Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 444 Root’s Attack

Thousands of ninjas followed the entire ground into clods of soil, falling straight to a depth of about thirty meters underground.

The huge clod of soil fell to the bottom of the pit first, making a sudden rumble and collapsing into countless small clods of soil, filling the underground space with flying dust.

Afterwards, most Konoha ninjas stabilized their bodies and landed safely, while some Konoha ninjas fell to the bottom of the pit, ranging from death to serious injuries.

This huge pit was created by Ye Zi using the technique of inorganic reincarnation. Minato's Wind Release Rasengan promoted this move and made it effective immediately. Without Minato's Wind Release Rasengan, it might have been possible. It won't crack the ground so quickly.

Ignoring the result, Ye Zi left the village from the east, then released the immortal mode and returned to the ground.

In order to create that huge pit, he almost exhausted all his Senjutsu chakra, but he also temporarily trapped all Konoha ninjas.

Ye Zi turned back and glanced coldly at the outer wall of Konoha Village, then turned around and headed straight for Orochimaru.

This time the mission of attacking Konoha was completed. After that, it was time to take Kotoye back to the Kingdom of Stone stronghold as soon as possible, and also to move the stronghold's location as soon as possible.

In terms of results, about three-tenths of the Konoha Village was destroyed, and nearly seven or eight hundred Konoha ninjas were killed. For a great ninja village, if it wants to train so many ninjas, it needs It consumes immeasurable financial resources and energy, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

What makes Ye Zi regretful is that he was unable to eradicate any of Konoha's top combat powers, but it doesn't matter.

In short, Yan Ye has been snatched back and a lot of ability information has been obtained. In contrast, his own ability information and dirt have also been exposed.

But Ye Zi didn't care. Now that he has mastered the sage mode, he already has the idea of ​​​​promoting the plan to collect tailed beasts as soon as possible. After these matters are dealt with, he will go to Nagato as soon as possible.

He was bound to get the Samsara Eye, but he didn't need to be in such a hurry to get it. At the very least, he had to use Nagato's ability to speed up the process of collecting the tailed beasts, and then it wouldn't be too late to capture the eye.

Ye Zi ran quickly on the trail, wanting to join Orochimaru as soon as possible. In his sight, the woods on the left and right were retreating quickly.

Suddenly, his eyes changed slightly, he stopped his body forcibly, and jumped back. When he was in the air, he immediately pulled out the 'blood'.


When he jumped back, dozens of kunai were stuck diagonally on the ground where he was.

Ambush...who is it? Ye Zi thought to himself, holding the long knife and looking ahead coldly.


Ninjas wearing white or black cloaks appeared in front of Ye Zi one by one. Each ninja was wearing a mask, but he was an ANBU member.

Counting it down, there were twenty-six.

Ye Zi was also considered a member of the Gen. He could tell at a glance that these people were not ANBU directly under the Hokage, but members of the Gen.

Where's Danzo?

Looking at the twenty-six people in front of him, Ye Zi had no expression on his face.

Although he doesn't have much chakra left now, he is not afraid at all against the elites of the twenty-six root members.

Ninjas who are good at taijutsu and swordsmanship can still pose a threat to the enemy just by using taijutsu and swordsmanship when their chakra is about to be exhausted.

Faced with Ye Zi's question, every root member present was silent. Danzo would come over later, but there was no need for them to answer Ye Zi's question.

Seeing that the root members did not answer, Ye Zi raised his sword and stood in front of him. It just so happened that there was not much chakra now, so he used the lives of these root members to replenish the chakra. If it could be replenished, he might be able to kill Konoha. .


A series of crisp sounds of drawing a knife!

All twenty-six root members drew their long swords.

Gen is a department under Danzo, and it is also a department that specializes in training Anbu. However, the training policy is too ruthless and has always been disliked by Sarutobi, and Danzo often interferes in decision-making based on Gen's background.

In the past, when Iwa Ninja Village asked Konoha to hand over Ye Zi, Danzo interfered. However, if Sarutobi had a tough attitude, even if Danzo interfered, it would not be able to promote the development of the matter.

When Ye Zi was about to escape from Konoha and seek another career, it was Danzo who stopped Ye Zi with his Gen members. He took a fancy to Ye Zi's ability.

If Danzo hadn't stopped Ye Zi at that time, I don't know what the situation would have been like now.

Because I have been in Gen for many years, I know that sword skills and hidden weapon skills are a skill that Root members must master. Compared with ninjutsu, Root members are better at using sword skills and hidden weapons to fight against enemies.

But... when it comes to swordsmanship and physical skills, no one here can match Ye Zi.

Senior Raiga, you must have very little chakra left. An ANBU member said in a slightly childish voice, And we also know that your spiritual transformation technique can be used to seize chakra.

So, do you think we will give you a chance to seize chakra?

Another Root member let out a deep laugh and said: I have always admired Ye Zi, oh no, it's Senior Lei Ya. After all, Senior Lei Ya's mission completion rate in Root is as high as 99.5%. He only experienced It’s scary to fail once. I’m afraid no one will be able to reach your height again.”

He deliberately emphasized the tone of the honorific, and although his words were compliments, there was a hint of ridicule.

It would be a fascinating honor to be able to kill Thunder Fang-senpai with a sword. An ANBU wearing a pointed-eared fox mask said with a smile.

Have you fallen to the point where you like to talk nonsense now? Ye Zi's eyes flashed with a cold luster. The guys who spoke were probably the new members who joined after he left Konoha.

At that time, when performing tasks, Root members always talked less and did more, and they would not say so much nonsense to the enemy, although they would say these nonsense because of his identity.

Yes, then Senior Lei Ya, I'm sorry, can you please die here? A root member standing at the front sneered.

Before he finished speaking, Ye Zi suddenly came to him, and the sharp blade of 'Xue' was already pressed against his neck.

Are you talking to me?

Cold eyes passed over the white mask, and through the small holes, you could roughly feel the fear contained in the eyes behind the mask.


With one swift stroke, the root member's head flew straight into the air, blood spurting out from his neck.

This is not as simple as making a wound on the neck, but directly wiping the head away.

Such a fast speed and such a simple killing method directly sounded the dangerous alarm bell in the hearts of the remaining twenty-five people.

I thought that Ye Zi, who had very little chakra left, would be a sick tiger, but I didn't expect that even a sick tiger was not something that a group of cats could deal with.

After killing this root member, Ye Zi quickly formed a seal and used the little remaining chakra to use the spiritual transformation technique.

Now he needs to replenish his chakra as soon as possible.

Seeing Ye Zi using the Spiritual Transformation Technique, the Root members suddenly dispersed, formed a formation quickly, and then launched attacks on Ye Zi from all directions.

Even without the use of Thunder Escape Possession, just using sword skills is enough to deal with these bastards.

Ye Zi and the spirit body were going in different directions, and when they saw the spirit coming, the root members hurriedly evaded, preventing Ye Zi from having a chance to seize chakra.

Ye Zi used his strong sword skills to kill a root member at close range in one encounter.

Such a gesture once again deepened the fear of the remaining root members, and it is not unreasonable for him to become a 'legend' in the root.

Use ninjutsu, use hidden weapons... Even if Ye Zi doesn't have thunder escape, relying on pure physical skills, his speed is not slow. He does not block hard, but uses speed to avoid ninjutsu and hidden weapons, and then finds opportunities to get closer. Kill the enemy.

It wasn't until the spiritual technique successfully captured the chakra of one Root member that a deep sense of crisis enveloped the remaining dozen or so Root members.

Even if you take precautions, you may not be able to escape.

At this time, Danzo came here with the remaining root members.

The number was...seventy-six.


I gave out red envelopes worth '200' worth of instant noodles, which lasted me half a year. However, it seemed that most of the people who received the red envelopes were trainees. I suddenly realized that most of the red envelopes might have been received by people who were not readers of this book, and I felt like I A bit silly

The purpose of giving out red envelopes is to give back, but as a result, it seems that its value has not been realized, and I feel empty.

It's the third update today, and my eyes hurt a little. If it's the third update, Zizhu won't have the nerve to ask for a monthly pass. Please wait until my fourth or fifth update, and then ask for a monthly pass.

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