Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 440 Mission Completed

Yan Ye's body was found...

The meeting point is in the cave where Orochimaru is, about two kilometers away from Konoha Village, at the three o'clock direction directly opposite the Konoha gate.

Estimating the speed of the wooden clone, considering that he was in Konoha, it would take at least five minutes to get to Orochimaru.

Five minutes, stay for another five minutes and then leave.

Ye Zi shuttled among Kushina's shadow clones, and the black knife slashed with sharp edges, destroying each of Kushina's shadow clones.

The golden chain was completely vulnerable in front of the long knife filled with black thunder, but it was undeniable that the shadow clone created by the accumulation of chakra could indeed exert a certain restraint on Ye Zi.

After killing a shadow clone once again, Ye Zi's body paused.

Shisui stared at this opportunity, controlled Susanoo, and struck directly with the spiral sword in his hand.

The size of the spiral sword was larger than Ye Zi's entire body.

Ye Zi raised his sword and stuck Susanoo's spiral sword to the right side. The black sword drew bursts of green chakra fireworks on the sword's body, and the tip of the spiral sword pierced directly into the root of the tree.

What a powerful force! Susanoo's spiral sword was directly swung away by Ye Zi. Shisui's eyes changed slightly, and Susanoo's other hand clenched into a fist and hit Ye Zi.

Ye Zi used his arms hard to push the spiral sword away, then jumped back to avoid Susanoo's fist. While in the air, he swung the sword towards Shisui's position.

Three strands of black lightning separated from the sword, instantly formed into the shape of arrows, and flew towards Shisui.


The three black thunder arrows were directly stuck on the green chakra surface in front of Shisui. The arrow tips had pierced a little, so the black thunder arrows maintained their shape and were stuck.

Seeing that Susanoo's defense was actually broken, Shisui's heart sank.

What kind of blood successor is this black thunder? Its attack power is so strong.

The Yin Thunder integrated with the magic chakra not only greatly increases its power, but can also condense the density and shape it into a shape to make it more powerful.

Ye Zi fell from the air on a stationary tree root. As he swung his body, he dodged golden chains. When he swung his sword, he could always break a golden chain. Then he broke through the blockade of the golden chain. After getting close, he slashed with one sword. Destroy the shadow clone.

The shadow clones in the field were gradually destroyed by Ye Zi, and Shisui's Susanoo's attacks had no effect, and were all blocked by Ye Zi.

Time passed little by little. From the beginning to the present, the combined attack of Kushina and Shisui did not cause any harm to Ye Zi, but it caused devastating damage to the tree roots left behind by the advent of the tree world.

Four minutes left...

There are three minutes left...

Two minutes left...

One more minute...

Ye Zi was thinking about time silently in his heart.

Kushina and Shisui's cooperative attack could not hurt Ye Zi, and Ye Zi was subject to the shadow clones that Kushina kept creating, and it was difficult to launch a complete offensive against Shisui.

If it weren't for Kushina's shadow clone to restrain him, with the Yin Thunder, Ye Zi would be able to break through 100% of Shisui's Susanoo who continued to attack him.

Obito realized that he couldn't help much for the time being, so he just stayed aside. If only the 'divine power' could cause harm to Ye Zi, then he could only wait for the side effects of the Mangekyō Sharingan to pass, and then turn it on again!

This way, at least you don't have to stand here stupidly all the time.

As the number of uses of the Mangekyo Sharingan increases and the level of mastery increases, situations like Obito will not happen. But similarly, once the number of times of use increases, the side effects will become more and more obvious. Until my eyes go blind...

If you use the power of your eyes without restraint, you will quickly lose this power.

Ye Zi also has the Mangekyou Sharingan, but with Hashirama cells, he doesn't have to suffer the side effects.

When the last minute of time was left, Minato returned here using the Flying Thunder God Technique and came to Kushina's side. The wound on his abdomen had not fully recovered, but it was enough to move.

After returning to the battlefield, Minato looked at Ye Zi with black thunder surging all over his body, his eyes slightly condensed.

He was not surprised that Obito was here, and Shisui was driving Susanoo, because while being treated by Kushina's shadow clone, the slug clone reported the battle situation to him at any time.

Therefore, although he is not here, he probably knows everything that has happened since he left.

This time, Minato first activated Sage Mode and then came back with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

call out!

At this moment, Shisui covered his eyes and half-knelt on the ground. Susanoo, who was emitting green chakra light, slowly disappeared, like the gradually melting spring snow.

The use of other gods and the continued use of Susanoo put a lot of burden on the Mangekyo Sharingan. At this time, the eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Unable to use Susanoo, the illusions he is good at are useless to Ye Zi, and his speed, sword skills, and strength cannot keep up with Ye Zi. At this time, Shisui can be said to not pose any threat to Ye Zi.

Originally, this battle could be easily ended by using another god, but he didn't expect that Ye Zi could actually defeat the other god with his strong willpower. Now that he thinks about it, illusion is ineffective against him, and with his weird Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes should be related.

Shisui, step back with Obito, leave this place to us. Minato said to Shisui.


Shisui endured the pain in his eyes and replied. He knew that staying would have almost no effect, so he complied with Minato's orders very decisively.

In a battle of this level, without Susanoo, he couldn't do anything.

Shisui dodged, came to Obito, and said: Obito, get out of here first.

Obito shook his head at Shisui and said firmly: I'm okay.

What he meant was very obvious, that he could still use the Mangekyō Sharingan, but since Ye Zi was present, it was impossible for him to say it directly.

Zhishui understood, and after being silent for a while, he decisively left here using the teleportation technique, and came to Itachi's side on the edge of the East District.

Shisui, are you okay? Itachi worriedly looked at Shisui frowning due to side effects on his eyes and body.

Zhisui forced a smile and said, It's okay.

As he said that, he looked into the field. Kushina and Minato were standing side by side. In front of them was Ye Zi, whose body was filled with black thunder.

Half a month ago, the three of them faced off like this.

Now, the situation is no longer one where Ye Zi is at a one-sided disadvantage. In just half a month, he has become deeply ingrained in their hearts with his powerful strength that is as if he has been reborn!

at the same time.

The wooden clone took Yanye's body and a young woman in a coma to where Orochimaru was.

After Orochimaru saw the wooden clone, he smiled coldly and prepared to control the remaining filthy earth bodies of Hatake Sakumo and Kato Dan to leave.

The main goal was accomplished, and then they waited for Ye Zi to retreat.

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