunade and Kushina, he can't be saved from that kind of injury.

Orochimaru thought calmly, the location of the stronghold was exposed, indicating that the information was leaked, and Konoha was able to obtain the location information so quickly, which made him immediately think that Kotonoha was rescued and then brought back to Konoha to use the secret skills of the Yamanaka clan. Read memory.

However, he has a wealth of knowledge about the human body. Even with Hashirama's cells, Yan Ye's injury at that time could not be saved. He was so sure.

So, how do you know?

Excluding this, Orochimaru couldn't figure out how Konoha got the information.

Orochimaru briefly explained to Yu, asking the members in the stronghold to prepare for war, and also gave a special reminder so that Nanako did not have to worry about transferring information.

Surprised by the enemy's attack and Orochimaru's calmness, Yu took orders to carry out Orochimaru's orders.

Afterwards, Orochimaru walked out of the stronghold and came to a place about five hundred meters away from the stronghold.

Relying on the sand snakes deployed, we can keep track of the enemy's movements at any time. There is currently no detachment and they are heading towards the stronghold.

This distance should be enough. Orochimaru turned around and looked at the distance to the entrance of the stronghold, thinking that such a distance would not affect the stronghold.

The opponent's number is close to one hundred and twenty, and it is unclear what the proportion of jounin is in this number. No matter what, this team cannot be resisted by Orochimaru alone.

He would come outside the stronghold alone, as if he wanted to meet the enemy, but he didn't want to do it alone.

These people should be enough for you to test the results of Sage Mode. Orochimaru looked at the empty front with a cold smile on his lips.

He did not want to face these enemies alone, but wanted Ye Zi to face them alone.

At the same time, Longdi Cave.

In the empty cave, Ye Zi held the letterhead of Orochimaru's essay. The content on it was very simple, that is, Konoha and Sand Ninja formed a team to attack the stronghold, which was close at hand.

After reading the letter, Ye Zi let go of his hand and the letter slowly fell to the ground. After a while, it melted into the ground and disappeared.

You came just in time, you can try the lethality of inorganic reincarnation. Ye Zi said coldly to himself.

In front of him, Wan She's huge body was trapped in a frame made of rocks, unable to move. This was Ye Zi's handiwork. He was exercising his control, using the technique of inorganic reincarnation to control the rocks, trapping them as quickly as possible. There are thousands of snakes living in it, but they won't hurt you at all.

That's what training is for.

Of course, it is successful now, but it failed many times before, which also caused Wan She to suffer a lot and suffered a lot of injuries all over his body.

With a thought, Ye Zi removed the rock frame and put down the snakes. Then, he turned off the immortal mode, and the immortal facial makeup on his face slowly disappeared.

After the training was over, Wan She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ye Zi and asked, Is that a letter from Orochimaru?

Ye Zi nodded and said, It's time for me to go back. There are a group of mice that need to be dealt with.

Wan She was startled and said proactively: Do you need my help?

Ever since Ye Zi mastered the Immortal Mode, Wan Snake simply chose to surrender. This is why he did not complain even if he endured various torturous trainings for several days.

No need, you will be needed some time, but not now. You need to recover from your injuries first.

Ye Zi glanced at the injuries on Wan She's body. Now that he has mastered the immortal mode, the next step is to attack Konoha and recapture Yan Ye.

After saying that, he turned around and left, trying to find something suitable to wear.

Okay, Master Ye Zi. Wan She looked respectful and watched Ye Zi leave.

There were many visitors who had lost their lives in Longdi Cave, but they left a lot of luggage behind, which was all collected.

Ye Zi wanted to see if there were any suitable clothes among the luggage.

On the other hand, Orochimaru waited for the enemy to arrive.

Once the enemy comes, he will directly summon Ye Zi over with his psychic skills.

Among the rushing yellow sand, figures emerged in the distance, a team of about one hundred and twenty people.

The jounin in Konoha's team are all good, but there is no one who stands out, and there are many chunin who are close to jounin in strength.

On the Sand Ninja side, the strength of each member is also good, and the terrain of the Kingdom of Stone is the environment they are more accustomed to fighting, which gives them a somewhat advantageous location.

The two teams combined to form a powerful team.

Arriving at a distance from the stronghold, everyone suddenly stopped because there was a person standing in front of them.

Looking at that person, the leader of the Konoha team said solemnly: It's Orochimaru. It seems that our actions have been discovered. In this case, we can only attack by force.

The leader of the Sand Ninja team said calmly: Even if Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, dares to face the enemy alone, there may be a trap. As he spoke, he observed the surrounding environment.

The leader of the Konoha team nodded and agreed with his statement.

Orochimaru is waiting for them here, which means that his own movements are known in advance. So, knowing that they are approaching, but still staying here alone, thinking according to common sense, there is a high possibility that there will be ambushes and traps.

However, the surrounding terrain is empty. Except for the three stone mountains where the stronghold is located, there are no other mountains. If you want to ambush in this kind of terrain, you can only hide underground.

When the leader of the Konoha team was about to let the sensing team investigate the danger first, Orochimaru suddenly made a move.

Huh? Everyone present immediately stared at Orochimaru.

No traps, no ambushes, that's just the way it is.

Orochimaru slapped the ground with one hand, and the black spell wave spread out, and a yellow patterned python with an arm thick jumped out of the white smoke.

Psychic magic? It's not ten thousand snakes, but just one snake. Someone couldn't help but whisper after seeing this.

They all thought that Orochimaru was going to channel the signature psychic beast Tensen, but unexpectedly it turned out to be just an ordinary python, but they didn't know what Orochimaru had in mind.

Orochimaru looked at the snake and smiled coldly.

At this moment, the python suddenly turned into white smoke and disappeared, followed by a looming figure in the white smoke.

who is it?

Looking at the looming figure, most people had doubts in their hearts.

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