Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 438 Three people work together (Happy National Day.)

It's kaleidoscope again...

Ye Zi knew that the pupil technique contained in the kaleidoscope had always been special, and could even be said to be beyond the scope of ninjutsu.

Before you know the ability, you must deal with it carefully. For example, Uchiha Shisui's other gods. Ye Zi didn't understand this ability at first, but he fell into the other gods silently.

If it weren't for the ability in Ye Zi's right eye, the 'Original God', which resisted half of the effects of other gods, he might have been forced to change his will and become a person who gave his all to protect the stability of the ninja world.

Fortunately, Ye Zi used his own will to forcefully break the effects of other gods, otherwise Ye Zi standing here would not be himself.

Forcibly modifying the will is equivalent to forcibly changing the soul to a certain extent, which can be called an unsolvable technique.

Just now, when Obito appeared to rescue Kushina, that ability was not the flying thunder god's technique, Ye Zi should be so sure.

The picture captured at a a process, not a moment. Moreover, in the perception state of sage mode, Obito's appearance is sudden without any warning.

It can be seen that this is the same space-time ability as the Flying Thunder God Technique, but it is not the Flying Thunder God Technique. The transfer speed can almost keep up with the Flying Thunder God Technique. It can be said that it is only a little slower than the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Also, the sword that was slashed directly passed through Obito's body, and he had virtualization ability?

Moreover, before the sword cut through Obito's body, he pushed Kushina with his hand. At that time, it would only be physical, otherwise he would not be able to push Kushina.

In other words, can you freely switch between solid and virtual?

However, what Ye Zi is more concerned about is that when Obito pushed Kushina and slashed towards his body, the interval was quite short. If it was materialized at that time, normally, he would not even have time to react with his thoughts, let alone It's said to be activation ability.

If it is activated spontaneously, that is, used automatically before an attack approaches, then this ability will be quite difficult to deal with.

Ye Zi cautiously distanced himself, and at the same time quickly analyzed Obito's abilities. He had not taken Obito seriously before, and now the latter had kaleidoscope eyes. It was undeniable that he had made a mistake.

Obito didn't know that he just used his ability in front of Ye Zi to save Kushina, but he was analyzed so thoroughly. If he knew, he might be confused, feeling that Ye Zi seemed to be more powerful than him when he first opened his eyes. Know your capabilities.

Obito, you also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan? Shisui came to the two of them and looked into Obito's eyes with a look of surprise.

Oh, is this called the Mangekyou Sharingan? Obito was slightly surprised when he saw Shisui's eyes, and said seriously: It's really good. Originally, my control over the Flying Thunder God's Technique was not in place, but now I feel that it is very useful. Smooth.”

After opening the Mangekyo Sharingan, Obito's stagnation when using the Flying Thunder God's Jutsu completely disappeared, and the feeling of using it became more comfortable, with a feeling that nothing could restrain him.

Zhisui looked at Obito with surprise in his eyes. To be honest, he had never underestimated Obito, but he did not think that Obito was a genius. But now it seems that even if Obito is not a genius, he is definitely not mediocre. man of.

Is the Mangekyō Sharingan...Ye Zi's right eye also the Mangekyō Sharingan? Kushina thought silently, then took a defensive posture, looked at Ye Zi in the distance, and said, We don't have time to chat now.

After hearing Kushina's words, Obito and Shisui's expressions suddenly straightened, and they both looked at Ye Zi.

At this moment, the enemies that Ye Zi had to face became three, one of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki who couldn't kill him, and two of the Uchiha clan who had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

It's really troublesome.

Ye Zi whispered to himself that there was about 20% of the magic chakra left. He had to wait for the wood clone to find Yan Ye's body and send a signal so that he could escape from Konoha.

In other words, with 20% Senjutsu chakra, he has to stay here for an uncertain period of time.

We can only focus on defense and try to delay it as much as possible. Ye Zi thought silently. Considering Obito's ability, if the other three launched an attack, the only person who would have the chance to be killed directly would be Shisui. .

Kushina, Obito, and Shisui stood in a row.

Zhisui suddenly frowned. He felt a slight stinging sensation in his eyes. He knew that this was the burden on his eyes after using the other gods. This stinging sensation also reminded him that the other gods were not absolute techniques. Because Ye Zi used his own willpower to destroy his other gods.

If other gods can't work... Shisui looked at Kushina and Obito beside him. If he wants to continue to play a role in this battle...

Kushina-sensei, Shisui, I will create an opportunity for you later, you must seize this moment. Obito stared at Ye Zi, Mangekyou Sharingan's eyes were full of coldness, he hated it now Ye Zi.

Hearing Obito's words, Kushina and Shisui were stunned.

I don't have time to explain to you, just trust me. Obito seemed to see the doubts of the two of them.

He wanted to use another ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan to directly tear off Ye Zi's hand holding the knife, creating an opportunity for Kushina and Shisui. However, this kind of thing must not be said in front of Ye Zi. Let Kushina and Shisui believe him.

Of course, he also believed that with the abilities of Kushina and Shisui, they could seize the opportunity the moment he created it.

Kushina and Shisui looked at each other. Facing Ye Zi, they were very stressed after getting close, but they both chose to believe Obito.

Come on. Obito stood there, he needed to wait for the opportunity.

Kushina and Shisui didn't say anything, one went to the left and the other to the right, running fast on the wasteland, forcing Ye Zi.

One on the left, one on the right, and one is still. What are you planning on doing?

Ye Zi watched coldly, and the black thunder on his body weakened slightly. He needed to control the consumption of magical chakra. If he did not attack, there was no need to activate the black thunder to the maximum extent.

Kushina's strongest attack methods are the golden chain and sealing techniques, and apart from the teleportation technique, Shisui's illusion technique is the best in Konoha even if he doesn't use other gods.

Illusions, once used properly, can be quite deadly, especially when combined with teammates.

Shisui believes that Ye Zi can resist other gods only because of his strong will, not that he can resist all illusions, so he plans to use illusions to assist Kushina's attack first.

Seeing the two people approaching quickly, Ye Zi moved his eyes left and right, summoned two shurikens from his belt with his left hand, held one between his index and middle fingers, entangled the thunder flow and threw it towards Kushina, and then quickly threw it towards Kushina. The second shuriken in the palm was thrown at Shisui.

This is considered a dispensable restriction.

Kushina used the golden chain to easily knock down the Thunder-Ryu Shuriken.

Shisui also used the Kodachi to knock down the shuriken. At the same time, with the help of the Mangekyō Sharingan, he used illusion techniques on Ye Zi.

Illusion, the art of self-restraint!

The 'Royal God' in Ye Zi's right eye instantly activated itself.

This moment of conflict made Ye Zi conscious and instantly understood the power of his right eye.

Without time to think too much, Ye Zi jumped away from the spot and dodged Kushina's golden chain.


The ground cracked!

Shisui looked surprised. The illusion he was so proud of didn't have any effect?

Ye Zi, who had escaped Kushina's attack, calmly distanced himself. Without taking the initiative to attack, he really didn't think the other party could do anything to him, but he still paid attention to the situation on Obito's side.

Since Obito didn't move, there must be some back-up plan that he didn't know about, so he had to pay attention anyway.

Of course, Obito had a back-up plan, and it was also a pupil technique that resided in the Mangekyou Sharingan.

His eyes were fixed on Ye Zi, looking for opportunities.

Ye Zi kept dodging the attacks, completely unaware of the approaching crisis.

The exchange between the two parties lasted for a while, and Obito finally found an opportunity!

Divine power!

Obito stared at Ye Zi's right hand, and red bloodshot streaks suddenly appeared in his left eye.

Huh? Ye Zi's face changed slightly after dodging the continuous attacks from Kushina and Shisui. He noticed the sense of disharmony coming from his right hand, followed closely by the sense of crisis stimulating his head.

Without the slightest hesitation, without even looking, the magic chakra on his right foot exploded, and he instantly moved to the left, avoiding the inexplicable and dangerous attack just now.

The moment he dodged, Ye Zi saw the space become distorted.

It is indeed a time and space ability. If you fail to dodge, your arm may be twisted into space. After dodging the attack, Ye Zi distanced himself again and looked coldly at the three people in front of him.

Failed? Obito looked embarrassed.

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