Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 443 Hollow

All the Konoha ninjas who came here were watching this scene, hoping that the Fourth Hokage and the others could kill Ye Zi and avenge their companions who died in this battle.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kushina, the Three Ninja Tsunade, the Three Ninja Jiraiya, and... what is that one called? He seems to be from the Uchiha clan. He seems to be Call me Obito.

Speaking of a battle of that level, why is Obito there? Isn't he looking for death?

Many people who knew Obito were surprised, especially the members of the Uchiha clan, who were worried about Obito.

Facing Ye Zi, who could use the First Hokage's Wooden Style and even destroyed the entire East District, with Obito's ability, he was simply delivering food. They were worried. In the solemn atmosphere at this time, they could not shout loudly. Ask Obito to come back.

People who don't know Obito are also worried about Obito. In a battle of that level, if they are accidentally affected, they will die. Even if they are standing here now, they still need to rely on the power of the Fourth Hokage.

It can be said that, except for Obito, the several people gathered together in the East District are all at the top of the ninja world in terms of combat power, which is a very rare scene.

If Orochimaru is also present, this will be a battle between the three generations of masters and disciples in Konoha.

Ye Zi. Sarutobi held the Vajra Ruyi Stick in one hand and looked at Ye Zi with a complex look. No one understood the path Ye Zi had traveled better than him, and no one understood Ye Zi's actions better than him. Konoha's contribution.

Only a very few people know about the resume that has been sealed away from outsiders, and he is one of them.

If the original attitude had been tougher, then Ye Zi would not have been forced to join the root. If Ye Zi's achievements were deliberately magnified, then maybe Ye Zi would not have stood on the opposite side.

It's just that now that things have happened, it's pointless to think about it anymore.

Let's capture him without mercy. Sarutobi's eyes gradually became heavy.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Zi's lips, he was too lazy to respond to Sarutobi, and looked at the expressions of everyone in front of him with cold eyes.

This group of people is Konoha's current top fighting force. Unfortunately, there is not much Senjutsu chakra left. Even if one of them is captured with the spiritual technique, there is no extra time to refine it during the battle.

What he could do at this time was to launch a final attack on the Konoha ninjas gathered around him, and of the few people in front of him, he basically couldn't kill any of them in his current state.

Otherwise, he would also try to see if he could kill one more person before leaving.

Although he had plans, he could only try his best to hit Konoha again. The next move was not very lethal, but it had a very wide range and could cause some damage. Moreover, it could cause damage to Konoha that was difficult to repair. of damage.

The glances from all around gradually converged into one, and they were angry looks.

Including the gazes from the front, the coldness that quietly spread in silence made the atmosphere gradually become more solemn. When the atmosphere reached its peak, it was when Ye Zi faced the siege.

With the eyes coming from all directions, the pressure also came, but Ye Zi took it indifferently, as if the many eyes that could crush people were not looking at him.

I... won't stop here.

Ye Zi sneered, and quickly formed a seal with his hands. The magic chakra followed his feet deep into the ground, and dispersed and radiated to the surroundings at an astonishing speed. It suddenly crossed the entire eastern district and spread further. The place also included the feet of the Konoha ninjas who surrounded the entire East District.

Even Konoha ninjas with the ability to perceive this magical chakra that goes deep into the ground cannot detect it. All they can feel is the momentary change in the atmosphere in the wasteland.

It's the feeling that the battle will begin immediately.

The six people present were suddenly startled, and almost at the same time, they launched an attack on Ye Zi.

Baihao, crack the ground!

Tsunade shouted coldly, terrifying chakra gathered on her fist, and she punched the ground, forming a strong shock wave, cracking huge clods of soil along the way, and rushing towards Ye Zi.

Fire Escape Big Flame Bullet!

Jiraiya spurted out a stream of hot flames from his mouth, rushing towards Ye Zi with high temperature.

Sealing technique, King Kong sealing!

The golden chain wrapped in the Nine-Tails Chakra rose into the air from behind Kushina, then spread out and attacked Ye Zi downwards.

Immortal method, Wind Release Rasengan!

Minato opened his eyes wide, and quickly condensed the rasengan in his hand that was added to the wind release properties. It maintained a super-high speed rotation and looked like a shuriken. After adding the senjutsu, he threw his arm forward, and the wind The escape spiral pill roared and flew towards Ye Zi.

King Kong Ruyi Stick!

Sarutobi held the Vajra Rod with both hands, and saw that the Vajra Rod suddenly became thicker, larger, and longer, and the extended head of the rod rushed towards Ye Zi.

Divine power!

Obito's eyes suddenly opened, and numerous bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared, surrounding the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the space between Ye Zi's feet became distorted in the blink of an eye.

Facing many fast and ruthless ultimate moves, Ye Zi's body turned into a puddle of mud and splashed on the ground. Obito's divine power was the fastest, but it only twisted part of the mud into time and space.

This is not an ordinary earth clone technique, but the application of inorganic reincarnation technique.

Even if he dives underground, the impact caused by the Wind Release Rasengan and Tsunade's ground cracking can knock Ye Zi to death underground.

Kushina's golden chain, Jiraiya's fire escape after releasing the sage mode, and Sarutobi's Vajra Wishful Stick all failed one by one.

Dive into the ground, the speed... is very fast! Minato could feel Ye Zi's aura under the ground, and he was heading towards the nearest village wall. The speed was very fast, which was not comparable to ordinary earth escape.

Moreover, although the Senjutsu chakra dispersed felt very weak, it had an extremely wide range, which made Minato feel slightly uneasy.

Kushina can also sense Ye Zi's movements, and the speed is indeed amazing.

At this time, after the Wind Release Rasengan landed, the magic chakra contained in it suddenly exploded, causing a violent strong wind to spread out in all directions. The astonishing power surprised all the Konoha ninjas present.

Did you make it?

This question popped up in the minds of Konoha ninjas.

Even ninjas who are good at using earth escape cannot dive too deep underground, and the explosion caused by the wind escape rasengan will have a strong concussion force, enough to hurt Ye Zi underground.

However, what Ye Zi used was not Earth Release...!

Both Minato and Kushina could sense Ye Zi's movements and were about to chase him.

A drastic change has occurred!

Numerous thumb-sized cracks suddenly appeared on the ground beneath the feet, and then they flew directly towards the outside of the East District. In the blink of an eye, they reached the feet of the Konoha ninjas surrounding the edge of the East District.

This is?

Everyone was shocked when they saw the crack.

Before I have time to think about the reason...!

Part of the ground suddenly sank, and part of the ground suddenly rose. Many Konoha ninjas fell into the gap without noticing for a moment, and fell straight into the dark ground, making horrifying sounds of fear. it empty?

Immediately afterwards, there was a brief silence on the ground, followed by a loud bang that exploded in the ears. The entire eastern district and even one kilometer away, the ground suddenly cracked into huge blocks of soil, carrying with them the surrounding net. The Konoha ninjas fell sharply downwards.

what happened?

The panic dispersed, and the shouts gathered and were buried deep underground in an instant.

The ninjas who still remained calm, however, all stabilized their bodies. Some people clung to the clods of earth falling sharply downwards, while some people broke away from the clods and used wind escape to slow down the falling trend. However, because they were too large, Many people were directly knocked down.

This kind of situation happened in a hurry, and no one could take care of others.

Looking down from above, you can clearly see that the entire East District, including one kilometer away, has turned into a huge black hole!

But I don’t know what means Ye Zi used to cause such a large scale of destruction!

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