Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 439 Signal

When I first opened my eyes, I was not very familiar with ability control, so this 'divine power' did not tear off Ye Zi's right arm holding the sword according to Obito's wishes.

Normally, when Ye Zi is not subjectively aware of the crisis, the speed of twisting objects into time and space with his divine power is enough to successfully cause Ye Zi to be harmed without him reacting in time. Of course, he can avoid it in time. Also thanks to the effect of Immortal Mode.


Obito, who was in embarrassment, suddenly felt a swelling and pain in his eyes, and then it felt like a needle was pricking his pupils repeatedly, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Are there any side effects of using the Mangekyo Sharingan? The stinging pain in his eyes made Obito realize this.

As soon as Obito opened his eyes, he directly used the two eye techniques that resided in the Mangekyou Sharingan, so that the side effects were directly reflected.

In desperation, Obito closed and opened his eyes, and the Mangekyō Sharingan transformed back into the Three Magatama Sharingan.

Ye Zi saw that Obito's Mangekyō had turned back into a normal Sharingan, and thought silently: If it were not the Eternal Mangekyō, it would be a burden on the eyes and body. Since the ability was used like this just after the eyes were opened, it would be unbearable and unable to maintain. The form of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Even Kushina and Shisui saw the distortion of time and space in that area just now. Although they believed in Obito so much, Obito failed, which seemed extremely embarrassing. However, the power of space-time distortion can be said to be a very comprehensive attack. means.

If you seize the opportunity next time, it may be the key to victory.

Kushina and Shisui's thoughts went directly to one place, and at the same time they distanced themselves from Ye Zi.

Obito, we will create another opportunity for you, but this time you must seize it. Kushina said to Obito without looking back.

Huh? Obito was dumbfounded.

Zhisui said: That move of yours may be the key to victory.

Ah? Obito's mouth trembled, a little embarrassed, and he said: That...

What? Kushina and Shisui both stared at Ye Zi without looking back, so they couldn't see Obito's expression at this time, but the tone seemed wrong.

Probably... I can't use the 'Kamiwei' for the time being. Obito replied awkwardly, Kamui was the name of this eye technique.

... Kushina.

... Shisui.

Kushina sighed slightly. Even if Obito is an idiot, he will still lose his temper. She said seriously: You all should leave here for the time being.

She changed her mind and did not want Obito and Shisui to continue such a dangerous battle. She wanted to resist Ye Zi alone. This was Konoha Village. If Ye Zi was held back, there would be a steady stream of reinforcements.

I won't leave. Shisui said seriously.

Now that Konoha is facing danger, how could he possibly run away as a member of Konoha?

Although I know you have good intentions, you are a bit underestimating me. The fireworks on the Shisui Knife slowly disappeared, and he returned the knife to its sheath. A determined light appeared in the Mangekyou Sharingan's eyes.

Huh? Before Kushina could say anything, she felt an indescribable change in Shisui's chakra.

Not only Kushina, but also Ye Zi also felt obvious changes in Shisui's chakra.

Just as he felt it, he saw a powerful green chakra spread out from around Shisui's body, forming half a giant humanoid skeleton in the blink of an eye, holding a spiral sword in his hand.

The humanoid skeleton is surging with green chakra. It is the skeleton of the upper body, down to the ribs, and Shisui is wrapped in the skeleton.

Is this? A look of surprise appeared on Kushina's face again. Although she didn't understand what ninjutsu this was, she was sure it was the ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

It can be said that the eyes of the Uchiha clan today showed too many abilities that she didn't know about.

Susanohu is the strongest technique I have now. Shisui said.

Seeing Shisui's Susanoo, Kushina suppressed the idea of ​​letting Shisui and Obito leave, while Obito stared blankly at this huge green skeleton, so handsome!

Even if Shisui used Susanoo, Ye Zi's expression remained unmoved. There was no news from the wooden clone yet. He was a little unwilling to wait any longer and had the idea to get rid of Kushina and the others directly. Containment, the idea of ​​​​going directly to the hospital to check the situation.

The disadvantage of doing this is that you can't search for it properly and you have to withstand attacks from Konoha ninjas at all times.

When Ye Zi had just thought about it, Shisui controlled Susanoo to attack him, and rushed towards him. After closing the distance, he pulled Susanoo and used the instant body technique directly, blinking Suddenly came to Ye Zi.

The blade of the spiral sword quickly spun and stabbed towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi jumped forward directly, avoiding the spiral sword that stabbed down diagonally. At the same time, he approached Zhishui's position, and stabbed directly towards Zhishui with the 'blood' surging with black thunder.

Facing Ye Zi's stab at him, Zhishui looked calm.


The tip of the knife was blocked by the surface of the Susanoo, but it was somewhat effective. With the tip of the knife as the center point, several fine scratches appeared on the surface of the Susanoo.

Seeing several small marks on Susanoo, Shisui was slightly frightened, but it did not affect his counterattack.

Because he was sure that Ye Zi's thrust could not break Susanoo's defense, Shisui was already ready to counterattack when he thrust over.

The frame on Susanoo's chest suddenly opened to the left and right, and a magatama glowing red was revealed.

Susanoo, ninety-nine.

The red magatama suddenly fired countless green chakra arrows, attacking Ye Zi who was very close at hand.

The black thunder surging over Ye Zi condensed into a huge palm, blocking the Chakra arrows that were shooting down. Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Zi put away his sword and stepped back, avoiding a large number of Chakra arrows. arrow.

Zhisui was unreasonable and chased Ye Zi, and Kushina once again separated dozens of shadow clones. Instead of cooperating with Zhisui, she wanted to form a circle to surround Ye Zi.

Without Kamui, Obito could only stand there stupidly, watching Shisui and Kushina launch an offensive against Ye Zi, but he couldn't do anything to help.

What should I do now, no, what can I do? Obito thought he was quite handsome when he appeared on the stage, but afterwards he felt quite embarrassed.

Even with the Mangekyou Sharingan, apart from divine power, there is no way to cause harm to Ye Zi.

If you use the flying thunder god technique to get close to Ye Zi, and you lack effective attack methods, you want to throw Ye Zi into time and space, but you have to touch Ye Zi's body, but that layer of black thunder flow, let alone touch it directly , even if you are close, you will suffer disaster.

Obito's sense of gradually peeling off!

After Kushina's shadow clone surrounded Ye Zi, it cooperated with Shisui to attack Ye Zi.

Her strongest attack method is the Tailed Beast Jade, but it requires accumulating strength. Facing the terrifying speed of Ye Zi, unless someone helps to restrain it, she will not be able to hit her. Other than that, it is a golden chain, paired with a shadow clone. As long as the number is sufficient, Ye Zi can be imprisoned.

But even after the number of golden chains increased with the help of shadow clones, they still couldn't hit Ye Zi, let alone imprison him.

While dealing with the spiral sword that Susanoo Shisui stabbed from time to time, Ye Zi cut off the golden chains one by one and destroyed Kushina's shadow clone at the same time. He seemed to have no pressure.

After this battle lasted for a while, a tree suddenly grew rapidly over there at the hospital!

Seeing the tree, Ye Zi's eyes lit up slightly.

That’s it…

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