Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 441: Encirclement

Today’s 4th update, please vote for me.


Bai Jue, who had been watching the show in the dark, saw that the excitement was coming to an end. He suddenly remembered that his mission of picking up corpses had not made any progress, and he couldn't help but fall into deep contemplation.

Should we go to collect the corpses, or should we stay and watch the show?

Thinking that Ye Zi is so scary now, if he wants to do a good job, he still has to pick up some results.

The ninjas of Konoha are surrounding here. The last scene should be good to watch. Forget it, I won't watch it.

Bai reluctantly left here and went to the Uchiha station. There should be a lot of corpses there. The ones prepared were Sharingan. With Ye Zi's current inventory of dirty earth bodies, only a few died in this attack. The ninja is really not worthy of being put into the warehouse.

Two Uchiha clan filthy bodies made a scene and killed dozens of Uchiha clan ninjas. Unfortunately, they were stopped by Shisui and Itachi in the end.

Afterwards, Shisui and Itachi were attracted by the ninjutsu used by Ye Zi during the demonstration. Although the village was facing an attack, the Uchiha clan also sent out many members, and at the same time, some people must stay at the station. .

Therefore, the dozens of ninjas from the Uchiha clan who were killed were temporarily gathered into a house as a temporary burial chamber. Of course, there would be people guarding the house.

If Bai Zetsu wants to pick up the Sharingan, he can only come here.


Near the hospital.

The battle between Kato Dan and Tsunade directly caused many nearby houses to collapse and turned into ruins.

The ruins of these houses were basically caused by Tsunade's strange power.

The two were locked in a stalemate battle, and neither could do anything to the other.

I originally wanted to use Kato Dan to restrain Tsunade, so I didn't suppress her personality, but I didn't expect that it would be self-defeating. After Kato Dan's words, Tsunade not only was not affected, but on the contrary became more determined to protect Konoha.

The dirt body itself cannot return to its full strength. It would be very difficult for Kato Dan to deal with the current Tsunade. If Tsunade hadn't used the slug technique to consume a lot of chakra, Kato Dan might have been knocked down several times.

This is also because Tsunade knows Kato Dan's ability information very well, so she can suppress Kato Dan.

Until the sealing team and helpers arrived, Kato Dan's situation seemed very dangerous. At this time, because the mission was completed, Orochimaru directly suppressed Kato Dan's consciousness and controlled him to escape from here.

Tsunade didn't want Kato Dan to escape. She wanted the sealing team to seal Kato Dan and no longer be under Ye Zi's control. However, she was unable to keep Kato Dan and the latter escaped directly.

After being escaped by Kato Dan, Tsunade was very disappointed, but she quickly got rid of the depressed mood and asked the slug split body to report on the situation in the village. After learning about it, she turned back with her companions present and went to the wasteland of the East District. .


Central Street.

As more and more Konoha ninjas besieged him, Wan She finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he released the psychic spell and returned to Ryūchi Cave with his body covered in bruises.

As for the other giant snakes, they died tragically at the hands of the Konoha ninjas, including the giant snakes that Orochimaru later channeled, and were eliminated one by one.

After Wan She returned, Hatake Sakumo was left alone to fight against many Konoha ninjas, but they were basically cheers, without any substantial help.

During the battle between Hatake Sakumo and Sarutobi, there were ninjas who intervened at first, but the result was that Hatake Sakumo was easily dispatched like chopping vegetables.

Since the two sides were going back and forth at a very high speed, and they were almost constantly fighting each other, the surrounding Konoha ninjas were unable to support them with long-range attacks. Whether they could defeat Hatake Sakumo or not was one thing. , it would be over if it affected Sarutobi.

After all, Sarutobi is old and not as good as when he was at his peak. Facing Hatake Sakumo's breathless offensive, he could handle it with ease at first, but then he gradually fell behind.

Even if Hatake Sakumo's strength is not at its peak, after being approached by him, the offensive weaved by the White Fang will basically make most people despair.

First of all, without high-quality weapons, it is impossible to withstand a round.

When Sarutobi's disadvantage became more and more obvious, Uchiha Tomigaoka arrived in time with his tribe.

Uchiha Tomigaoka was also a master of genjutsu, so he wanted to use genjutsu to assist Sarutobi, but when he used genjutsu on Hatake Sakumo, he found that it had no effect.

Seeing that Sarutobi's situation was getting more and more dangerous, he had no choice but to send his men to assist Sarutobi and create opportunities for Sarutobi to escape temporarily.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas had the same idea, but they were all beaten back by Hatake Sakumo's overwhelming strength, and they bit Sarutobi to death.

To say why, because the person who controls the reincarnation of the dirty land is Orochimaru, this may be an opportunity for Orochimaru to show his malicious intentions.

Even assistance could not let Sarutobi escape. Uchiha Tomigaoka finally opened the Mangekyo Sharingan and used the pupil technique housed in it, successfully suppressing Hatake Sakumo and greatly reducing Sarutobi's pressure.

The two worked together to reduce Hatake Sakumo's threat to a minimum, but it was still difficult for the sealing team to find a chance to seal it. The battle did not end until Orochimaru controlled Hatake Sakumo to escape with the power of wind and thunder.

Using the power of wind and thunder, Hatake Sakumo's speed was too fast for those present to catch up. After giving up the pursuit, he confirmed the situation in the village.

At this time, only the east side is left...

Therefore, some ninjas were left to record the damage to the village and sort out the sacrificed ninjas, while the rest rushed to the East District.


At the main entrance.

After creating the bamboo puppet, Scorpion's ability soared. Relying on the characteristics of the bamboo puppet, he was able to contain Jiraiya who turned on the sage mode, and Jiraiya's plan to eliminate Scorpion as soon as possible failed.

The reason is that the nine bamboo puppets of Scorpion were able to be repaired after suffering a devastating blow, and then continued to be controlled by Scorpion.

Using this characteristic and the ability of the bones, he was in a stalemate with Jiraiya and many Konoha ninjas.

Of course, as a puppet master, Scorpion's weakness is still very obvious. If it gets close to its body, it's basically doomed.

However, under the protection of the Kazekage puppets and Uchiha Shin, Scorpion was able to eliminate this weakness and control the nine Bamboo Tori puppets to suppress Konoha's ninjas.

Although the Konoha ninjas were restrained, as the number of Konoha ninjas increased, the pressure on Xia and Uchiha increased dramatically. They gritted their teeth and held on until they saw the signal, and then they were ready to retreat. .

After seeing the signal, the two of them held on for a while before using the Feng Ying Puppet's magnetic escape to escape.

Just as Jiraiya's Sage Mode time had reached its limit, he released Sage Mode and did not choose to pursue Scorpion and Uchiha Shin.

In this case, chasing with companions may only cause meaningless casualties.

After allowing the two to escape, most of the Konoha ninjas, including Jiraiya, rushed towards the East District after learning about the current situation of the village.

After resisting the attack planned by Ye Zi and Orochimaru, Konoha's ninja quickly organized, and most of them headed to the East District to meet the last enemy, Ye Zi.

Ye Zi knew that the people of Konoha were getting closer, and if they continued to stay, they would eventually be surrounded.

However, he did not leave immediately.

With the art of inorganic reincarnation and the art of earth ephemera, he was sure to escape from the siege.

Before leaving, at least I had to leave Konoha with a parting gift.

At the same time, Danzang watched quietly in the dark, waiting for the moment when Ye Zi ran out of power.

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