Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 448: Frustrated and Angry (4th update)

I really wanted to write a chapter with one eye, it would be much easier, but I was afraid of being scolded by you, so I just forgot about it, haha, so I laughed awkwardly!


Ye Zi did some tricks on the shuriken, and then forced Danzo to make the choice he expected under pressure, moving sideways to the right, exactly where the shuriken flew back.

When Danzo was hit by the shuriken and his movements stopped, he pierced Danzo's heart with the force of thunder to complete the kill.

It's fair to say it's tenacity.

This kind of fighting at a disadvantage is not just this time, it should be said that there have been many times.

That period was also the most difficult period for Ye Zi to get through.

Maintaining the posture of stabbing the knife into Danzo, Ye Zi's cold gaze caught Danzo's eyes. Then, he saw that Danzo seemed to be smiling, and couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He was certain that the Danzo in front of him was not a shadow clone or a substitute, but his true body. So, why was he still laughing when he was about to die?

Suddenly, the line between fantasy and reality disappears.

The next moment, Danzo suddenly disappeared in front of him. Ye Zi ignored the surprise and turned around without hesitation and raised the long sword.


The long sword that Danzo chopped off was held by Ye Zi.

The response is good. Danzo's expression was calm, but he was slightly startled deep in his eyes. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity after using Izanagi to attack Ye Zi, but he did not expect Ye Zi to react so quickly.

Before he used Izanagi, his heart was indeed pierced by Ye Zi, so normally, Ye Zi would have relaxed a bit because he killed himself.

In fact, Ye Zi did relax, but he had the ability to sense.

When illusion and reality were exchanged for an instant, that is, when Danzo disappeared in front of his eyes, he immediately felt Danzo's aura appearing behind him.

It was clearly pierced through the heart, and it was not a shadow clone, so how could it suddenly disappear and appear behind it?

Because there was no reaction in his right eye, Ye Zi knew that he was not under the illusion, so what was going on?

Izanagi, this is the pupil technique of the Uchiha clan. It only takes a very short time to transform the user's injury and unfavorable factors including death into a dream, at the cost of losing the light in one eye.

Danzo used this pupil technique to turn the phenomenon of his own death into a dream and into nothingness.

Since Uchiha Madara didn't tell Ye Zi about Izanagi, he didn't know about this move.

After suppressing his confusion, Ye Zi's long sword once again covered Danzo. As long as he was close, he could suppress Danzo with his sword skills.

Danzo was defeated by sword skills for the first time. Just because he used Izanagi, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a sneak attack. In the end, he failed to steal the chicken but lost the rice. After getting close, he was suppressed by Ye Zi with sword skills.

It’s really frustrating to think about it. I have been immersed in knife skills for decades, but I can’t compare to someone who has been using knives for more than ten years. Should I say it is a matter of talent or hard work?

Danzo, who was bitten by Ye Zi, soon showed his flaw, and was immediately stabbed through the heart by Ye Zi again.

Izanagi activated it again, and the Sharingan on Danzo's arm closed for the second time. He was successively killed by Ye Zi with his sword skills. Danzo felt really aggrieved. This time, he did not approach hastily, but stayed away. After getting behind Ye Zi for a while, he used Wind Escape and created a series of waves of vacuum!

Danzo, whose heart was pierced by a knife, disappeared again. Immediately afterwards, Chakra fluctuations came from behind Ye Zi, and seven or eight straight wind blades quickly hit his back.

He didn't have time to be surprised and dodged to the right, but still couldn't completely dodge. A scratch was scratched on the side of his lower back, but fortunately it was not serious.

Seeing that Ye Zi was so keen to dodge most of the wind blades, Danzo's eyes became serious. Originally, with Izanagi's gap, using a knife was the most effective way to kill the enemy. However, using ninjutsu would inevitably cause noise and cause investigation. The enemy was alerted by the fluctuation of carats.

However, no matter whether he used the sword close up or used wind escape from a distance, Ye Zi could not be eliminated immediately.

You must know that Ye Zi is in poor condition now, and the strength he can exert is limited, but he can't beat him?

What a joke!

As a master at the same time as Sarutobi, Danzo also has his own pride.

Ye Zi turned around and looked at Danzo with a frown. Since it's not an illusion, what kind of trick is this?

Then, he saw two Sharingan eyes on Danzo's arm closed, and his eyes moved slightly. Although he didn't know what trick Danzo used, he vaguely must have something to do with the Sharingan.

Two Sharingans correspond to two deaths?

In other words, one Sharingan can avoid death? If this is the case, then Danzo still has six sharingan eyes.

If you want to confirm this guess, you can only kill Danzo again and see if the Sharingan will close the third one.

At this time, Danzo moved his left hand, held four shurikens, and threw them towards Ye Zi.

The high-speed rotating shuriken turned into a beautiful arc and flew towards Ye Zi, who raised his sword and easily knocked down the shuriken.

Wind Escape, Vacuum Jade!

There were a dozen air bullets with a larger area than the vacuum, flying towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi did not retreat but moved forward, facing the incoming air bullets. He moved left and right, then made a small jump to avoid all the vacuum jade, and then headed straight towards Danzo.

Danzo frowned and threw several more Wind Releases, but they were all dodged by Ye Zi, and the distance between them was shortened.

Even the fastest Wind Release can dodge with ease. If he hadn't watched it from beginning to end, Danzo would have thought that Ye Zi was actually in good condition now.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Danzo looked coldly and created a shadow clone.

The shadow clone took the initiative to face Ye Zi, and the main body followed closely behind.

Ye Zi touched his belt with his left hand, clamped two more shurikens, and wrapped them with some thunder currents. He did not throw them away immediately, but after closing the distance with Danzang's shadow clone, he then put the shuriken in his hand. The sword was thrown.

Danzo's shadow clone used his sword to hit the shuriken away. Since the shuriken flew towards his eyes, he would lose his sight for a moment when he blocked it with his sword.

Ye Zi took advantage of this moment when his sight was lost, and his speed exploded slightly. He rushed in front of Danzo's shadow clone, chopped it off with a knife, and then immediately faced Danzo's body.

After seeing Ye Zi kill the Shadow Clone with a shuriken and an instant burst of speed, Danzo's expression changed slightly, and he and Ye Zi were once again involved in a close-quarters blade fight.

There is no doubt that Danzo was once again suppressed by Ye Zi's sword skills. He raised his sword to resist every slash from Ye Zi.

I originally wanted to use the shadow clone to create an advantage for myself, but I didn't expect that the shadow clone would be instantly dropped, thus putting myself in an embarrassing situation again.

Ninjutsu cannot hurt Ye Zi, and sword skills are suppressed. Can this battle still be fought?

Danzo was gradually put at a disadvantage by the long sword wielded by Ye Zi. He was feeling aggrieved, but more importantly, he was filled with unspeakable anger.

How could he have ever thought that one day he would be forced into this situation by Ye Zi, whom he used as a tool? It was like the feeling of a high-altitude god who was suddenly pulled down from his throne by humans one day. There was an indescribable anger that filled his entire chest.

Danzo's face became more and more ugly, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense.

In this case, before using Izanagi, I will trade my life for injury!

With Danzo's thoughts in mind, he deliberately exposed his flaws to attract Ye Zi to attack.

Ye Zi did seize this opportunity and struck directly at Huanglong, but Danzo was well prepared and just moved his body a little, trying to avoid the vital points.


The long knife stabbed into the center of Danzo's chest.

Danzo endured the severe pain, his heart was ruthless, and the knife in his hand stabbed Ye Zi almost at the same time.

However...after Ye Zi stabbed Danzo, he decisively pushed him away.

This move directly frustrated Danzo's plan to trade his life for injury.


Danzo stabbed the air like a clown.

At the cost of one life, just like when practicing swordsmanship, he stabbed into the air, that's all.

Ye Zi distanced himself and looked at Danzo coldly. He had a vague guess. Naturally, he would not relax just because the knife stabbed Danzo. His first reaction was to distance himself, and because of this, he wanted Danzo to The stab hit the target perfectly.

how so?

Danzo looked at Ye Zi in front of him with a look of confusion on his face.

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