Scourge of Naruto

Take a look at them all.

Let’s talk about it.

First of all, the ‘Royal God’ in Ye Zi’s right eye, do you think it’s very weak? All I can say is that it is not as simple as being immune to illusions. I don’t want to say that it is too strong after I write out its abilities and effects. That would make me very embarrassed.

Also, if Itachi hadn't been too old, I would have wanted him to open the Mangekyo Sharingan and play mahjong together on a table.

Continuing from the previous point, Ye Zi is taking revenge on Konoha this time. It seems that not many of the main supporting characters have died, right? But there are not many main supporting characters in this period. If they die, what should I write later? Will all of them be original and some powerful characters will come out? ...Can you accept this?

Kakashi was maimed and flew into the woods, escaping death.

Hong was defeated by the illusion, and just as Kai launched an attack on Ye Zi, Ye Zi should not be allowed to make a last-ditch attack at this time.

Then Ye Zi didn’t want to kill Akai because of the wallet.

The feeling that Lin and Obito gave Ye Zi was that Lin survived a random fly because of his special constitution. Otherwise, how could he make a tailed beast container?

It's Obito here. I wanted him to break an arm, but he thought about it and let it go.

There are so many reasons, but they are all nonsense, haha! This is all caused by Zi Zhu’s selfishness\\/Lalalal

The main purpose of this plot is to make Ye Zi stronger, and secondly, to let the talents of Kakashi's generation grow up quickly.

To say why, of course I want Ye Zi to defeat all the kaleidoscopes by himself. It would be best if the four perfect Susanoos of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Tomigaoka come to besiege Ye Zi. .

I also want him to defeat all the strong men in Konoha alone. I am such a pervert. Can't I be so perverted? Can't I be so perverted?

By the way, many people think that Obito and Shisui's eye skills are very powerful, but have you forgotten the side effects of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Obito and Shisui basically have no chance of evolving into the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and they don't know that Hashirama cells can solve the side effects.

Let's talk about Shisui, his other god, without Hashirama, the cell cooling time would take more than ten years. If both eyes are there, just give him a shorter time, but what's the use, besides, Ye Zi also broke his other god.

Most people think that such a bug is broken by Ye Zi. Doesn’t it look good...

As for Obito, if there are side effects, the threat plummets. His ability to breathe in space is basically useless against Ye Zi. I have also written down the reasons in the chapter.

When I write fan fiction, I often check information, just to verify it. Sometimes I check for an hour, reading comics and anime.

For example, do other members of the Taketori clan have the ability to use corpse veins? Is Kimimaro the only one who has this ability, so he is imprisoned?

In order to verify this, I went to Baidu. No, I went to the comics, but there was no written information in them. Finally, I went to the anime, and finally I saw the people of the Taketori clan attacking the Mist Ninja. A brief scene passed by. Those The weapons in human hands are bone spurs.

Based on this, I was sure that other members of the Taketori clan also had the ability of corpse veins, so I wrote it down.

Sometimes, for the sake of rationality, time is wasted looking up information. There are many types of readers. Some people don’t value rationality too much, some people attach great importance to rationality, and some people just feel comfortable reading it.

Purple Pig’s view is: it’s okay as long as it’s roughly reasonable. Some things really don’t need to be so serious. Isn’t it enough to see them interesting?

Also, I think that the ability of the 'God of God' is something that must be possessed. I thought about it carefully. In the original work, why is Madara so confident that Nagato is willing to use Samsara to resurrect him? What is his confidence?

The answer I came up with is the control of Sharingan genjutsu ability.

For example, in the original work, Obito controlled the Jinchuriki Yagura, it was the Jinchuriki! And it’s Yagura who can perfectly control the Jinchuuriki! Can this kind of existence be completely controlled?

Can't a jinchūriki directly break through genjutsu? Because there are more tailed beasts in the body, the two complement each other, and illusions are basically ineffective. So how did Obito control Yagura?

So in order to prevent this, the ‘Royal God’ was created. I don’t want to explain too much about this, because AB didn’t specify it.

I admit that I am not a rigorous author, but it doesn't matter, and don't panic, because I still have moral integrity.

Originally I was going to explain a lot to roughly answer all the questions, but when I was about to write it, it felt so messy and complicated. There were so many questions that I didn't know how to explain them in a unified way.

That’s all there is to say, and now it’s time to get down to business.

You see, in order to answer your questions, I have written so many words. Can I offset tomorrow’s chapter?

Haha, you guys are so quick to agree, so okay, I reluctantly agreed.

Back to the topic, the results have been very gratifying in the past few days since I was promoted. It is also thanks to everyone’s various subscriptions and rewards. If you tell me, you won’t believe it. Every time I finish writing a chapter, I will pick up my phone and open the Writer Assistant. Use a pair of $.$ eyes to scan the reward amounts and names in the row from top to bottom. These days, there are particularly many high-value rewards.

Especially the series of 0s in 100,000, I was so mesmerized by it that I couldn’t help but take a screenshot and save it, so I can take it out and enjoy it when I have nothing to do.

Okay, in order to thank everyone for your strong support these days, remember it.

At 7 pm on October 2nd, a red envelope with a starting value of 500 yuan will be distributed. You need a recommendation ticket to receive it, so remember to leave a recommendation ticket. You can only use the APP to receive the red envelope. Everyone should know this, right? No need for me to elaborate.

Finally, Purple Pig is going to sleep. I will continue to update tomorrow. I will make more updates as much as I can. It will only be more but not less. It sounds so easy to read.

By the way, remember to throw away your monthly passes. Unfortunately, I have a disease where I can’t sleep without a pile of monthly passes underneath.


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