Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 446: God of Heaven

Danzo watched with cold eyes. After removing the metal arm guard, he slowly loosened the bandage, revealing a pale and bloodless arm. On the arm, there were seven open three magatama sharingan eyes.

After taking off the bandage on his arm, he stretched out his left hand and gently moved the bandage on his right eye, revealing the three magatama Sharingan inside.

Bearing such a deformed arm is the pursuit of strength, and strength is a necessary condition to achieve a certain purpose.

Therefore, if he could gain the power to make his whole body so ugly, then Danzo would be able to accept it.

Your eyes will be mine... Danzo looked at Ye Zi, who was still not at a disadvantage despite being surrounded by melee teams, and placed his index and middle fingers on the brow of his right eye, I will put it here and become mine. a part of.

Although the seal was removed, Danzo did not immediately join the battle group because there was no place for him in the team that used the combined attack technique. If he rashly joined the battle, it would only affect the coordination of the team.

After three rounds of attacks by the melee team, Ye Zi took nearly seventy knives in less than a minute, and there was no sign of defeat at all. This made every member of the melee team unable to suppress their feelings. surprise.

This was the situation after Ye Zigong had just experienced a big battle.

Without thinking about those useless things, the melee team suppressed their surprise and concentrated on dealing with Ye Zi.

The illusion team has gradually figured out the opportunity and completed its position. All that is left to do is to match the opportunity.

The moment Ye Zi moved his gaze to capture the movement of the melee team, the illusion was activated and sent into Ye Zi's eyes. With such rounds of illusion bombing, they had reason to believe that Ye Zi would fall into the illusion.

What they were after was just for Ye Zi's movements to stop for a second, and then the outcome would be decided.

The first time. The illusion ninja responsible for the first time completed the seal. The illusion attack formed by chakra matched the perfect timing and was inadvertently caught by Ye Zi's eyes.

Huh? Ye Zi only felt a slight reaction in his right eye, which gave him the feeling that he had absorbed some energy formed by chakra. The feeling was not obvious, but there was indeed a reaction.

Is it an illusion...?

It can make the right eye react, which reminds Ye Zi of illusion.

Although he is not at a disadvantage when dealing with the melee team, it is not a situation where he can break the attack immediately. He still needs to resist the attack of the melee team for two to three rounds before he can memorize all the attack positions and sequences of the melee team.

As long as that moment comes, he can swing twenty-three swords in less than twenty seconds, killing each one with one sword.

But before the conditions were formed, the opponent's new round of attacks was a combination of illusions!

The reason why Ye Zi didn't pay attention to illusions in the past was because illusions had never had a good effect on him, which made him feel that illusions were weak.

The reason for the poor effect is that on the one hand, the resistance to autoimmune illusions is high, and on the other hand, he has the ability to make himself less susceptible to illusions.

He has performed so many missions and fought against many illusion ninjas. Most of the illusion ninja's methods cannot make him fall into illusions. However, some illusion masters use hidden methods to successfully let him fall under illusions, but they usually let him fall for the illusion for the second time. Destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, Ye Zi is very experienced in guarding against illusion techniques.

However, this time, he was hit by the illusion without any precautions. If there was no Royal God, in such a high-density siege, the body would be stagnant due to the illusion, which would be the situation of being cut into pieces by random knives.

When my eyes caught the trajectory of the long knife, did you take the opportunity to come in?

Ye Zi thought calmly, showing no signs of being hit by an illusion or detecting an illusion attack.

Now that you know the magic trick, you can take advantage of this with the help of the ability of the 'God of Heaven'.

The first illusion seems to have failed...

So the second genjutsu ninja in line sent the genjutsu into Ye Zi's eyes.

Suddenly, Ye Zi felt a slight reaction from his right eye again. This feeling was also felt when Shisui used illusions on him. It also made his eyes react, but this time the feeling was different.

The spiritual energy formed by the illusion attack was not resisted by the right eye, but more like it was absorbed.

Ye Zi had just opened his eyes not long ago, and his understanding of the effect of the 'Royal God' was only that it could resist illusions.

He originally despised genjutsu, but after seeing Shisui's genjutsu, especially the 'Beta God', he immediately became interested in genjutsu. Shisui alone had such a powerful genjutsu, so what about Uchiha Madara? To what extent will it reach?

This is the wonderful feeling after realizing the effect of ‘Royal God’.

Before knowing about Yu Tianshen, Ye Zi felt that illusions had no obvious use, so if he knew that Yu Tianshen's ability was only to resist illusions, he might dislike it as a useless kaleidoscope eye technique.

But the first time he realized the ability of 'Goten God', it was when he was hit by Uchiha Shisui's powerful 'Other God'. This made him immediately change his view on illusions, and he felt that 'Goten God' The ability is not bad.

This time, the ability of 'Yu Tianshen' helped him again, and he vaguely felt that the ability of 'Yu Tianshen' was not just to resist illusions. Under this, there was another ability that he needed to use in his free time. , need to think about it.

The third-ranked illusion, the fourth-ranked illusion... took turns to use the illusion on Ye Zi, and each one of them succeeded in making Ye Zi fall under the illusion.

The feeling of absorbing spiritual energy became more and more obvious. This was the reason why Ye Zi became more and more familiar with the use of the ability. It also made Ye Zi certain that his right eye was indeed absorbing illusion energy.

about there…

Ye Zi thought in his mind, and after blocking the knife coming from the right, his body suddenly froze.

This stagnant movement made the eyes of everyone present slightly light up, it’s done!

However, the illusion team did not stop the bombardment of illusions, and continued to use illusions against Ye Zi!

The connection between the melee teams stopped for an instant, and a sword-wielding ninja slashed a knife at Ye Zi's vitals. At the same time, the medical team threw the poisoned kunai at Ye Zi, and the ninjutsu team also used a more powerful weapon. Small, but the fastest Fengdun.

Sixty or seventy wind blades and poison-quenched kunai flew towards Ye Zi and the root member who seemed to have slashed at Ye Zi at the cost of his life.

The spirit body that had been almost unable to move due to the violent storm attack suddenly moved at this moment and penetrated directly into the body of the root member with the knife.

Being penetrated by the spirit body, the root member's body suddenly solidified, as if it was petrified, while the spirit body frantically absorbed chakra.

Weren't you caught in an illusion? And the illusion team never stopped. Many members of the Roots looked shocked.

The spirit body penetrated into the root member's body and absorbed chakra for less than half a breath before withdrawing because the poison-quenching kunai and wind blade had arrived.

Without the restraints of the melee team, Ye Zi easily left the place. Instead of looking for trouble from the illusion team, he directly found trouble from the melee team.

And the root member who wanted to ensure that he could kill Ye Zi at the cost of his life was cut into countless pieces of flesh by the wind blade, and then inserted into dense kunai. He was not killed by Ye Zi. Instead, he died tragically at the hands of his teammates.

There was no melee team to form a combined attack. Although each member's physical and sword skills were good, they were not good enough in front of Ye Zi. He rushed over and killed one of them with a single blow, and then moved on to the next target.

Facing Ye Zi's offensive, the melee team suppressed their doubts and tried to launch a joint attack against Ye Zi again. However, how could Ye Zi, who had suffered a loss once, be attacked again? With a long knife, the melee team The thoughts were chopped into pieces.

Although the encirclement failed, they still started fighting with Ye Zi.

During this period, the illusion team never stopped, but Ye Zi seemed to have no reaction to the illusion at all.

This is impossible!

The members who make up the illusion team are also carefully selected. They are all illusion masters. They cannot accept the facts presented to them at all.

It's also... unbelievable.

The number of people in the melee team was reduced rapidly. Danzo frowned slightly and directly ordered the ninjutsu team to use the most powerful and ranged ninjutsu against Ye Zi. He also ordered the medical ninja to continue throwing poison-quenching weapons.

In that case...the melee team will be wiped out.

While the melee team and Ye Zi were in a fight, Danzo's order was to include the melee team among the attack targets.

However, in response to Danzo's order, the root members could only say to themselves in their hearts and immediately executed the order.

Poison quenching and ninjutsu rushed to Ye Zi again...

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