Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 447: Murderous Intent (3rd update)

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Among the many ninjutsu, wind escape is the main one, followed by fire.

Wind and fire merged to form a huge flame, rushing towards Ye Zi and the melee team.

Not even sparing our own people.

Ye Zi snorted coldly and connected three magic seals.

Wood escapes and seals the palace.

Two semi-curved wooden walls quickly rose from the ground at the front and back, shrouding Ye Zi inside and closing them.

The raging flames roared past, swallowing up the semicircular wooden wall and everyone in the melee team in the blink of an eye, and then spread to the woods on both sides of the trail.

The poison-quenched kunai was submerged in the flames and disappeared instantly.

The hot wind blew towards his face, and Danzo stared coldly at the raging flames. He saw Ye Zi using the wood escape defense at the last moment, but he didn't know how effective it was.

The Root members watched in silence as the flames in front of them gradually weakened and then disappeared, leaving behind charred corpses on the ground and a black semicircular wooden wall.

At this moment, a spirit body came out from the semi-circular wooden wall and flew directly towards the nearest genjutsu ninja. The latter did not react and was directly drilled into the body by the spirit body. His body suddenly froze. His expression also became confused.

Danzo's eyes turned cold, and he shot a kunai at the subordinate who was invaded by the spirit body.

call out!

The kunai sliced ​​through the air and pierced the root member's heart, killing him instantly.

Ye Zi's spirit body, which had just absorbed a little bit of chakra, flew out of the corpse and stayed in the sky above the semicircular wooden wall.


The black semicircular wooden wall was directly smashed by Ye Zi, revealing himself from it.

He's really ruthless. He's worthy of being someone who can kill even his own niece mercilessly. Ye Zi looked at Danzo coldly and saw the Sharingan eyes on his arm and right eye. There were eight in total. What exactly were they? Its use is unclear.

Go. Without responding to Ye Zi, Danzo directly ordered the ninjutsu team, illusion team and even the medical team to attack Ye Zi together.

But he stood still and did not draw his sword. He just held a kunai in his hand.

When all the melee teams are killed and the illusion team's illusions have no effect on Ye Zi, the combined attack technique will have no meaning. The reason why everyone attacks Ye Zi together is just to consume Ye Zi's chakra and Just physical strength.

If the chakra is almost exhausted, physical strength will also be affected.

To put it simply, in the eyes of Danzo, the remaining root members at this time are just cannon fodder for consumption. He does not expect them to be able to deal with Ye Zi at all.

Ye Zi was covered in thunder, always paying attention to Danzo, while fighting with Gen's members.

Dodge hidden weapons and ninjutsu, try to avoid using ninjutsu, and instead simply kill the enemy with the thunder sword, and look for opportunities to use spiritual techniques to penetrate into the target's body to absorb chakra.

However... just when Ye Zi found the opportunity and the spirit body successfully penetrated into a root member, a kunai was directed at the target's heart, interrupting the spirit body's purpose of absorbing chakra.

In the subsequent battles, whenever Ye Zi's spirit body hit the enemy, it would be frequently destroyed by Danzo, and his approach was simply cruel, that is, directly letting his subordinates die.

The soul also contains chakra, and the principle of the spirit body absorbing chakra is to crush the target's soul, and then remove the unnecessary parts, leaving only the chakra to absorb.

When Ye Zi's spiritual body was about to absorb chakra, Danzo shot a kunai directly into the target's heart, instantly killing the target's life and causing his soul to go directly to the Pure Land, thus preventing Ye Zi from absorbing chakra.

He uses his subordinates to consume Ye Zi's chakra and physical strength. In order to achieve his goal, he can even kill his subordinates neatly. The method is extremely ruthless, and the effect is to make Ye Zi feel extremely uncomfortable.

After killing all the root members, Ye Zi's chakra was less than 10%.

He has successfully caused the spirit body to invade the target's body many times, but each time he only absorbed a small amount of chakra before being interrupted by Danzo, so that in the end, after killing all the root members, there was not much chakra left. .

If he wasn't good at swordsmanship and physical skills, he wouldn't need to rely so much on ninjutsu when killing enemies, otherwise Ye Zi might really be consumed to death.

Bloody corpses were scattered around the trail, and a large area behind Ye Zi was marked by flames.


Looking at Ye Zi who was slightly out of breath, Danzo smiled coldly. He was praising Ye Zi's tenacity, but the corpses on the ground seemed to be unable to arouse any emotion in him.

Ye Zi had no expression on his face, but he was weighing in his mind whether he could kill Danzo in his current state. He himself had wanted to kill Danzo a long time ago. In addition to this reason, Danzo had a total of eight sharingan eyes on his body. If you kill him, you can get the eight Sharingan.

The most important thing is that this opportunity is rare now, and killing Danzo will yield eight Sharingan eyes, so Ye Zi decided not to escape and decided to stay and kill Danzo.

For Danzo, Ye Zi's poor condition at this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He must seize this opportunity to deal with Ye Zi and get his eyes.

For Ye Zi, Danzo was not hiding in the root at this time, and all the subordinates around him were dead. He was the only one left, and he still had eight sharingan eyes. Ye Zi really didn't want to let this go. Chance.

The two looked at each other, and gradually felt the coldness on both sides' faces, as well as the awe-inspiring killing intent in their hearts.

At this moment, the two of them had only one thought in their minds, and that was to kill each other.


There was not much chakra, so Ye Zi withdrew his spirit body, and the thunder flow on his body increased slightly. At this time, there was no condition for testing, so he attacked Danzo head-on.

Danzo suddenly pulled out the thin knife in his cane, which was wrapped with light chakra. This was to guard against Ye Zi's thunder knife.

After a pause, he went straight towards Ye Zi, who was coming towards him, and the scarlet Sharingan in his right eye included Ye Zi's figure.

The two collided quickly, and then passed each other, making a harsh iron collision sound!

With his Sharingan, Danzo could clearly capture Ye Zi's movements at this moment. If Ye Zi was in his prime, even if Danzo had the Sharingan, he would not be able to capture Ye Zi's speed so easily.

After they missed each other, the two men immediately turned around and fought together again. The two knives were in the air and they had a brief wrestling match.

Both of them reflected each other's figure in their eyes, and they also saw the cold murderous intention coming from the other party.

His speed and strength have declined, and successive battles have made his condition extremely poor. Plus, Izanagi can win. After several confrontations, Danzo was determined.

The strength and speed can keep up, and coupled with Izanagi's life-saving skills, Ye Zi has no chance.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Danzo's mouth, and he forced Ye Zi back with both arms, and then quickly formed a seal.

Wind escape, vacuum jade!

A lot of air bullets were spit out from the air and flew towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi moved his body, easily avoiding the air bullets, and rushed towards Danzo with one foot.

He knew very well that if he wanted to kill Danzo, his chance of victory lay in...sword skills!

Approaching Danzo in the blink of an eye, the long sword turned into a sharp edge and slashed towards Danzo's left shoulder bone. The latter raised his sword to meet it and blocked the sword.

It's useless, I can see your sword clearly now. Danzo sneered, and with a movement of his arm, he accurately blocked Ye Zi's sword.

In this situation, Ye Zi would not waste his energy to talk nonsense. He held the sword in one hand and swung out a curtain of swords, shrouding Danzo in it. With the other hand, he touched his belt, and there were two shurikens between his fingers. .

His action was immediately seen by Danzo, who was parrying the sword screen.

Want to create an opportunity with the shuriken? Danzo thought to himself.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed, and he created a gap with a powerful sword technique. Then he moved his arm and threw the shuriken towards Danzo's eyes.

Little tricks.

Danzo's Sharingan saw clearly, and while resisting Ye Zi's sword, he easily dodged the two shurikens.

Although Ye Zi is in poor condition now, it is undeniable that his sword skills are really terrifying. This is the murderous sword skills that he has condensed after facing countless enemies. Only when he faces them can he feel the complete oppression coming from the sword. force.

Danzo has been immersed in swordsmanship for decades, and his basic skills are even more solid. He even has his own system for using swords, but he falls behind Ye Zi's sword skills. It can be seen from this that Ye Zi's sword skills This kind of sword skill that has been gradually perfected through killing enemies is probably only matched by White Fang.

It's no wonder that the twenty-three carefully selected subordinates who are proficient in sword skills are not only unable to take down Ye Zi, they can't even suppress him.

It's not that they are too weak, but that Ye Zi is too strong.

Although he doesn't have an advantage in sword fighting, Danzo is not in a hurry. He can slowly squeeze out the last bit of Ye Zi's strength.

The swords of both sides collided rapidly in the air, creating bursts of sparks.

Ye Zi's eyes were slightly cold, and his left arm moved quietly. The two shurikens that flew past Danzo suddenly changed their direction, and suddenly collided with each other. One of the shurikens was hit by this collision, spun around, and turned around. It flew towards Danzo's back.

Danzo's ears twitched slightly, and he was keenly aware of this fleeting slight sound as the two knives kept making clanging sounds.

It's the shuriken just now. Danzo's face was slightly cold. He couldn't turn around to check, but he knew that the two shurikens must have been moved by Ye Zi, just to move a certain distance to the right, because Ye Zi's Most of the attack is directed towards his left area.

Seeing Danzo's actions, Ye Zi's lips curled up slightly.

After all, Danzo was not a weakling. He resisted Ye Zi's attack and moved a certain distance to the right. At this time, the sound of the shurikens breaking through the air penetrated Danzo's ears.

Huh? Danzo was startled, and there was a sharp pain in his back, and his movements stopped for a moment.

Ye Zi seized this moment, and the long knife easily broke through Danzo's defense and pierced into his heart.


Danzo's eyes suddenly widened.

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