Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 437 Ye Zi’s will (8th update)

No god!

My consciousness seemed to have entered a different world at this moment.

The wind suddenly stopped, the sand stood still in the air, and individual grains of sand could be clearly seen.

Kushina's expression was surprised by Shisui's sudden move. At this moment, the unexpected expression on her face froze.

Even Ye Zi and Uchiha Shisui are in a state of stillness, and all people and things, including the flow of air, are also still.

The silent spiritual energy carried by other gods invaded through Ye Zi's eyes.

The battle between wills started without warning.

At this moment when everything was still, Shisui's dart-shaped kaleidoscope eyes lit up, evolving from light red light to deep red.

Not only did Zhisui's kaleidoscope eyes light up, but Ye Zi's right eye also lit up.

Maintain the stability of the ninja world...

The spiritual energy that can forcibly modify the will was half covered by Ye Zi's right eye, but half of the spiritual energy still invaded Ye Zi's head.

Suddenly, the scene changed, and a mirror appeared in front of him, with his own figure reflected in it.

I'm Ye Zi. The person in the mirror said.

My lifelong wish is that the ninja world can stabilize and avoid the pain of war, and that the five major nations can live in harmony.

This is my long-cherished wish in this life, even if it costs my life.

Nothing or anyone is as important as this. In order to fulfill this long-cherished wish, no matter what the price, no matter what the cost.

Ye Zi in the mirror looked extremely solemn.

I am you and you are me.

This is your lifelong wish!

Ye Zi's eyes lit up slightly and he said to himself: Yes, my long-cherished wish is to make the ninja world stable and no longer suffer from the pain of war.

For this, I am willing to give my life. All I want is...eternal peace!

Ye Zi showed a sunny smile, looking at himself in the mirror, he could see his own smile.

The person in the mirror is his own reflection…


Ye Zi's smile suddenly solidified. Did he say the word 'no' just now by himself?

No, my mouth in the mirror didn't move.


Is that my voice?

My long-cherished to go back...there are important people waiting for me there.

It's mine...who?

Huh? Who is it?

Ye Zi's frozen smile instantly turned into a ferocious expression, as if something was tormenting his head, like something making a harsh sound after being rubbed together.

It seemed to be... constantly reminding him.

Yes, there is someone waiting for me!

The ferocious expression gradually returned to calm, and his eyes lit up slightly.

That's my dearest relative!

That' sister!

Ye Zi paused for a moment and suddenly looked at himself in the mirror with a bright smile.

Her Ye Rui!

Ye Zi looked at himself in the mirror coldly.

Ye Zi's bright smile in the mirror did not change at all, and he said seriously: The stability of the ninja world is more important than anything else or anyone!

More important than anyone else!

The voice suddenly became louder, so serious and solemn.

This is my will. For this will, even my life can be given up, let alone my relatives?

Stability in the ninja world and family, Libra will definitely lean towards the former, there is no doubt about it!

Ye Zi in the mirror maintained a sunny smile and said seriously: I am you, you are me, my will is yours...


Ye Zi punched the mirror, causing cracks and interrupting what Ye Zi said in the mirror.

More important than family members?

Ye Zi looked at himself coldly with a large wrinkle on his face, and said in a deep voice: If you can't even protect your own relatives, how can you protect the stability of the ninja world?

Besides...what does the stability of the ninja world have to do with me?

Do you want to reject the path I have taken so far?

Do you want to veto my desperate efforts so far?

Are you questioning my will?

The world suddenly collapsed, and deep surprise appeared on Ye Zi's face, which was cracked in the mirror.

At the end, Doubt asked: Isn't the comparison between groups and individuals the obvious answer?

That's not my answer!

Ye Zi took one last look at the mirror and the world that was gradually collapsing.

My answer is obvious at this time, beast.

The frozen time returned to flowing in an instant.

Ye Zi opened and closed his eyes, feeling a slight sting in his right eye. He stretched out his hand to gently press his right eye. He looked coldly at Uchiha Shisui in front of him.

Is this your kaleidoscope power?

Hearing these words, Uchiha Shisui was shocked.

Impossible, you actually broke other gods?

Other gods? Do you have the ability to forcibly change your will? Ye Zi's eyes were filled with coldness.

Uchiha Shisui could not suppress the shock that kept emerging. He looked at Ye Zi with a complicated expression and said in a deep voice: What is your is so powerful.

My will?

What responded to Shisui was a black knife coming at lightning speed.

Zhishui's eyes changed, and a layer of fireworks appeared in the small sword in his hand, and he reacted quickly to hold the black sword that Ye Zi was slashing at.


Zhisui frowned, and the strong force was transmitted along the knife to his arm.

What a powerful force.

He made a prompt decision and prepared to use Susano.

However, Ye Zi's offensive exceeded his thoughts.

The black thunder wrapped around the blade turned into arrows and shot towards Shisui's eyes.

Zhisui's eyes suddenly opened. At this time, a golden chain wrapped around Zhisui's waist. He pulled and pulled, not only dodging the black thunder arrows, but also pulling him back and throwing him back.

It was Kushina who rescued Shisui and threw him back to help him get out of here.

In her heart, Zhishui was no match for Ye Zi, and this move was too reckless.

However, she was still vaguely interested in the conversation between the two of them, but she didn't have time to think about it that much now.

Kushina immediately separated a dozen shadow clones and rushed towards Ye Zi.

You came too close to save him.

Ye Zi originally wanted to destroy Shisui's eyes, but was saved by Kushina. At this time, he saw Kushina was close, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Black thunder surged, cracking the ground as if it was the residual power of anger from someone who had almost had his will forcibly changed just now.

call out!

The figure was like dark lightning, passing by the shadow clones.

Bang bang...!

With movements invisible to the naked eye, he eliminated more than a dozen shadow clones in an instant, and then approached Kushina instantly.

The black sword slashed towards Kushina's limbs, trying to remove Kushina's limbs.

At this time, a figure quietly appeared, pushing Kushina to the left, and the black sword directly cut through the black figure.

Kushina was stunned, only to see Obito push him, and then bear Ye Zi's knife.

Obito! Kushina screamed suddenly.

However, Ye Zi frowned, immediately sheathed the knife and cautiously stepped back a few steps. He saw Obito's eyes.

Moreover, the knife did not hit the entity, and he knew this.

Kushina-sensei, I'm still fine, don't yell, make it look like I'm dead.

Obito smiled at Kushina, who was stunned.

Without any trace of ink, Obito rushed in front of her, held her body down and disappeared from the spot.


Obito's eyes?


The eighth update, don’t relax until the last moment, please vote for me! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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